The Vedic Wedding Ceremony !! Part III !

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
courtesy: (Oppiliappan Koil Sri Varadachari Sadagopan Swami)

Step 3: Vara prekshaṇam

In this ritual, the bridegroom and the bride look at each other formally for the first time. The bridegroom worries about any dośha (defects) that the bride might have and prays to the Lord Varuna,  Lord Brihaspati, Lord Indra and Lord Surya to remove every defect and to make her fit for harmonious and long marriage life blessed with progeny and happiness (mantra: Rg 10.85.44). The bride groom recites the mantra and wipes the eyebrows of the bride with  darbha grass, as if he is chasing away all defects. The darbha grass is thrown behind the bride at the conclusion of this ceremony.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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