Sri Mukundamala composed by Sri Kulashekara Alwar !! Lyrics & Meanings 21 - 30

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Lord Gopalaka who is the caretaker of cows, Oh! Lord Krupajalanidhey, who is the ocean of mercy, Oh! Lord Sindhukanyapathey, consort of Goddess Sri Mahalakshi who is the daughter of King of ocean, Oh! Lord Kamsanthaka, vanquisher of King Kamsa, Oh! Lord Gajendra Karunapareena, who is the savior of the elephant Gajendra,  Oh! Lord Madhava, Oh! Lord Ramanuja, younger brother of Lord Rama, Oh! Lord Jagathryaguru, who is the Preceptor of Universe, Oh! Lord Pundarikaksha, who has beautiful lotus eyes, Oh! Lord Gopijananatha, who is the protector of Gopis, I know no one other than you and I earnestly pray to protect me.
Oh! Supreme Lord Krishna, who has the celestial vehicle Garuda, King of birds in order to protect your devotees of three worlds, you are the most precious jewel and savior of your passionate devotees, the jewel which attracts the Gopis with his enthralling gestures, who has the eyes of Chathaka birds.  He is the most striking jewel adorned on the raised bosom of Goddess Sri Rukmini.  I earnestly pray to the most precious crown jewel of all the deities and the best of cowherds to grant supreme bliss.
Oh! Tongue, sing praising the glories of Lord Krishna and his glorious names relentlessly, which is venerated by the Vedas and Upanishads is capable to defeat your enemies, , provides liberation from the repeated cycles of birth and death, drive away the illusion and ignorance, provides countless opulence, alleviate miseries and grief.  This is the hymn which is capable to provide Janma Saphalya/eternal bliss. 
Oh! Mind, drink the divine nectar like medicine of devotion to Lord Krishna, It’s the ideal medicine to cure the perplexity of the aspiring sages who constantly engaged in meditation, It is the perfect cure from the torments of demons and restoring peace in the lives of passionate devotees of Lord Narayana in the three worlds.  It is the ultimate medicine to eradicate my fears and attain all the devoutness.

Victories of Lord Narayana, without devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Narayana recitation of Veda and scriptures would be crying in the wilderness, regular observance of austerities without devotion would be futile and remains a process of loosing body weight.   Without the devotion at the lotus feet of Supreme Lord, performance of oblations becomes pouring water into ashes and bathing in the holy pond would be equivalent to the bathing of an elephant.
The most sinful avail the devoutness, if he has ever pronounced the holy names of Lord Narayana, therefore if we never use the power of speech for the above divine deed will definitely has to undergo the miseries of a fetus living in mother’s womb.
Oh! Lord Madhu Kaidabha, slayer of the demons Madhu & Kaidaba, Oh! Lokanatha, Lord of the Universe, I sincerely pray to you to provide me the fruit of my life and bless me to remember you constantly and remain the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of your lotus feet.
Oh! Lord Purushothama, who is the ruler of three worlds, easily attainable for the ardent devotees through devotion and dedication at His lotus feet, it would be the foolish act to refuse to worship Him and approach other deities for meager rewards.
Oh! Cupid, abandon my heart which is already filled with the thoughts of lotus feet of Lord Mukunda.  You have been already a victim of Lord Shiva’s fury; remember the fierce weapon disc of Lord Murari.
Oh! Tongue, I earnestly request you by folding my palms together to recite the nectar like holy names of supreme Lord Narayana, which are the absolute truth and provides supreme bliss.
Hey Gopalaka, Hey Krupa Jalanidhey, Hey Sindhu Kanyapathey
Hey Kamsanthaka, Hey Gajendra Karunapareena, Hey Madhava |
Hey Ramanuja, Hey Jagathrayaguror Hey Pundarikaksha Mam
Hey Gopijananatha  Palaya Param Janami  Na Thvam Vina ||
Bhakthapaya Bhujanga Garudamani: Thrailokhya Rakshamani:
Gopijana Lochana Chathakam Budhamani: Soundharya Mudramani: ||
Ya: Kantha Manirugmini Ganakucha Dhvandhaika Bhushamani:
Shreyo Deva Shikhamanir Dhishathu No Gopala Choodamani: ||
Shathru Cchedhaika Manthram Sakala Upanishadhvakya Sampujya Manthram
Samsaroththara Manthram Samupachitha Thamasangha Niryanamanthram ||
Sarvaishwaryaika Manthram Vyasana Bhujaga Sandhashta Sandhrana Manthram
Jihvey  Srikrishna Manthram Japa Japa Sathatham Janma Saphalya Manthram ||
Vyamoha Prashamoushadham Munimano  Vruththi Pravruthoushadham
Dhaithyendrarthi Karoushadham  Thrijagatham Sanjeevanaikoushadham ||
Bhakthyathyantha Hithoushadham Bhava Baya Pradhoumsanaikoushadham
Shreya: Prapthikaroushadham Pibamana Sri Krishna Divyaoushadham ||
Amnayabhyasananyaranya Rudhitham Veda Vrathanyambakam
Medhascchedha Phalani Poorthavidhaya: Sarvey Hutham Bhasmani ||
Theerthanam Avagahanani Cha Gajasnanam Vina Yathpadha –
Dhvandhamboruha Samsmruthi: Vijayathey Devasya Narayana: ||
Sriman Nama Prochya Narayanakhyam
Key Na Prapur Vanchitham Papinopi |
Ha Na:  Poorvam Vakpravruththa Na Thasmin
Thena Praptham Garbha Vasadhi Dukhkham ||
Majjanmana:  Phalamidham Madhukaidabarey
Math Prarthaneeya Madhanugraha  Yesha Yeva |
Thvadh Bhruthya Bhruthya Paricharaka Bhruthya Bhruthya
Bhruthasya Bhruthya Ithi Mam Smara Lokanatha ||
Nathey Na: Purushothamey Thrijagatham Yekadhipey Chethasa
Sevasya Swasya Padhasya Dhathari  Surey Narayaney Thishtathi |
Yam Kanchith Purushadhamam Kathipaya Gramesa  Malparthadham
Sevayai  Mrugayamahey Naramaho Mooka Varaka Vayam ||
Madhana Parihara Sthithim Madheeye
Manasi Mukunda Padharavindha  Dhamni |
Hara Nayana  Krishanuna  Krishosi
Samarasi Na Chakra Parakramam Murarey : ||
Thathvam Bhruvanani Param Parasmath
Madhu Ksharantheeva Satham Phalani |
Pravarthaya Pranjalirasmi Jihvey
Namani Narayana Gocharani ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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