Sri Mukundamala composed by Sri Kulashekara Alwar !! Lyrics & Meanings 31 - 40

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Oh! Mortals, your body undergoes continuous changes, eventually reaches at a stage of irreparable damage includes various joints get stiffened.  Oh! Fools, is there any medicine? There is no medication available other than the consumption of Krishna Rasayana/ devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Vishnu whose gorgeous wife is the daughter of King of Ocean and his son is Lord Brahma.  The deities who eulogize Vedas are your associates, liberation & delusion prevailed in this Universe are your pleasure.  Oh! Supreme Lord Krishna, I know you as the son of Sri Devaki and a close associate of Arjuna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Krishna, who is the preceptor of the Universe, I earnestly pray to protect us.  Oh! Lord Krishna, vanquisher of my enemies, I bow down at your lotus feet relentlessly.  Oh! Lord Krishna who is the creator of the Universe and ultimately immerse in him, I would like to remain your sincere servant.  Oh! Supreme Lord Krishna I earnestly pray to protect me.
Oh! Supreme Lord Vishnu, you are the provider of boons easily to your devotees, you are the most compassionate, oh! Lord Purushothama, who is the epitome of virtues, I earnestly pray to show mercy on powerless me and protect from the whirlpool of material life.
Oh! Mortals, prostrate before the lotus feet of the supreme Lord Narayana, venerate the supreme Lord Narayana, recite the holy names of Lord Narayana, and persistently remember the flawless truth of Lord Narayana.
Oh! Lord Srinatha, consort of Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, Oh! Lord Narayana, who dwells in the milky ocean, Oh! Lord Vasudeva, son of Sri Vasudeva, Oh! Lord Krishna, who has the complexion of cloud, Oh! Lord Bhakthapriya, who is passionate to his devotees, Oh! Lord Chakrapani, who carries the fierce weapon disc, Oh! Lord Sripadmanabha, who has the lotus emerged out from navel, Oh! Lord Achyutha, who is infallible, Oh! Lord Kaitaba, slayer of demon Kaitaba, Oh! Lord Rama, who is the consort of Rama, Oh! Lord Padmaksha, who has the eyes of lotus, Oh! Lord Hare, consort of Radha, Oh! Lord Murari, slayer of demon Murari.
Oh! Lord Anantha, who has no end, Oh! Vaikundha, who resides in Sri Vaikundham, Oh! Lord Mukunda, Oh! Lord Krishna, Oh! Lord Govinda, who pleases cows and provider of complete control over sense, Oh! Lord Damodhara, whose stomach was tied by the rope, Oh! Lord Madhava, who is the personification of supreme knowledge, although you are easily reachable with various holy names, but many remains silent without uttering the same and eventually drowning into endless grief and miseries.
Oh! Mortals meditate upon the infallible supreme Lord Vishnu; permanently place Him on the middle of the lotus like heart.  Surrender to the supreme Lord Vishnu, who is the provider of protection and attain all the opulence and supreme bliss.
Oh! Lord Madhava, slayer of demon Madhu, Oh! Lord Kshirasagara, who resides in the milky ocean/Ksheerasagara of vast waves along with Goddess Sri, who is reclining on the giant serpent Anantha, my humble obeisance to you!
These glorious verses was composed by King Kulazhekara, who is passionate to Vedic Brahmin, scholars and poets, also a zealous honey bee at the lotus feet of lotus eyed supreme Lord Ambujaksha.
Synopsis: Whoever reads or recites the glorious verses of Sri Mukundamala composed by King Kulazhekara would be blessed with all the virtues, supreme bliss, opulence and devoutness.   Moreover, the piety includes eradication of all the sins committed and ultimately attains liberation at the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.
Idham Shareeram Parinama Peshalam
Pathathya Vashyam Shladha Sandhi Jarjaram ||
Kimoushadhai: Klishyasi  Mooda Dhurmathey
Niramayam Krishna Rasayanam Piba ||
Dhara Vara Kara Varasutha They Thanujo Virinji:
Sthotha  Vedasthava Suragano Bhruthyavarga:  Prasadha: |
Mukthirmaya Jagadhavikalam Thavaki Devaki They
Mathra Mithram Valaripusutha Sthvaiyyathonyanna Janey ||
Krishno Rakshathu No Jagathraya Guro: Krishnam Namasyamaham
Krishney Namarashathravo Vinihatha: Krishnaya Thubhyam Nama: |
Krishna Deva Samudhitham Jagadhidham Krishnasya Dasosmyaham
Krishney Thishtathi Sarvamedhathakhilam Hey Krishna Rakshasva Mam ||
Thathvam Praseedha Kuru Mayyanathey
Vishno Kripam Paramakarunika: Kila Thvam |
SamsaraSagara  Nimagnamanatha Dheenam
Uddharthumarhasi Hare Purushothamosi ||
Namami Narayana Padha Pankajam
Karomi Narayana Poojanam Sadha |
Vadhami Narayana Nama Nirmalam
Smarami Narayana Thathvamavyayam ||
Srinatha Narayana Vasudeva
Srikrishna Bhakthapriya Chakrapaney |
Sri Padmanabha Achyutha Kaidabarey
Sri Rama Padhmaksha  Hare Murare ||
Anantha Vaikundha Mukunda Krishna
Govinda Dhamodhara  Madhavethi |
Vakthum Samarthopi Na Vakthi Kaschith
Aho Jananam Vyasanabhi Mukhyam ||
Dhyanthi Ye Vishnu Ananthamavyam
Hruth Padma Madhye Sathatham Vyavasthitham |
Samahithanam  Sathatha Bhaya Pradham
They Yanthi  Siddhim Paramascha Vaishnavim ||
Ksheera Sagara Tharanga  Sheekara-
Sara Tharakitha Charumoorthaye |
Bhogi Bhoga Shayaneeya Shayine
Madhavaya Madhuvidhvishey Nama: ||
Yasya Priyou Shruthidharou Kaviloka Veerou
Mithrey Dhijanma Vara  Padma Sharavabhutham |
Thenambujaksha Charanambuja Kshadpadhena
Rajjya  Krutha Krithiriyam Kulashekarena ||
|| Ithi Sri Mukundamala Sampoornam ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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