Sri Mukundamala composed by Sri Kulashekara Alwar !! Lyrics & Meanings 11 - 20

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Lord Vishnu, You are the only savior of the people in the vast ocean of Samsara, who repeatedly going through the miseries and agonies of birth & death and the winds blown of material bondages & material life.  Oh! Supreme Lord, you are the protector while they struggle in the peril of water current of sense gratification with no ferry to help them and an intense desire to help their Sutha/sons, Duhithri/daughters,  and Kalathra/wives.
Oh! Mind; don’t get alarmed about the fear of how to cross the mighty ocean of worldly bondages.  There is only one way to save yourself with firm devotion, surrender to the lotus eyed Lord Narayana, slayer of Narakasura, He will carry you and protect you to cross the fathomless ocean of worldly bondages.
Oh! Supreme Lord Krishna, I am drowning in the vast ocean of worldly bondages with the mighty waves of illusion and winds of lust, hauling in the the whirlpool of bondages like wives, children and brother as its wild sea creatures.  Oh! Provider of benedictions, show mercy on me and provide a place in your boat of firm devotion at your lotus feet.
In the presence of Supreme Lord Narayana, Universe becomes a speck of dust, waters in the oceans becomes droplets, fire becomes a spark, wind turns out a faint sigh and the expanse of space becomes a tiny hole.  Lord Rudra, Lord Brahma and all the deities becomes a symbol of you.  A small particle of dust from the lotus feet of supreme Lord is enough to conquer the world.
Oh!  People, listen to me carefully about the cure of liberation from the repeated cycles of birth and death, which was highly recommended by the Sages, Yogis and Rishis who had attained eternal wisdom like Yajyavalka.  It is the Supreme Lord Krishna and staunch devotion to Him is the blissful medicine for the liberation from the cycles of birth and death.  Just taste it!
Oh! Mortals, listen to my words carefully, you are drowning into the vast ocean of worldly bondages which has nothing to offer other than grief and misfortune.  I will briefly advice you the ways to attain the supreme bliss, put aside your various efforts to gain knowledge, surrender yourself to Supreme Lord and constantly engage in chanting the glories of Lord ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’.
The supreme Lord Narayana, who rules the three worlds, He is the provider of salvation to His passionate devotees, how can we so thoughtless by putting our efforts in search of various deities who cannot provide the eternal bliss.
Oh! Supreme Lord Narayana, I earnestly pray to protect our lives, I prostrate before you, and my prayers are quivering with grief, my eyes are overflowing with tears.  Everyday worship of your lotus feet provides me the elixir of nectar of Dhyanamrutha, Oh! Sarasiruhaksha, protect our lives.
Whoever worships Lord Madhava with firm devotion and head bows down constantly at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna would carries the dust from the lotus feet, the eyes which envisioned Lord Hari would abandons the darkness, unadulterated intelligence shines like moon or conch, tongue which constantly engages in the praising the glories of Lord Narayana would shower the elixir of nectar.
Oh! Tongue, sing and praise the glories of Lord Keshava, Lord Murari who is the slayer of the demon Mura, Lord Sridhara, who is cherished by Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi. Oh! Hands, relentlessly serve the lotus feet of Lord Srihari, Oh! Ears, listen to the glorious legends of Lord Achyutha, Oh! Eyes gaze upon the splendor of Lord Krishna, Oh! Legs, visit the holiest lands of Lord Hari, Oh! Head, bow down at the lotus feet of Lord Adhokshaja and Oh! Nose, smell the fragrances of Tulsi at the lotus feet of Lord Mukunda.
Bhavajaladhigathanam Dhvandhvatha Hathanam
Suthaduhithru Kalathra Thrana Bharardhithanam |
Vishama Vishayathoye  Majjathamaplavanam
Bhavathu Sharanameko Vishnupotho Naranam ||
Bhavajaladhim Agadham Dustharam  Nisthareyam
Katha Mahamithi Chetho Masmaga: Katharathvam |
Sarasijadhrushi Dhevey Thavaki  Bhakthireka
Narakabhidhi Nishanna Tharayishyathya Vashyam ||
Thrishna Thoye Madhana Pavanodhootha Mohormimaley
Dharavarthey Thanayasahaja Graha Sanghakuley Cha |
Samsarakhye Mahathi  Jaladhou Majjatham Nasthridhaman
Padhambojey Varadha Bhavatho Bhakthinavam Prayaccha ||
Mahraksham Ksheenapunyan Kshanamapi Bhavatho Bhakthiheenan Padhabjey
Mashrousham Shravyabandham Thava Charithamapasyanya Dhakhyanajatham |
Masmarsham  Madhavathvam Api Bhuvanapathey Chethasapahnuvanan
Mabhoovam Thvassaparya Vyathikara Rahitho Janma Janmantharepi ||
Jivhey Keerthaya Keshavam Muraripum Chetho Bhaja Sridharam
Panidhvandha Samarchayachyutha Katha: Shrothradhvaya Thvam Shrunu |
Krishnam Lokaya Lochanadhvaya Harer Gacchangri Yugmalayam
Jigra  Grana Mukunda  Padha Tulasim Moordhan Namadhokshajam ||
Hey Loka Shrunutha Prasoothi Marana Vyadhechikitsamimam
Yoga Jyasamudhaharanthi Munayo Yam Yajjyavalkyadhaya: |
Antharjyothirameya Ekamamrutham Krishnakhyamapeeyatham
Thath Peetham Paramoushadham Vithanuthey Nirvanamathyanthikam ||

Hey Marthya : Paramam Hitham Shrunutha Vo Vakshyami Samkshepatha:
Samsararnnava Mapadhoormi Bahulam Samyak Pravishyasthitha: |
Nana Gnanamapasya Chethasi Namo Narayanayethyamum
Manthram Sapranavam Pranama Sahitham Pravarthayadhvam Muhu : ||
Prithvi Renuranu: Payamsi Kanika: Phalguspulingonala:
Thejo Nishvaswanam Maruthanutharanm Randhram Susukshmam Nabha: |
Kshudhra Rudra Pithamaha Prabhruthaya: Keeda Samasthasura:
Dhrushtey Yathra Sa Thavako Vijayathey Bhoomavadhoothavadhi: ||
Baddheynanjalina Nathena Shirasa Gathrai Saromodhgamai:
Kandena Swaragadhgadhena Nayaney Nodhgeernna Bashpampuna |
Nithyam Thvaccharanaravindha Yugala Dhyanamrutha Swadhinam
Asmakam Sarasiruhaksha Sathatham Sampadhyatham Jeevitham ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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