Sri Mukundamala composed by Sri Kulashekara Alwar !! Lyrics & Meanings 1 -10

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
My salutations to Sri Ramanujacharya & Sri Nigamanthamaha Desika, I prostrate before King Kulashekara.
Oh! Lord Mukunda, I earnestly pray to show mercy on me to recite your holy names such as Sri Vallabha/who is cherished by Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, Varada/bestower of benedictions, Dayapara/merciful, Bhaktha Priya/ who is very dear to His devotees, Bhavalundana Kovida/provider of salvation from the repeated cycles of birth & death, Natha/Supreme Lord, Jagannivasa/resort of cosmos and Nagashayana/who is reclining on the serpent Adishesha.
Victories to the Supreme Lord, who is the son of Sri Devaki ! Victories to Lord Krishna, who is the radiant light of Vrishni dynasty! Victories to the Supreme Lord who has the enthralling skin tone of cloud! Victories to Lord Mukunda, who is the remover of burden of Prithvi/Earth!
Oh! Lord Mukunda, I am bowing down my head and earnestly pray to you to constantly shower mercy on me and fulfill my only desire that in my future births I should always remember and never forget your lotus feet.
Oh! Supreme Lord Hari, I earnestly pray for no reasons to protect me from the material world or tortures from Kumbhipaka hell or gratify my senses in the pleasure derived out of the association of soft-toned young maidens resides in the gardens of heaven.  I venerate your lotus feet so that I could immerse in your thoughts with in the bottom of my heart birth after birth.
Oh! Supreme Lord Hari, I earnestly pray for stanch devotion at your lotus feet birth after birth and perform selfless service at your lotus feet.   I have no righteousness, or desire for accumulation of wealth or desire for gratifying senses, let all those occur to me in accordance to my past deeds.
Oh! Lord Hari, slayer of the demon Narakasura, let me reside in any of the abode of deities, or Earth or hell as you desired, I would earnestly pray to show mercy on me to remember your lotus feet which has the resemblance of lotus flower of Sarat season, at the time of my death.
Oh! Lord Hari, I should constantly immerse in your thoughts and your enthralling lotus face bears gentle smile always.  Oh! Lord Hari, son of cowherd Nandagopa who is the Supreme Lord worshipped by Maharishi Narada and Rishis and Sages.
Oh! Supreme Lord Hari, I have completely exhausted due to the material life,   I will keep myself away from all those troubles by diving in to the Hari Saras, freely drinking the water of His splendor.  The lotuses in the lake of Harisaras are his hands and feet and fish are His dazzling eyes.  The water from the lake and the waves created by his arms would gush into the depth and satiate my fatigue.
Oh! Mind; never put an end to the extreme bliss derived from the thoughts of Supreme Lord, who is the slayer of the demon Murari, who has beautiful lotus eyes and carries conch and disc in his hand.  I know of nothing that would provide immense bliss other than the memories of lotus feet of supreme Lord.
Oh! Foolish mind, stop worrying about the hellish tortures in the abode of Lord Yama,   none of your enemies or the sins accumulated would do harm to you when you have the Master, the supreme Lord Sridhara, consort of Srimahalakshmi  to protect you.   Get rid of all your fears and immerse in the thoughts of Lord Narayana who is easily attainable through devotional service and He will dispel the worries and grief of his devotees.
Sri :
Srimathey Ramanujaya Nama:
Srimathey Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Nama:
Ghushyathey  Yasya Nagarey  Rangayathra Dhiney Dhiney
Thamaham Shirasa Vandhey  Rajanam Kulashekaram ||
Srivallabhethi Varadhethi Dhayaparethi
Bhakthapriyethi Bhava Lundana Kovidhethi |
Nathethi  Nagashayanethi Jagannivasethi
Alapanam Prathipadham Kuru Mey Mukunda ||
Jayathu Jayathu Devo  Devaki Nandhanoyam
Jayathu Jayathu Krishno Vrishni Vamsha Pradheepa: |
Jayathu Jayathu Megha Shyamala: Komalango
Jayathu Jayathu Prithvi Bharanasa: Mukunda: ||
Mukunda Murdhna Pranipathya Yachey
Bhavanthamekantha Miyanthamartham |
Avismrithi Thvaccharanaravindhey
Bhavey Bhavey Mesthu Bhavath Prasadhath ||
Naham Vandhey Thava Charanayor Dhwandhamadhvandha Heytho:
Kumbhipakam Gurumapi Harey Narakam Napanothum |
Ramya Rama Mrudhuthanulatha Nandaney Napi Ranthum
Bhavey Bhavey Hrudaya Bhavaney Bhavayeyam  Bhavantham ||
Nastha Dharmey  Na Vasunichaye  Naiva Kamopabhogey
Yadhyath Bhavyam Bhavathu Bhagavan Poorva Karmanuroopam |
Yethath Prarthyam Mama Bhahumatham Janma Janmantharepi
Thavath Padhamboruha Yugagatha  Nischala Bhakthirasthu ||
Dhivi Va Bhuvi Va Mamasthu Vaso
Narakey Va Narakanthaka Prakamam
Avadheeritha  Sharaharavindhou
Charanou They Maranepi Chinthayami ||
Krishna Thwadheeya Padha Pankaja  Panjarantham
Adhaivamey Vishathu Manasa Rajahamsa: |
Prana Prayana Samaye Kapha Vatha Piththai:
Kandavarodhanavidhou Smaranam Kuthasthey ||
Chinthayami Harimeva Santhatham
Mandha Mandha Hasithananambujam |
Nanda Gopa Thanayam Parathparam
Naradadhi Muni Brundha Vandhitham ||
Kara Charana Sarojey Kanthimanneythrameeney
Shramamushi Bhujaveechi Vyakuley Agadhamargey
Hari Sarasi Vigahyapeeya Thejo Jalougham
Bhavamaru Parikhinna: Khedhamadhya Thyajami ||
Sarisija Nayaney Sa Shangha Chakrey
Murabhidhi Ma Viramaswa Chiththa Ranthum |
Sugatharamaparam Na Jathu Janey
Hari Charana Smarana Amruthena Thulyam ||
 Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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