Gita Jayanthi Celebration....!! Eighteenth Chapter !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Om Namo Bagavathey Vasudevaya !!

In Eighteenth Chapter - Moksha Sanyasa Yoga: - The conclusion of the nectar speech of Lord Krishna to Arjuna at the Dharmakshetram - Kurushetram.  Lord Krishna encourages Arjuna to do his responsibilities through all the life giving lessons.  At the end, Arjuna's blind beliefs and grief vanishes and he fought against the Kauravas.  The prime lesson of performance of one's responsibility without ego, attachment, selfish motive and without expecting fruit of action leads to liberation.

Arjuna expresses his desire to know about the true renounciation to Lord Krishna.    Withdrawing from the responsibilities due to fear and pain is Rajassik,  abandoning the same is known as Tamassik.  Performance of responsibilities without attachment and fruit of action is Swatik nature.    The outcome of the cosmic natures of Tamasik, Rajasik and Swathik follows after death.  The five causes Body, Mind, Panchadriyas, Karmedriyas,  and the Soul (Paramatma) are responsibile for every action.  The virtuous deeds, without selfish motive, unlimited desires, attachment and fruit of action are known as 'Sacrifices'.  The true essence of renounciation is neither hate the unpleasant nor enjoy the pleasures.  Rajassik are incapable to distinguish and understand the difference of Dharma and Adharma.  Tamassik assert Adharmas as Dharma from utter ignorance.  Swatik who follows only Dharma  with the purity of mind and lead a righteous life.  Rajassik long for the fulfillment of desires, yearn for material achievement, pleasures and attachments.  Tamasik are not willing to change their attitudes towards food, sleep, fear, grief, despair and laziness.  With the purity of Mind and Self-realisation, one can come out of these worldly bondages and achieve the highest merit of liberation. 

The  Varnas - such as Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra and their responsibilities are distributed among them.   Truthfulness, Serenity, Honesty, Forgiveness, Kindness, Performing Sacrifices, Receiving alms, acquiring knowledge for self-improvement, sharing the same and Austerity should be followed by a Brahmin.  The duties of Kshatriyas are Courageousness, Truthfullness, Honesty, Kindness,  Generosity, Protecting sacrifices and giving alms, Fighting for the country, Protecting the Country from its enemies and ensuring the welfare of the people in the Kingdom.  The Vaishyas should follow the agriculture and animal husbandry  related activities to ensure the flow of foodgrains.  The Shudras should be ever willing to serve the above Varnas with full heart.  One who performs his duties and responsibilities according to his/her Varnam gets purified and attains the Abode of Lord Vishnu.  The purity of mind and worship of Lord with utmost devotion and faith attain perfection.  One who does not follow the Dharma and responsibilities prescribed commits sin.  The search for 'BRAHMAM' completes when one is free from all  the desires, passions, ego, anger, arrogance, attachment, worldly bondages with good self- control, self- realisation, neither hatred nor attraction, dwelling in solitude, eating to survive, complete control over the senses, dispassionate and engrossed in meditation.  Performing all the responsibilities and taking refugee in Lord attains Moksha. 

The Supreme Lord dwells in  every individual soul.  One who teaches  the Divine Nectar Speech of Lord are dearer to Lord Krishna.  One who listens and follows them with utmost faith and devotion are also freed from all the evils and attains liberation.

The prolonged eighteen days of divine speech of Lord Krishna made Arjuna get cleared from all the doubts and delusion.

The above narrated were the wonderful dialogues between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the Dharmakshetram - Kurushetram  during the Great War of Mahabharata.  Sanjaya - the Charioteer of  Dhrutharashtra , gained  the Grace of Lord Veda Vyasa to listen to the Divine nectar speech of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. 

Whoever worships Lord Krishna along with Arjuna, attains all the  Happiness, Prosperity and Success. 

Hari Om !!


Kayena Vacha Manasendriyairva
Budhyathmanava Prakruthey: Swabavath
Karomi Yadhyath Sakalam Parasmai

Narayanayethi Samarppayami
Narayanayethi Samarppayami
Narayanayethi Samarppayami

Sarvey Bavanthu Sukhina: Sarvey Santhu Niramaya:
Sarvey Badrani  Panshyanthu Ma Kashchit Dukha Bagbaveth
Saha Navavathu Sahanau Bunakthu Sahaveeryam Karava Vahai
Thejasvi Navatheethamasthu Ma Vidhwisha Vahai
Om Shanti : Shanti: Shanti:

Samasthaparadham Kshamaswa Kshamaswa !!

Samasthaparadham Kshamaswa ! Kshamaswa !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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