Skanda Puranam - Dwaraka Mahathmyam !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Skanda Puranam describes the Dwaraka Mahathmyam.  Once, the Sages went to meet Lord Brahma in Sathya Loka with an serious issue of 'How to realize Lord Vishnu at the dark era of Kali?'. Lord Brahma advised them to meet  Prahlada - the supreme devotee of Sri Hari who lives in  Patal Loka.  They also met the Emperor Mahabali (grandson of Prahlada).  The sages where the most distressed of the Kali era.  The sages in great anguish revealed their issues as follows: the Brahmins are not interested in Vedas, there is  no respect and moral values in this Kali era, Brahmins are tormented by  Shudras .  

Prahalada who is an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu,  well understood the desperation of a true devotee.  He explained Kushthali Puri which is situated on the western coast, nearby the river Gomati meets the ocean. At this convergent point is  situated the most sacrosanct city - Dwaraka Puri - where Lord Vishnu  chose it as His Abode, dwells in the most glorious form   "Chathurbujam".   There is a  Temple of Lord Trivikrama at the banks of river Gomati which is capable to wash off all the sins.  Lord Krishna, before leaving this world, transmitted all His divine powers and glories to this very Idol of Lord Trivikrama.  Anyone, who is desirous to have the divine glimpses of Lord Krishna must visit this sacred city of Dwaraka.

Prahalada continued, the mere thought or resolution to visit this sacred place itself provides the merit of liberating one's ancestors from the tortures of hell.  Each step of a devotee towards Dwaraka provides the virtues similiar of performing an Ashwamedha Yagam.  One who encourages to visit this holy place definitely acquires the merit of Vishnu Dham. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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