Gita Jayanthi Celebration Continues... !! Chapter Seventeen !!

Jai sriman narayana !!

Om Namo Bagavathey Vasudevaya !!

In Seventeenth  chapter - Sradhhathraya Vibhaga Yoga: - In this chapter Lord Krishna explains that, the Faith in the individual is inherited from the Gunas.  The Swatik worship Lord with utmost faith and devotion.  The Rajasik worship Yakshas and Rakshasas and the Tamasik worship Ghosts and spirits.  Those who practise the severe austerities forbidden in the scriptures due to ego, lust and attachment  are senseless.

The intake of food differs among the individuals of the three Gunas.  The Swatik prefer food of  pure nature which add the longevity of  good health, purity of body, joy and happiness.  The Rajassik prefer burning, hot, spicy, bitter, sour, saline and pungent food which bring grief, pain and illness.  The Tamassik prefer impure, blunt, rotten and stale food which results in laziness.  The Swatik people follow all the righteousness,  perform sacrifices,  give alms,  follow their life strictly with firm belief, consider and follow the scriptures as a part of  their responsibility .    The Rajassik Yagna were made seeking rewards.  Whatever the Tamassik follow, were out of disbelief and against sacred scriptures.  The austerity in speech is, Speak the Truth and the speech must be pleasant.   Manu Smrithi says, One should not speak the truth if it  is unpleasant and something pleasant but false.  The austerity of mind is Pure nature, good self-control, Serenity of mind and kind heartedness.  One who practises the austerities of mind, body and speech without expecting any reward with utmost faith, are Satwik.  The Rajassik practise with an intention to gain fleeting fame and reward, which are unstable and vanishes in no time.  The practises of austerities out of torturing oneself, harmful to others, out of foolish notion are Tamasik.

Lord Krishna continues, the unholy places are the places where beggars and thieves assemble, the places where gamblers gather to make money, gathering of evil doers, group of women of evil reputation and the places where  wealth is being acquired illegaly.

Finally, whatever sacrifices and austerity made out of lack of Faith is mere waste.  The practises of Austerities, performing sacrifices and Charities without dedicating to Lord is Asat - lifeless - meaningless.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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