Gita Jayanthi Celebration Continues...!! Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Om Namo Bagavathey Vasudevaya !!

In Fifteenth Chapter - Purushothama Yoga: - In this Chapter Lord Krishna reveals the Truth of the Existence of all living and non-living beings in this Universe.  A simple phenomenon of how the Tree originated from its roots and stands high on its stem with branches spreaded all over and beautifully carrying flowers and fruits on it.  The root of the mysterious Tree mentioned here is the 'Paramathma'. One who attains realisation knows the truth of the 'Samsara' (material world) is nothing but an illusion (Maya),  one who doesn't know  the 'Truth'    are trapped into 'Maya' of  the material world of Samsara.  The enlightened one knows to  repossess from attachment and passion.  The Supreme Lord of Veda is Imperishable and exists in the individual soul.

The continuous rememberance of Lord with utmost devotion and Love brings Self - Realisation.  The eternal goal of salvation is possible only by keeping away from desire.  It is the root cause of all the evils, pride, illusion and pleasure  which leads to pain from attachments.  He who is seated in the heart of everyone, Sanyasins and Yogis realises the Truth.  The unintelligent and imperceptive doest not realize the existence of Him.  He is Vedam and He is Vedanta. 

The Sixteenth Chapter - Daivasura Sambath vibhaga Yoga: -   In this chapter the most compassionate Lord Krishna explains how to attain Salvation.    He describes the Virtue and non-Virtues.  The Supreme Lord describes the way to attain liberation from the cycles of Birth and Death and the realisation of God.  Thereby, achieving the highest goal in the spiritual life of happiness and peace.  The divine act leads to liberation and the opposite leads to world of attachments.  Purity  of mind and heart, Truthfulness, devotion to Lord and good conducts are part of divine acts.    One who deviates from the divine act and leads a life of two-legged beast thrust themselves into darkness.  These kind of acts make one's life miserable and others too.  Caught in the middle of sensual pleasures and pain, one degrades life with countless desires, pride, egoism, arrogance bringing awful fate.  A Wise person always chooses the divine way to achieve God-realisation  thereby spiritual upliftment.

The Virtues are Fearlessness, Honesty, Perform Sacrifices, Giving alms, Attainment of Knowledge, Purity of mind and heart, Control over the sense, Austerity, Truthfulness, Straightforwardness, Absence from Anger and Crookedness, Honesty, modesty, gentleness, kindness, harmlessness, Absence of proud, jealousy and forgivness are the divine nature. 

The  resemblance of demon natures are Anger, Jealous, Pride, Lust, Endless desires, Wickedness, Untruthfulness, Crookedness, Ignorance, Arrogance and double standards which can provide only Grief and leads to fall again and again in this material world of bondage other than nothing else.


Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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