Vamana Puranam - Goddess Uma's Thirukalyanam !! Part I !!

Jai Sriman Narayana!!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Vamana Puranam describes the birth of Goddess Uma / Sri Parvathy and the celestial wedding of the divine couple.

Menaka gave birth to three beautiful girls named Ragini, Kutila and Kali and a boy Sunam.  The elder daughter Ragini was stunningly beautiful with red complexioned and red eyed.  The Second daughter Kutila was exceptionally beautifull with fair complexion and lotus eye.  The third daughter Kali was equally beautiful like her elder sisters, she was dark in complexion and her eyes were blue colored like lotus petals.

At the age of six the three girls were went for severe penance to attain Lord Shiva as their husband.  All the deities were captivated at the beauty of the three girls.   Kutila was grabbed the attention of   Lord Aditya and Ashta Vasukal, right away they took her to Sathya Loka.  They enquired Lord Brahma with utmost reverence whether Kutila was capable to give birth to a child who could kill the demon Mahishasura.  Lord Brahma’s answer was deeply disappointing that Kutila was not competent to receive the brilliant energies from Lord Shiva.   So Lord Aditya and Ashta Vasukkal decided to release her from Sathya Loka.  

The most disappointed Kutila challenged Lord Brahma that she would try all her means to get her wishes fulfilled and to have a child from Lord Shiva.   Lord Brahma cursed Kutila at her arrogance and she was malformed into a river.  She flooded the Brahma Loka with her strong current.   Shortly Lord Brahma brought her under control.    Unfortunately, Ragini the elder daughter of Menaka also had the same fate.  Lord Brahma cursed her to become Sandhya - Time at Sun set.

After seeing the ill fate of the two girls - Ragini and Kutila, their mother - Menaka discouraged Kali from her penance.  While Menaka tried to put her off   from the penance, Kali uttered ’U’ and ‘MA’.   Thus Kali has got her name 'Uma'.   She continued her severe penance.  The deities were informed Goddess Uma’s severe austerities to Lord Brahma.  Lord Brahma instructed the deities to bring her to Sathya Loka.  When the deities approached Goddess Uma, the brilliant rays emitted from her was unbearable to reach her.  The deities withdrew from their effort and they returned to Sathya Loka unsuccessful.  Lord Brahma was realized the fact that she was the only one capable to have Lord Shiva as her husband.

After completing several years of severe austerities Goddess Uma returned to her father - Himavan to Mount Himalayas.  In the mean time, Lord Shiva arrived at Mount Himalaya to perform severe penance.  Himavan was extremely happy at the arrival of Lord Shiva and made all the arrangements to receive the Lords of Lord.  While Lord Shiva was fully engrossed in Meditation, Goddess Uma arrived at the place.  Lord Shiva could realize the fact instantaneously that Sati was already re-incarnated as Goddess Uma and it brought inestimable joy in Him.  Soon Lord Shiva went into deep meditation.  Uma came forward gracefully and touched His feet as a part of paying obeisance.  Lord Shiva at once disappeared with an intention to test the devotion of Goddess Uma.

Uma sought permission from her parents to perform severe austerities in order to attain Lord Shiva as her husband.  She created an Earthen Idol of Lord Shiva and continued performing penance for several years.  She worshipped Lord with utmost devotion and dedication.  The most pleased Lord appeared disguised in the form of an ascetic and appeared before Goddess Uma.  The holy man cunningly shot a question that why she wanted to go through all these severe austerities in that way spoiling her enthralling beauty at this tender age.  Her companion revealed the truth that Goddess Uma was undergoing severe penance at the hills of Himalayas to attain Lord Shiva as her husband.   At this, the holy man started laughing scornfully.  He continued his abrasive laugh; he strongly criticized Lord Shiva and his way of living.   Goddess Uma was extremely unhappy at the remark of ascetic and started to leave the place immediately.   The most pleased Lord appeared in his charming form and asked Goddess Uma to leave the Hills instantly.  He promised her that he would marry her with all the respect and honor.    Lord Shiva pronounced that the Earthen Idol she was worshipped all through the years with utmost devotion will be known to the world as Bhadreshwar .

Goddess Uma returned home at the divine instruction of Lord Shiva and he resume his journey to Pitrudak Theertham.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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