Gita Jayanthi Celebration Continues.. !! Chapter Thirteen & Fourteen !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Om Namo Bagavathey Vasudevaya !!

Om Namo Narayanaya !!

In Thirteenth Chapter - Kshetrakshetrajya Vibhaga  Yoga: - Arjuna shows his curiosity to learn about Prakriti (The Nature) and the Atman (Soul).  The most compassionate Lord Krishna explains, the body is the source of Five Elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether,  'Panchendriyas' (Nose, Eyes, Tongue, Ears, Skin) and 'Karmedhriyas' known as (Legs, Hands, Mouth, reproductive Organs and Anus).  God-Realisation  is possible only through Self, Meditation, Jyana Yoga and Karma Yoga.  The body undergoes tremendous changes.  The Supreme Lord is Birthless, Deathless and Changeless.  Everything begins from Him and dissolves in Him.

In Fourteenth Chapter - Gunathraya Vibhaga Yoga: -   In this chapter Lord Krishna explains about the three Gunas - Swatik, Rajass and Tamass present in all human beings.  The level of Gunas predominant in the individual depends on the practises and effort they undertake.  The three cosmic nature remaining in all the human beings is the ultimate truth.  Swatik Guna leads to acquiring knowledge thereby bringing ultimate happiness, peace and wisdom.  The Rajoguna brings grief , attachments towards material things, desires and lack of peace of mind.  The Tamoguna brings ignorance, laziness and delusion.  The fruit of good actions of Swatik nature brings purity.  The fruit of Rajassik actions brings only grief nothing else.  Tamassik guna is the worst among all.  The prevelance of Gunas are responsible for every action.  The aspirant who has  consistent faith and devotion towards Lord, crosses the level above all three Gunas of  Swatik, Rajass and Tamass.  Thus, they realize 'Brahmam'  as the eternal and absolute 'Bliss'.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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