The legend of Vrukasura & Bhrugupareekshanam – Srimad Narayaneeyam / Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Ramajane,  I understood that it is not easy to attain your blessings/prosperity for your devotees, because it creates arrogance pride in them.  Therefore, you will change them into dispassionate and fulfill their desires, on the other hand the dispassionate avail your blessings instantly.  It is definite that your devotees never encounter any disgrace in their life.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and other deities get pleased and get infuriated very easily, and they are worshipped by the individuals with the nature of Rajasik and Thamasik nature, eventually it’s unfortunate that they will lead themselves to disgrace with their arrogance.  It is evident from the legend of Vrukasura.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Once, Vrukasura, son of Shakuni enquired Maharishi Narada about the deity who gets pleased easily.  Maharishi Narada advised him to worship Lord Shiva, because you will not sustain the evil-minded people easily.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Consequently Vrukasura underwent severe penance worshipping Lord Shiva/Jagannatha/Lord of the Universe, on the seventh day he lost his patience and in severe anger prepared to cut off his head.  Immediately Lord Shiva appeared before him and offered a boon requested by Vrukasura, that the moment he place his hand on others head they will die immediately, it was a cruel and mean boon indeed.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Immediately Vrukasura rushed towards Lord Shiva like a lion to its savior.  Lord Shiva was afraid of Vrukasura and ran out of fear to all directions, looking back for him and the whole world was watching it quietly.  You have seen Lord Shiva from far distance that he was approaching your abode.  Instantly you have assumed the form of a clever Brahmachari and waited for Vrukasura.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, “Victory to son of Shakuni ! Why are you chasing unnecessarily keeping faith on the ghost’ words? If you have any doubt on my words,  place your hand on your head and experience it” By saying so, you have fooled Vrukasura.  Abruptly, Vrukasura placed his hand on his head and fell down like an uprooted tree.  This is the fate of individuals who worship other deities, even Lord Shiva/Shulina:/Shankara takes shelter in you.
Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Once, Sage Bhrugu was prompted by the ascetic residing on the river bank of Saraswathi to conduct a test to know the Trinities who has possessed the pure Sathvic Gunas.  Consequently Sage Brighu went to Lord Brahma and did not pay any respect to him, Lord Brahma was controlled his anger and eventually Sage left his abode.  Shortly, Sage Brighu went to abode of Lord Shiva, there too he did not pay respect to the Lord was agitated, desired to kill the Sage was intervened by Goddess Sri Parvathi.  Ultimately Sage Brighu left to your abode.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Brighu arrived in your abode and found you in reclining posture on the lap of Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi.  The Sage gave a hard hit on your chest; soon you rose amusingly and requested to forgive you and also said that the foot print of the Sage will remain as a mark of adoration on your chest always.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The ascetics who were residing on the river bank of Saraswathi understood that you have possessed the supreme Sathvic Guna among the Trinities; eventually they expressed their devotion to you and attained liberation. Oh! Achyutha, I shall prefer to venerate you because of your supreme nature of Sathvic Gunas.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, In the beginning of the creation of Universe, the Veda sung praising your glories as you are the Sath Chith Parama Rasam/supreme consciousness and bliss, you are the supreme embodiment, you are the Paramathma Bhooman/Supreme being of infinite nature and you have personified as the meritorious reward of the cowherd women.   Oh! Pavana Puravasin, we earnestly venerate you and pray to eradicate our sorrows and grief.
Ramajane ! Jane Yadhiha Thva Bhaktheshu Vibhavo Na Sadhya Sampadhya: Thadhiha Madha Kruththva Dhashaminam |
Prashanthim Kruthvaiva Pradhishasi Thatha: Kamam Akhilam Prashantheshu Kshipram Na Ghalu Bavadheeye Chyuthikadha ||
Sadhya: Prasadha Rushithan Vidhi Shankarandheen Kechidhvibho ! Nijagunanu Gunam Bhajantha: |
Bhrashta Bhavanthi Batha ! Kashta Madheergha Dhrushtya Spashtam Vrukasura Udhaharanam Kilasmin ||
Shakunija: Sa Thu Naradha Mekadha Thvaritha Thosha Maprucchadheeshvaram |
Sa Cha Dhidhesha Girishamupasithum Na Thu Bhavantham Bandhum Sadhushu ||
Thapa Sthapthva Ghoram Sa Ghalu Kupitha: Sapthamadhine Shirashchithva Sadhya: Puraharam Upasthapya Puratha: |
Athi Kshudhram Roudhram Shirasi Karadhanena Nidhanam Jagannatha Dhrave Bhavathi Vimukhanam Kva Shubhadhi:? ||
Moktharam Bandha Muktho Harina Pathiriva Pradhravath Sodha Rudhram
Dhaithyath Bheethya Sma Devo Dhishi Dhishi Valathe Prushtatho Dhaththa Dhrushti: |
Thushnike Sarva Loke Thava Padhamadhirokshyantha Mudhvikshya Sharvam
Dhoora Devagrathasthvam Padu Vadu – Vapusha Thasthishe Dhanavaya ||
Bhadhram The Shakuneya ! Bramasi Kimadhuna Thvam Pishachasya Vacha
Sandhehascheyn Madhukthou Thava Kimu Na Karo Shyanguli Manga Moulou? |
Iththam Thvadhvakya Mooda: Shirasi Kruthakara: Sopatha Cchinnapatham
Bhramsho Hyevam Paropasithu Rapi Cha Gathi: Shoolinopi Thvameva ||
Bhrugum Kila Saraswathi Nikada Vasina Sthapasa:
Thrimoorthishu Samadhishan Adhika Saththvatham Vedhithum |
Ayam Punara Nadhara Dhudhitha Ruddha Roshe Vidhou
Harepi Cha Jihimsishou Girijaa Dhruthe Thvamagath ||
Suptham Ramanga Bhuvi Pankaja Lochanam Thvam Vipre Vinighnathi Padhena Mudhosthithsthvam |
Sarvam Kshamasva Munivarya ! Bhaveth Sadhe Me Thvath Padha Chihnamiha Bhooshana Mithyavadhi: ||
Nischithya The Cha Sudhrudam Thvayi Bandhdha Bhava: Sarasvatha Munivara Dhadhire Vimoksham |
Thvamevam Achyutha ! Punashchyuthi Dhosha Heenam Saththvocchayaika Thanumeva Vayam Bhajama : ||
Jagath Shrushyadhou Thvam Nigama Nivahair Vandhibhiriva Sthutham Vishno ! Sacchith Paramarasa – Nirdhvaitha Vapusham |
Paramathmanam Bhooman !  Pasupa – Vanitha – Bhagya – Nivaham Pareethapa Shranthyai Pavanapuravasin ! Paribaje ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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