Kuchelavruththam – Srimad Narayaneeyam / Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela was a fellow disciple in the hermitage of Maharishi Sandheepani, he was a passionate devotee of you.  He was a householder/Gruhasthashrami with controlled mind, he peacefully spend his days without any worldly/material desire.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, His wife was identical in his nature, was not achieved the same state renunciation like him.  Once she asked her husband why can’t you approach your close associate Krishna, Ramapathi/consort of Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi to obtain some income?
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela was troubled by the pitiable state in the family, set off to Dwaraka with an immense eagerness to meet you rather than acquire wealth from you.  Kuchela had the abhorrence towards wealth which would generate pride and arrogance.  He carried some flattened rice on the corner of his upper garment as an offering to you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Ultimately Kuchela reached your marvelous city of Dwaraka, he passed through various stunning houses and arrived at the house of Mithravrindha.  He had felt extreme serenity as soon he entered in the city just like your supreme abode Vaikundha.  You have expressed supreme kindness which was beyond description.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, after a generous hospitality by you and your consort was fanning Kuchela, you have continued to converse with him and recollecting those incidents by holding his hands.  You have recaptured those unseasonal rain occurred during your journey to woodland with him to collect fire wood at the command of Gurupathni/wife of your Preceptor. 
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela was too shy to reveal the flattened rice, you have snatched away the flattened rice and ate a hand full.  Instantly, Rama/Goddess Sri Mahalashmi approached and held back your hands saying that much was enough indeed.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela was greatly honored by the devotee of devoted and he was happily stayed one night in your city.  The next day he went out without any wealth in hand.  Oh! Supreme Lord, the ways of your blessings are very strange indeed.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela spoke to himself “If I have asked for wealth, Krishna would have definitely provided that, what I would say to my wife?” he walked away immersed in your thoughts, your smile and your talks.  Shortly his eyes fallen on the gem studded splendid home.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kuchela was wondered for a while thinking that he might have lost his way to home.  While entering home he saw his wife adorned in various precious ornaments and she was surrounded by many ladies.  Kuchela immediately realized your grace and compassion and felt most wonderful.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, even though Kuchela was resided in the gem studded splendid home, his uninterrupted devotion was growing incessantly, ultimately attained liberation at your lotus feet.  In this way, you have fulfilled the desires of your devotee.   Oh! Maruthpuradheesha,  we earnestly pray to eradicate our ailments.
Kuchela Nama Bhavatha: Satheerthyatham Gatha: Sa Sandheepani Mandhire Dhvija: |
Thadheka Ragena Dhanadhi Nispruho Dhinani Ninye Prashami Gruhashrami ||
Samana Sheelapi Thadheeya Vallabha Thadhaiva No Chiththa Jayam Sameyushi |
Kadhachidhuche Batha ! Vruththi Labdhaye Ramapathi: Kim Na  Sakha Nishevyathe ? ||
Itheeri Thoyam Priyaya Kshudharththaya Jugupsa Manopi Dhane Madhavahe |
Thadha Thvadha Lokena – Kouthukadhyayou Vahan Padanthe Prudhu Kanupayanam ||
Gathoyamascharya Mayim Bhavathpurim Gruheshu Shaibhya Bhavanam Sameyivan |
Pravishya Vaikundamivapa Nirvruthim Thavathi – Sambhavanaya Thu Kim Puna: ? ||
Prapoojitham Tham Priyaya Cha Veejitham Kare Griheethva Kadhaya: Purakrutham |
Yadhinddhanartham Gurudhara Chodhithai: Aparththu Varsham Thadhamarshi Kanane ||
Thrapa Jushosmath Prudhukam Baladhadha Pragruhya Mushtou Sakrudhashithe Thvaya |
Krutham Krutham Nanviyathe Thi Sambramath Rama Kilopethya Karam Rurodha The ||
Bhaktheshu Bakthena Sa Manithasthvaya Purim Vasanneka Nisham Mahasugam |
Bathaparedhyur – Dravinam Vina Yayou Vichithra Roopasthava Ghalvanugraha ||
Yadhi Hruya Chishya Madhasyadha Achyutho Vadhami Baryam Ki Mithi Vrajannasou |
Thvadhukthi – Leelasmitha – Magndhi: Puna: Kramadha Pashyan Mani Deepramalayam ||
Kim Marga Vibramsha Ithi Braman Kshanam Gruham Pravishta: Sa Dhadharsha Vallabham |
Sakhi Paritham Mani Hema Bhooshitham Bubodha Cha Thvath Karunam Mahadhbutham ||
Sa Rakthashalasu Vasannapi Swayam Samunna Madh Bhakthi Bharomrutham Yayou |
Thvameva Mapooritha Bhaktha Vanchitho Maruth Puradheesha ! Harasva Me Gadhan ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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