Life of Sant Gyaneshwar !! Part VI !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!


There was a Maha Yogi – Changyadev lived in the village of Paithan. Changhyadev lived for more that 1400 years and underwent severe austerities praying to Lord Shiva.  Lord Shiva blessed him with extra-ordinary Siddhis (magical powers).  Changyadev was well known for his siddhis (magical powers) like walking on the fire and water, fly in the sky, giving life to dead etc..   People of Paithan were spell bound at the yogic acts of Changyadev.    Villagers flooded to have dharshan of Yogi Changyadev.  They rationatlised the divine mission of Gyandev and made the Yogi Changyadev to believe that his magical powers are superior.  They sharply criticized Gyandev and his Bakthi.  Some of the villagers were true followers of Gyandev, it created a high sense of self in Changyadev and he does not like people admire Gyandev and rush to seek knowledge from him.  He decided to test the devotion and intelligence of Gyandev.  He sent a blnak paper as a message to him.  Seeing the messenger with a blank paper made Gyandev, Sopandev and Muktha Bai perplexed.  Nivritdev described the supreme knowledge and wisdom of Changyadev gained all through these years.  Gyandev returned the messanger with a note.   It doubled the irritation of Changyadev towards Gyaneshwar.  

Muktha was already decided in her mind to teach Mahayogi Changyadev a good lesson for his arrogance. Once she appeared before the hermitage of Changyadev and found the deadbodies piled up infront of his hermitage. The people gathered over there were deeply mourning at the death of their beloved ones.  The villagers saw Muktha walking all the way through the bodies fearlessly; they demanded her to leave the spot as she has nothing to do with this.  Muktha moved close to deadbodies and whispered ‘Vittal, Vittal’ on its ears and vanished from the sight.   Alas! The deceased got their lives and jumped up from floor chanting ‘Vittal, Vittal’.  Hearing the huge outcry infront of his hermitage, Changyadev rushed out and shocked to see people shedding tears of joy and chanting the divine name of Lord, praising Muktha for her good deed.  Changyadev studied the situation from the people gathered and decided to meet Gayndev.

Changyadev wanted to teach a lesson to Gyandev and meet him in person.  He seated on a Lion and with a group of followers arrived at the place of Gyandev.  Interestingly, Gyandev was engaged in liesurily talks with his sibilings sitting on a dilapidated wall.   They could hear the loud voices of people’s ‘Jaijaikar’ (praising) chanting glories of Changyadev.  Nivritdev was surprised to know that Changhyadev like Mahayogi is visiting them.  He was pleased at the progress of the event; he revealed his desire to welcome the Mahayogi Changyadev.  Gyandev – Knower of All – Lord Vishnu, respectfully agreed to his brother’s advice.  Gyandev ordered the dilapidated wall to ‘Move on’, slowly the dilapidated wall started to move high in the sky like his celestial vehicle.  Changhyadev was shocked to see Gyandev and his sibiling seated on a moving wall, he was furious and tried all his magical powers to degrade them.  Finally, with the wisdom and knowledge he had gained all through the years made Changhyadev to visualize Gyandev as Lord Vishnu.  He rushed to Gyandev addressing him ‘Gyaneshwar’ and fell on his feet for forgiveness.   The most compassionate Lord - Gyneshwar pleased at the Mahayogi Changyadev and blessed him.  Once again the glory of Gyaneshwar mesmerized the entire villagers with true divine spirit.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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