Life of Sant Gyaneshwar !! Part V !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Nivriti Dev, Gyaneshwar, Sopan Dev and Muktha Bai continued their journey to Paithan through the rough path ways.  On their way they met a fellow with his farm cart, he felt sorry for the children and carried them affectionately in his cart and continued the remaining journey.  The children safely reached at Pratishthana (Paithan) and met the Vedic scholars.   They solemnly requested the Senior Vedic scholar about their desire to perform sacred ceremony.  For a while, the Vedic scholars engaged in a serious discussion with the group of scholars and arrived in a conclusion that the children are eligible to accept Brahmacharya. 

The children returned to their village with a great joy.   They passed the message to the head priest.  Unfortunately, the egoistic Brahmin priests assembled were not ready to accept the children as Brahmin; moreover they ill treated the children.   The ridiculous Brahmin priests’ were insulted the children, cursed and threatened them which made Gynadev totally desperate.  Gynadev without losing his patience, humbly tried to convince the crowd about the meaning of a ‘Brahmin’   - Brahmin is a person who is having ‘Brahma Gyan’ – Who has the knowledge about ‘Brahmam’.  But all the trials were ended in vain.  The ludicrous Brahmin priests dragged the children and whacked them mercilessly.   This incident hammered Gyandev’s mental strength and agonizingly informed his brother Nivriti Dev about the idea of following his parents.  His sibilings – Nivriti Dev, Sopan Dev and Muktha Bai intelligently poured with amazing encouragements which made Gyandev to regain his mental strength twice over.  His elder brother Nivriti Dev was Gurudev (teacher) to him in all means.  At the divine instruction of his elder brother - Nivriti Dev, Gyandev composed ‘Gyaneshwari’ – A transilitration of Gita in a Simple language of Marathi.

Years passed by, the children were grown up into attractive adults.  They continued their mission, visiting close by villages spreading the glories of Lord.  Once, while moving through the village they met with a crowd of people mourning at the death of a young man.  Gyandev touched the forehead of the deceseased with a passion and a divine command to wake up from the deep sleep, the young man woke up as if from his deep sleep.   Intensely moved at this incident, the people gathered and the young couple passionately followed the footsteps of Gyandev in his mission of spreading the glories of Lord.  Later, the youngman who got his back life with the grace of Gyandev came to known as Baba Sachdev, who devoted his entire life in spreading the glories of ‘Gyaneshwari’.

Time passed by Radha grown into a beautiful young woman with all the virtues.  She spent her life in fervent devotion to Lord Krishna and worshipping Him. The villagers admired her devotion to Lord.  In the meantime, Gyandev visited his village with his sibilings once again.  The villagers were forgotten their extreme dislike towards the little children of Vittal Panth by now.  They received Gyandev and his sibilings with utmost respect.  They received him with Mangal Harathi, washed His feet and showering flowers on them.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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