Srimad Devi Bhagavatham !! The Glories of Gayatri Maha Mantra !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
 Jai Ambey Ma!!
Srimad Devi Bhagavatham – 12th Skandham – Chapter I describes the glories of Gâyatrî Devî Maha Mantra.


Maharishi Narada reveals his desire to listen the nectar like glories of Devi from Lord Sriman Narayana.  Maharishi Narada unveil the inability of common people to follow austerities on Chandrayana and other Vratas at this era of Kali.  Therefore, Narada requests Sriman Narayana about the righteous deeds that can be carried out easily by the common people, theirby attain the grace of Devi.


The most compassionate Lord describes, Brahmin whoever chants Gâyatrî Mantra three thousand times and offers Arghya to Lord Surya in three Sandhyâ, was worshipped by Devas.  Whoever practises Nyâsa or not, but sincerely repeats the Maha Mantra of Gâyatrî Devî - who is the Nature of Existence, Intelligence and Bliss, the worshipper attains the devoutness which is capable to stand with the best of the Brâhmanas, demigods and deities.

There are twenty-four syllables in the Gâyatrî Maha Mantra.  Lord Sriman Narayana narrates the Rishis, Chhandas, and Devatâs etc in them. Lord Sriman Narayana continued to describe twenty-four syllables of Gâyatrî  in due order as Rishis, Chhandas, and  Devatâs.


The Rishis are: (1) VâmaDeva, (2) Attri, (3) Vas'istha, (4) S’ukra, (5) Kanva, (6) Parâs'ara, (7) Vis'vamitra, (8) Kapila, (9) S’aunaka, (10) Yâjñavalkya, (11) Bharadvâja, (12) Jamadagni, (13) Gautama, (14) Mudgala, (15) Vedavyâsa, (16) Lomas'a, (17) Agastya, (18)Kaus'ika, (19) Vatsya, (20) Pulastya, (21) Mânduka, (22)  Durvâsâ, (23)Nârada and (24) Kas'yapa.


The Chhandas are: (1) Gâyatrî, (2) Usnik, (3) Anustup, (4) Brihatî, (5) Pankti, (6)Trisnup, (7) Jagatî, (8) Atijagatî, (9) S’akkarî, (10) Ati S’akkarî, (11) Dhriti, (12) Ati Dhriti, (13)Virât, (14) Prastârapankti, (15) Kriti, (16) Prâkriti, (17) Âkriti, (18) Vikriti, (19) Samkriti, (20)Aksarapankti, (21) Bhuh, (22) Bhuvah, (23) Svah and (24) Jyotismatî.

The Devatâs are: (1) Agni, (2) Prajâpati, (3) Soma, (4) Îs'âna, (5) Savitâ, (6)Âditya, (7) Brihaspati, (8) Maitrâvaruna, (9) Bhagadeva, (10) Aryamâ, (11) Ganes'a, (12) Tvastrâ, (13) Pûsâ, (14) Indrâgnî, (l5) Vâyu, (16) Vâmadeva, (17) Maitrâ varunî (18) Vis'vadeva, (19) Mâtrikâ, (20) Visnu, (21) Vasu, (22) Rudra Deva, (23) Kubera, and (24) As'vinî Kumâras.

Lord Sriman Narayana continued, whoever listening to the glories of Gâyatrî Maha Mantra, would destroy their sins and the worshipper acquire highest of devoutness.


Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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