Srimad Devi Bhagavatham !! Significance of Gayatri Maha Mantra !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jai Ambey Ma !!

Srimad Devi Bhagavatham – 12th Skandham – Chapter II describes the name of S’akthis in the syllables of Gâyatrî Maha Mantra.

Lord Sriman Narayana explains to Maharishi Narada regarding the S’akthis in the syllables of Gâyatrî Maha Mantra.
(1) Vâma Devî, (2) Priyâ, (3) Satyâ, (4) Vis'vâ, (5) Bhadravilâsinî, (6) Prabhâ Vatî, (7) Jayâ,(8) S’ântâ, (9) Kântâ, (10) Durgâ, (11) Sarasvatî, (12) Vidrumâ, (13) Vis'âle'sâ, (14) Vyâpinî,(15) Vimalâ, (16) Tamopahârinî, (17) Sûksmâ, (18) Vis'vayoni, (19) Jayâ, (20) Vas'â, (21)Padmâlayâ, (22) Parâs'obhâ, (23) Bhadrâ, and (24) Tripadâ.


The respective pattern of the syllables of  Gâyatrî Devî Maha Mantra are:  (1) Champaka and Atasî flowers, (2)  Vidruma, (3)  crystal, (4)  lotus (5)Rising Sun (6) conchshell - white (7) white Kunda flower (8) Prabâla and lotus leaves (9) Padmarâga, (10) Indranîlamani (11) pearls(12)  Saffron (13) black of the eye (14) red (15)  Vaidûrya mani(16) Ksaudra(Champaka tree, honey, water) (17) turmeric (18) Kunda flower and  milk (19) rays of the Sun (20) tail of bird S’uka (21) S’atapatra (22)Ketakî flower (23) Mallikâ flower (24) Karavîra flower.


The Tattvas are: (1) earth (2) water (3) fire (4) air (5) Âkâs'a (ether)  - Pancha boothas – 5 elements (6) smell (7) Taste (8) shape (9) sound (10) touch (11) male productive organ (12) anus (13) leg (14) hand (15) speech (16) Prâna (vital breath – Prana Vayu) (17) tongue (18) eyes (19) skin (20)Ears (21) Prâna (exhalation) (22) Apâna (23) Vyâna, (24) Sâmâna.

The Mudrâs of the syllables are: (l) Sammukha (2) Samputa (3) Vitata (4) Vistrita (5) Dvimukha (6) Trimukha (7) Chaturmukha (8) Pañchamukha (9) Sanmukha (10) Adhomukha (11) Vyâpakânjali (12) S’akata (13) Yamapâs'a (14) Grathita (15) Sanmukhon Mukha (16) Vilamba (17) Mustika (18) Matsya (19) Kûrma (20) Varâhaka (21) Simhâkrânta (22) Mahâkrânta (23) Mudgara and (24) Pallava.
The Mahâmudrâs are:  (1) Trisûlayonî (2) Surabhi (3) Aksa mâlâ(4) Linga and (5) Ambuja.

Lord Sriman Narayana continued, whoever worship Goddess Gâyatrî with utmost faith and devotion would avail the perpetual blessings of Gâyatrî.  Faithful and sincere worship of Goddess Gâyatrî would bring Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Fame, Happiness and  wash away the sins committed in their life.
Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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