Sri Varaha Jayanti on 31st August, 2011 !! (26th August as per Tamil Calendar) !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Lord Prithvi’s inquisitiveness had no bounds.  She quizzically approached Lord Varaha to explain further about the details of Creation. 

Lord Varaha continued, at the end of each Kalpa the deluge (pralaya) takes place.  The whole Universe submerges into darkness and flooded with water. The Supreme Lord Vishnu undergoes cosmic sleep.  When He wakes up from His cosmic sleep realizes that the space is empty without any living beings.  Once again the Supreme Lord starts the creation.  The term Narayana denotes ‘Nara’ (Water)+’Ayanam’ (Seat), one who resides in water.  All the false knowledge such as Tamassic qualities (Darkness), attachments (Moha), Absolute illusion (Mahamoha), Jealousy (Tamisra), Anger (Andha Tamisra) came into existence followed by the immovable things like trees and mountains came to known as main creations.

In the beginning, Rudra and Lord Brahma’s Manasaputras – Sanaka, Sanath Kumara, Sanandha and Sanath Sujatha  were manifested subsequently Marichi, Angira, Atri, Pulaha, Pulastya, Kratu, Pracheta, Bhrigu, Narada and Vashishta came into existence.

Lord Brahma’s first creation was Lord Rudra in Ardhanareeshwara (half male and half female form).  Lord Brahma prayed to Lord Rudra to reveal His two different forms as male and female.  The ten Rudras manifested from the male form collectively known as Eleven Rudras.

Lord Brahma continued his creations – the creation of different species of animals known as ‘Tiryaksrota’.  Lord Brahma created all the deities in Swatic Sarga. He created human beings with all three gunas namely Rajass – with the predominance of anger and arrogance which results in endless sorrows, Tamas with ignorance and laziness results in sorrow and Swatik with pure thoughts which provides eternal bliss in Arvaksrota Sarga.  In Anugraha Sarga Lord Brahma created Rishis and Sages – The enlightened ones for bringing righteousness in the Universe.  The Ninth Sarga , Lord Brahma created ‘Kumaras’ (Youths) which was  known as Kaumara Sarga .


 Sri Yajya Varahamurthikki Jai !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

1 comment:

  1. Seems to be a pic of Lakshmi hayagriva
    And not Lakshmi Varaha.
