Sri Varaha Jayanti on 31st August, 2011 !! (26th August as per Tamil Calendar) !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

The most pleased Supreme Lord continued to narrate to Lord Prithvi for her all queries.  At the beginning of the creation there was only five basic elements (Pancha Boothas) were manifested from the Supreme Lord.  The five elements where:
·        Space
·        Earth
·        Water
·        Air
·        Fire

Subsequently, the great elements, nature and collective consciousness appeared themselves.   As a next process the collective consciousness become one with the three qualities – Rajass, Tamas and Swatik in three different  state.   The Rajasic qualities reveal the existence of arrogance and pride, Tamasic reveals the ignorance and lazyness and Swatik is the superior qualities among them known that ‘Enlightened ones’.  The combinations of these are known as ‘Prakriti’, the ‘Indriyas’ (Sense organs) are derived out of the subtle form of matters.  The soul is treated as ‘Eternal’ and superior than anything else.   Supreme Lord created all the living beings with the help of five basic elements. 

The above was the explanation of Lord Varaha to Lord Prithvi, as an answer for her first query. 

Lord Varaha continues, in the beginning there was nothing but an empty space predominated.   Later the sound, ether, air, light and water came into existence. The, Lord created the Earth as a base for all the living entities.  Out of the combinations of Earth and water, there appeared an Egg.  The Egg started grew big in size; there appeared the Supreme Lord Sriman Narayana.  At the beginning of an each Kalpa a Lotus emerge out of the navel of Sriman Narayana, as a settling place for Lord Brahma.  Lord Brahmas was entrusted with the responsibility of ‘Creation’. Though Brahma was assigned with the task of creation, He was not so successful at it.  Inspite of all the efforts, the task became incomple which brought fury in him.    A divine child was manifested from the fury of Lord Brahma – He was none other than ‘Rudra’.

Lord Brahma created Prajapatis from his big toe of right leg and also created consort of Prajapatis from his big toe of left leg.  That was the beginning of creation; the Prajapatis had a son named Swayambuva Manu.  Thus, the creation of living beings continued on Earth in each Kalpa.  In due course of time the population has increased.

Sri Yajya Varaha Murthikki Jai !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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