Life of Sant Gora Kumbhar !! Part V !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

As a man of family, Goroba was the only bread winner and he became totally inactive after this terrible incident.  They find it difficult to run the family. The need for money to run the family urged Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai to work.  They together make potteries and take them to market for sale.  In this way they managed to run the family.  Luck did not favor Goroba, his creditors chased him for money to be paid.  Finally, the creditors took possession of his small house and the land.   Goroba became helpless and pauper, he and his family brought into the street.  The debt clearing officers said that the money out of the sale of his properties were just enough to meet his old debt. Tulsi Bai desperately enquired her husband where did they go and find a means to live.  Goroba calmly comforted them saying that they all go to Pandharpur Temple – Vithal will take care of everything.  At this point of time, a young couple appeared from nowhere and introduced themselves to Goroba as Ranga and Rukma Bai.  Ranga compassionately spoke to Goroba that, he knew Goroba from the time he was selling dolls in the market.  Incidentally, he came to know about the depressing state of Goroba and arrived to help him.  Ranga comforted Goroba with the news that he took back the possession of his small house and property from the hands of creditors.  Ranga prostrated before Goroba and requested him to accept the possession of the house and restart their life once again.  Ranga added that he and his wife would be joining with them and requested Goroba to treat them as his son and daughter-in-law.

From that day onwards, Ranga earned money for the entire family.   Rukma Bai was taking care of the needs of Goroba, Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai at home.  Ranga was also a potter; He makes beautiful pots and sells them in market.  Goroba has nothing do other than chanting the glories of Lord Panduranga.  Rukma Bai engaged herself in doing house chores as a helping hand for old Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai.  Sometimes, Goroba also join with   Ranga in throbbing clay in his own style, dancing and singing praising the glory of Vittal, Ranga holds both his hands on his hip and beautifully dance to the tunes of Goroba.  Many a times, Goroba exclaimed in enthusiasm asking Ranga ‘Are you Panduranga, My Lord.’  At this, Ranga laughs out loudly and reassure him saying that Goroba never been free to think about anything other than His Lord Panduranga, so it made him to see Panduranga in Everything.  In this way, Ranga and Rukma Bai lived a happy life with the Goroba family for several days. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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