Life of Sant Gora Kumbhar !! Part IV !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

The tragic death of their child – Hari, created dreariness in their life.  They lived like two strangers under one roof.  They had nothing in common to converse each other, did not find any comfort in each other’s company.    Years passed by, Tulsi Bai had the yearning for a child in order to replace the dullness.  Unfortunately, her husband’s inflexible nature forced her to think that her longing for a child is fruitless.  Later, she changed her mind and found a way out for her problem.  She approached her father and requested to arrange her sister –Shantu Bai’s marriage with Goroba.  Her father readily agreed to this.  Finally, the marriage between Goroba and Shantu Bai took place in bride’s residence.  The time arrived for newlyweds to leave the house.  Shantu Bai’s old father came forward to send off the couple.  He earnestly hold the hands of Goroba,  lot of emotions were flashing through his face, He requested his son-in-law as a promise on Lord Vittal,  take care of his two daughters equally in same manner he was used to take care of Tulsi Bai.  Once again the fate played its role very well.  Goroba arrived home with the new bride and Tulsi Bai.  He started to treat Tulsi bai and Shantu Bai equally; He kept both of them away from him.  The life of Goroba and his wives became awful living like total strangers under one roof without anything common to share with each other.

The days pass by, the two sisters felt monotonous of their life.  They together arrived in a decision that they will try all means to attract Goroba in bed in that way they could change his attitude towards them. One day when Goroba was found asleep in his bed, Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai eagerl moved to their husband.  Goroba abruptly awaken from his deep sleep, he was shocked to see his wives on both the sides.  He painfully enquired Tulsi Bai how she could touch him after having promise on Vittal.  In a rage Goroba hurried to punish himself for the sin he has committed.  He got hold of his axe and chopped both the hands.  Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai were panic-stricken at the unexpected turn of events.  They painfully watched the firm devotion of Goroba  to Lord Vittal, Tulsi Bai and Shantu Bai felt ashamed of their act and begged for forgiveness. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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