Yogini Ekadashi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Brahma Vaivarta Puranam describes the glory of Yogini Ekadashi which occurs on the waning period of the moon. 


Lord Krishna narrates to King Yudhishtira about  the glories of  Yogini Ekadashi   which is capable to destroy all the  sins committed in one’s life and capable to liberate from the material bondage.

There was a magnificent city named Alakapuri, which was ruled by Lord Kubera - an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.  He had a very sincere gardener named Hemamali.  He attentively gathers flowers from the Lake Manasarovar and provide to Lord Kubera for the daily worship of Lord Shiva.  Hemamali had a beautiful wife – Visalakshy, both were devoted to each other.  As usual, one day Hemamali while returning after gathering flowers from the Lake Manasarovar, instead of visiting the palace he went home directly.  There he found his beautiful wife, got attracted towards her made him stop thinking about everything.  The beautiful time he had spent with his wife made him to forget his duty to visit the palace.  As a result, Lord Kubera’s worship of Lord Shiva on the day got delayed consequently could not complete his daily rituals.  Lord Kubera was extremely disappointed at the irresponsible act of Hemamali and sent a messenger to find out the reason for the absence of Hemamali’s visit. 


The messenger brought the news that Hemamali was having pleasurable time  with his wife Vishalakshi.  Lord Kubera ordered his men to produce Hemamali before the assembly.  With great anguish, trembling feet and ashamed of his lustful act Hemamali appeared before Lord Kubera.  In a fury Lord Kubera cursed him for his immoral act that caused obstacle for the daily worship of Lord Shiva.  He cursed Hemamali to badly affect with leprosy; this would cause him to remain separated from his dearest wife forever. 

Being cursed by Lord Kubera, Hemamali discarded from Alakapuri and took birth on Earth.  Hemamali’s life has become miserable with the physical and mental distress, wandered aimlessly through the dense forest.  With all sorts of mental agonies, physical pains, lack of sleep added with hunger and thirst Hemamali arrived at Mount Himalaya.  Fortunately, he met with the Sage Markandeya.   Hemamali kept fair distance from the Sage and repeatedly paid obeisance to him.  The most compassionate Sage Markandeya called for him and enquired the reason for his dreadful condition.  Hemamali explained the reason for the curse and his pitiable state of living.  After listening to Hemamali, Sage Markandeya advised him to observe the auspicious and the most rewarding Yogini Ekadashi.   Hemamali’s joy has no bounds.  As instructed by the great Sage Markandeya, Hemamali observed  Yogini Ekadashi with utmost faith and devotion.  The piety he has achieved by the observance of  Yogini Ekadashi made him to regain his original form.  Once again, Hemamali reunited with his wife and lived happily ever after.


Lord Krishna continued, the devoutness attained by observing Yogini Ekadashi would be equal to the piety of feeding eighty eight thousand Brahmins.  Whoever observes Yogini Ekadashi with utmost faith and devotion would eradicates all their sins and provide highest of the merit known as ‘Salvation’.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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