275 Thevara Shivasthalam !! Thiruvotiyur Sri Adipureeshwarar/Sri Tyagarajar Temple !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Sankara !!


Adipureeshwarar temple is located at Thiruvotiyur in Chennai. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva – Adipureeshwarar/Natarajar with His consort – Goddess Tripura Sundari/Vadivudai amman.  Lord Shiva – Adipureeshwarar/ Natarajar worshipped in the form of Linga.  This is one of the ancient temples existing from the date back 1300 years.   Lord Shiva worshipped in three forms here – Agni, Swayambu Linga and indescribable form believed to be present inside the snake pit. This is one of the ‘Thevara Padal Petra’ temple, the famous Shaiva poets Saint Thirunavukkarasar, Gnana Sambar and Sundarar  sung praising the glory of Lord Shiva.  There are nearly 275 songs were composed by the famous tamil saints praising the glory of Lord Shiva and known as one of the famous ‘Shivasthalam’ in Chennai.

The temple has magnificent tower - Rajagopuram of 120ft on the west.  The temple pillars reveals the inscriptions from the period of Chola Dynasty, ruled by Parakrama Chola I and Uthama Chola.    The presiding deity Lord Adipureeshwarar worshipped in the form of Linga facing west.  There is a separate sannidhi for Goddess Tripurasundari, which attracts large crowd during the Fridays and Full moon days.  There are sannidhis for Lord Muruga, Lord Ganesha, Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavad Padal, Kulandai Eshwarar (Shiva Linga), Kalyana Sundarar, Bairava and Navagraha.  Three are 108 Shivalingas can be seen in the praharam of the temple.


The legend has that, after the Pralaya (deluge) Lord Shiva appeared in the form of Linga on the Earth  as Lord Adipureeshwarar, thus the temple came to known as one of the prominent ‘Shivasthalam’.  One of the main attractions of this temple is ‘Kanaka Saba’/ ‘Hall for cosmic Dance’ of Lord Shiva.  This hall is decorated with the idol of Lord Nandi  along with Lord Natarajar and His consort Goddess Sivakami.  The legend has that, Lord Nandi prayed to Lord Shiva and revealed his desire to visualize Lord Shiva’s unique cosmic dance.  Lord Shiva instructed Nanadi to perform penance in Thiruvottiyur.  Nandi visited Thiruvottiyur, constructed a temple tank which was near the Sanctum and Sanctum of Sri Adi Pureeshwarar.  Lord Nandi immersed himself in the water and underwent severe penance.  The deities and rishis came to know about Nandi’s severe austerity to visualize the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva.  Lord Vishnu with His consort Sri Mahalakshmi, Lord Brahma also joined with Lord Nandi.  Thus, all the deities underwent severe penance here after constructing their own temple tank respectively.  Lord Shiva pleased at the devotion of the deities and performed His Unique cosmic dance for them.

The outer Praharam of Lord Adipureeshwara housed the idols of 63 Nayanmmar along with Kaliya Nayanar who lived in Thiruvottiyur.   Kaliya Nayanar, was a merchant lived Thiruvottiyur, he was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.  He worshipped Lord Shiva by visiting this temple on regular basis and engaged in lightening oil lamps.  Years passes by, Kaliya Nayanar became pauper and was not in a position to spend money on the oil for lightening the lamp.  Hence, he decided to give off his blood in place of oil for lightening the lamp.  At the right point of time, Lord Shiva appeared before him and stopped him in doing so.  Lord Shiva pleased at the self –less devotion of Kaliya Nayanar and blessed him.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!


Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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