A Tribute to Sri Purandara Dasa !! Part VI !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

As soon as Cheenappa Naikkar entered home, he started screaming at his wife - Lakshmi Bai enquiring about her diamond nose ring.  Lakshmi Bai was really scared to see Naikkar in a furious state.  She was standing near the Tulsi Plant, praying to Lord .  Her eyes were filled with tears.  She never wanted to lie to her husband.  She lied to her husband that, since it was Friday, she had her oil bath so in order to keep the diamond nose ring safe, she kept it aside.  

She cried to Lord ‘ Why  did you put me in this situation? I have done a good deed without my husband’s consent. Was that wrong? ‘  Her fingers searched for something in the sands of Tulsi plant.  Alas ! a sharp light sparkled through the sands of Tulsi plant - A diamond Nose ring.  She happily took it  and gave it to Naikkar.  This time Naikkar got confused.  He was expecting the answer that Lakshmi Bai  had given the nose ring as alms to the Brahmin.  Instead, She picked up her diamond nose ring and handed it to him.  

Naikkar hurried to his shop to meet the Brahmin.  To his  great dismay,  he realised that the  Brahmin to whom he had told to wait was not there .    He hurriedly opened the jewel box where he had kept the diamond nose ring safely.  But to his amazement, the nose ring was not there.   He ran back to home in panic, confused and worried.  He explained everything to Lakshmi Bai and cried.  Naikkar looked at the diamond nose ring in great awe.   Suddenly a bright light whizzed through his eyes. In that, he could envision  Lord  Vishnu in His reclining posture instructing Maharishi Narada.   

‘Narada, your time has arrived to take birth as a human being on the Earth.  You will be born as an ordinary human being to re-establish righteousness and spread the Devar Nama praising the glory of Lord.’  At the instruction of Lord Vishnu, Maharishi Narada cried and pleaded ‘ Lord I  am born to Praise your glory, but  I dont want to go to Earth.  I am your servant in Vaikundham to praise your Glory.  Please don’t let me take birth in this world as an ordinary human being and keep myself away from you.  I don’t want to get attached to this material world and forget the glory of my Lord.’ 

Lord Vishnu replied ‘ In case, if anything as such happens, I will be there to bring you back  and save you from the material world’. 

The vision of the Lord disappeared suddenly.  Chennappa Naikkar  with great pain  and heavy heart started weeping,  thinking over the life he had wasted all these  thirty years without engaging himself in any of the righteousness.  His eyes over flowed with tears and it was a  heart breaking sight indeed.   He cursed his fate blabbering to himself ‘ I have spent all my life without knowing the fact that Gopala Ratnam is  Buvanaika Ratnam’.

Mosahothey nallo nanu

This was the first composition of Sri Purandara Dasa.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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