A Tribute to Sri Purandara Dasa !! Part V !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

It was mid afternoon, the   poor Brahmin felt hunger and thirsty went in search for  food.  He walked through the streets and found a big house with nine Kalashams on the rooftop  which revealed the richness of the householder.  There he  Saw a woman ( Lakshmi Bai) on the patio performing   Lakshmi pooja and  Tulsi pooja.

Baghyadha Lakshmi Baramma  Nammamma
 Nee sowbaghyada  lakshmi baramma

The Brahmin with his unsteadily steps  entered Lakshmi Bai's house.  At that moment,  Lakshmi Bai was about to finish her prayers.  She could hear a weak  voice calling  behind  her.  She saw a poor old Brahmin , with  injuries and the blood oozing from his wounds.  Lakshmi Bai rushed to him and humbly requested him to come in. The Brahmin informed her about what had happened to him.  He told the purpose of his visit to her place.  After hearing him, Lakshmi Bai with abundance of happiness rushed inside the house in search of money.  Cheenappa Naikkar never gave his wife a single penny to keep in her custody.  He keeps money and the jewels in a box tightly locked.    She was anguishly wandering through the house in search of money.    She really wanted to help the poor Brahmin after hearing his painful story.   Soon  Lakshmi Bai came up with  an idea. She removed her  diamond nose ring and gave it to the Brahmin.  The poor Brahmin was happy and forgot his hunger after seeing the valuable nose ring in his hand.   He blessed  Lakshmi Bai  heartily and left home.

The Brahmin rushed to  Cheenappa Naikkar's  shop with all the energies regained.    After seeing him, Naikkar really got angry.  This time , the poor Brahmin  did not ask for any alms.  He carefully opened the knot in his Angavastram (Dhothi) in the same old style.   Naikkar started screaming at him without knowing the purpose.  The Brahmin instructed him to stop yelling as he had brought something precious in exchange for money.  He demanded Naikkar  to see the thing which he has brought and exchange the same.  He also added that one kind hearted woman had given him her invaluable diamond nose ring as alms.    The Brahmin handed the nose ring to Naikkar.  After seeing  the nose ring, Naikker was thunder struck. At once he recognized  that  it was his wife Lakshmi Bai's jewel.  He was shocked and confused of thinking that  how did she do this without informing him.   The Brahmin continued  praising the woman and  described about the home where she was living.  Though Naikkar was a miser, he never took back what was given by him  as charity.   Naikkar with a lot of worries, instructed the Brahmin to wait in his shop  and said that he would be back in a few minutes to provide him  the money in exchange for the nose ring.   He kept the  nose ring  locked safely  in his jewel box and walked home hastily.............

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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