Vishnu Puranam - Who is Lord Yama? !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Vishnu Puranam describes a conversation between Maithreya and Sage Parasara Battar.  Maithreya was anxiously enquiring Sage Parasara about the transition of soul to Hell and how could avoid getting caught into it.  Sage Paradasara narrates that immediately after the death souls were exiled to the hell under the custody of Lord Yama and impel them into different categories of hells according to the sins committed in their life.  They undergo the punishments for several years, after a certain period of time the souls were released for re-birth.



Nakula had the same queries to clear with his grandfather Bhishma Pitamaha, He narrates the conversation between Lord Yama to his servant as answer to the queries.  Lord Yama makes a clear statement that he is not an independent entity in this Universe.  He works under the supervision of Lord Sriman Narayana.   After the death of a person it is the responsibility of Lord Yama to propel soul into Hell for the sins committed.   There are 28 types of hell and each one of them are horrifying than anyone could ever imagine. The different type of hells are Athighora, Raudram, Ghorathama, Dukhajanani, Ghoraroopa, Tharanthara, Bayanaka, Kaalaratri, Ghatothkata, Chanda, Mahachanda, Chandakolahala, Chandaprachanda, varagnika, Jaghanya, Avaraloma, Bhishini, Nayika, Karala, Vikarala, Vajravinshti, Astha, Panchakona, Sudhirga, Parivartula, Sapthabauma, Ashtabhauma and Dheergamaya.   Lord Yama strictly emphasizes to his servants that not to detain devotees of Lord.

Lord Yama explains the method to distinguish a person is a true devotee of Sriman Narayana. Who does not deviate from the righteousness according to their Varnashrama, who does not differentiate friends and enemies, one whose heart is free from Anger, Jealousy and Pride, one who does not hurt others by action or words and more importantly whoever chants the name of Lord constantly.   In this manner they achieve heartwarming personality.   Lord Yama insists to stay away from those who had completely surrendered to the Lotus feet of Sriman Narayana.



Jai Sriman Narayana !!


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