Vishnu Puranam - The Four Varnas !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Vishnu Puranam describes the Four Varnams such as Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, their duties and responsibilities.  It also tells  about Four Ashsramas such as Brahmacharyam, Grahasthashram, Vanaprastham and Sanyasa. 

Brahmana originated from the Mouth, so the responsibility is also high in terms of other Varnasa.  Kshatriya originated from the Chest, Vaishyas from the Thigh and Shudras from the Feet of Lord Brahma.

A Brahmana's responsibilities are: Give and take alms (Biksha), Study Vedas and perform Sacrifices for the welfare of the Universe, Should not make trade of what he has learnt . 

A Kshatriya should  give alms to a Brahmin  and protect the performance of sacrifices.  A major responsibility of protecting one's own country lies in his shoulder.  The duty of a King is to make sure of the welfare of his Kingdom and its  people and protect them from their enemies.

A Vaishya undertakes the responsibility of Trade and Agriculture only.  He also has to give alms to a Brahmin and perform sacrifices for the welfare of the Earth.

A Shudra performs the duty of serving the three Varnas above said.  He can also make livelihood out of trade.

The common factor underlying in all four Varnas are Honesty, Cleanliness, Hard-work and Kindness.  A Brahmana can even take up the trade or the responsbility of a Vaishya and should never mix up with the responsibility of a Shudra.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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