Bhagavad Vibhoothi & Gnana Karma & Bhakthi Yoga – Srimad Narayaneeyam / Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Vishwamoorthey, You are Lord Brahma, You represents the letter ‘A’ and sacred hymn ‘Om’, you represents King Manu, You have personified as Sage Brughu and Maharishi Narada, You have embodied as Prahladha among the demons, You represents the divine cow Surabhi/Kamadhenu, you represents as Vainatheya/Garuda among the birds, you represents serpent Anantha and you have personified as the sacred river Ganga.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, You are Bali who is a zealous devotee of you, Japayoga is the most propitious among the sacrifices, Arjuna excels all the warriors, representation of you as Uddhava is the superior among your devotees, your powers and grandeur excels all the powers and grandeurs, you have countless glorious manifestations.  You are Jiva and Prakriti as well; ultimately there is nothing in existence without you in this Universe.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The people whoever follows the Varna Shrama Dharma and Ashrama Dharmas dutifully which was prescribed in the sacred Veda, and perform their duties and responsibilities with sincerity and devotion would be benefited with the sense of detachment, eventually they renounce the actions and attains the sense of Saththa, Spurththi and Priyaththvam/sense of eternal bliss, and the eternal wisdom and knowledge/Paramartha Thathvam about the Supreme Lord.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, There are three supreme ways to reach you; they are Gnana Marga/Intellect, Karma Marga/Action, and Bhakthi Marga/devotion.  People who are dispassionate towards all the objects would search for you through Gnana Marga/Path of knowledge.  People who are attached to their action would follow the path of Karma Yoga/ actions, engages in the eternal service of Lord.    People who are neither attached nor detached would follow the path of Bhakthi Marga/devotion to you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, knowledge and devotion to you can be achieved only through the good deeds in the human world, therefore the Jivas in the heaven and hell desires to be born in human world.  Oh! Bhagavan, we are fortunate that we have attained the body of human, which is like a ferry to cross the ocean of Samsara with the perpetual guidance of our Preceptor as controller of the ferry and you as the constructive wind, we earnestly pray to help us to cross this ocean of Samsara.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, whoever engages in the Gnana Marga/path of wisdom would search for the Avyakththa Margayantha:/unclear and invisible Brahmam through sacred Vedas and scriptures, Nyaya Sasthra etc…its painstaking indeed,  and  they achieve their goal at the end of several births.  Karma Yoga/actions, is also improbable to attain the ultimate goal.  The Bhakthi Marga/ practice of devotion to you are certainly the fruit bearing and favorable, therefore we earnestly pray to provide us sincere devotion and dedication to you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Vyasa narrates whoever immersed in knowing the Brahmathathva with intense devotion at your lotus feet would take refuge in you with utmost devotion and dedication, eventually attains liberation.  Meditation becomes extremely difficult process due to the irresolute mind, but by the continuous practice it would be possible to master the mind to a certain extent, that too possible only with the grace of you or visualizing your enthralling form.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The Vedic rituals are extremely difficult to follow, Oh! Bhuvanapathey, I shall listen to your glorious myths with intense devotion and faith, although I am not in a position to curb my desires, I may consider them as harmful and keep your marvelous form in heart and fix my gaze on you with utmost firmness again, soon the sense of attachment in me will get destroyed.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Once a virtuous Brahmin lost all his hard earned wealth, but he remained calm and responded that it was not the time, people, Karma or changes in planetary positions caused sorrows, it was the mind and the Gunas in it caused the grief.  Eventually he peacefully attained your abode.  Oh! Lord  We earnestly pray to provide us peace of mind.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa,  Long ago King Pururavass was attracted to the celestial Apsara Urvassi and enjoyed in her company for several years.  Later he developed a sense of renunciation and realized that the physical relationship is trivial.    He attained intense devotion towards you, freed from all bondages and desires like a liberated soul.  Oh! Pavanapurapathey we earnestly pray to eradicate our illnesses.
Thvam Hi Bhramaiva Sakshath Para Muru Mahiman – Aksharanam Akara:
Tharo Manthreshu Rajjyam Manurasi Munishu Thvam Bhrugur Naradhopi |
Prahladho Dhanavanam Pashushu Cha Surabhi: Pakshinam Vainatheya:
Naganamasyanantha : Sura Saridhapi Cha Srothasam Vishwamoorthey ! ||
Brahmanyanam Balisthavam Krathushu Cha Japa Yajjosi Vireshu Parththa:
Bhakthanam Uddhvasthvam Balamasi Balinam Dhama Thejasvinam Thvam |
Nasthyanthasthva Dhvibhoothey: Vikasadhath Athishayam Vasthu Sarvvam Thvameva
Thvam Jeevasthvam Pradhanam Yadhiha Bhavad Dhruthey Thanna Kinchith Prapanchey ||
Dharmam Varnnashramanam Shruthi Padha Vihitham Thvath Parathvena Bhakthya
Kurvvantho Anthar Viragey Vikasathi Shanakai: Santhya Jantho Labhanthey |
Saththa Spoorththi – Priyathyathva Athmakam Akhila Padharththeshu Bhinneshva Bhinnam
Nirmmoolam Vishwamoolam Parama Mahamithi Thvadhvi Bodham Vishuddham ||
Gnanam Karmmapi Bhakthi Sthrithaya Miha Bhavath Prapakam Thathra Thavath
Nirvinnanam Asheshey Vishaya Iha Bhaveth Gnana Yogedhikara: |
Sakthanam Karmayoga: Thvayi Hi Vinihitho Ye Thu Nathyantha Saktha:
Napyathyantham Viraktha: Thvayi Cha Dhrutharasa: Bhakthi Yogo Hyameesham ||
Gnanam Thvadh Bhakthatham Va Laghu Sukrutha Vashath Marththya Loke Labhanthey
Thasmath Thathraiva Janma Spruhayathi Bhagavan ! Nakago Narako Va |
Avishtam Mam Thu Dhaivadh Bhava Jalanidhi – Pothayithey Marththya Dhehey
Thvam Kruthva Karnna Dharam Gurum Anuguna – Vathayitha  Stharayedha: ||
Avyaktham Marganyantha: Shruthibhirapi Nayai: Kevala Gnana Lubdha:
Klishyanthetheeva Siddhim Bahuthara – Janusham Antha Yevapnuvanthi |
Dhoorastha: Karma Yogopi Cha Paramaphale Nanvayam Bhakthi Yoga:
Thvamoola Deva Hrudhya: Thvarithamayi ! Bhavath Prapako Varddhatham Mey ||
Gnanayai Vathiyathnam Munirapa Vadhathey Brahma Thaththvam Thu Shrunvan
Gadam Thvath Padha Bhakthim Sharanamayathi Ya Sthasya Mukthi: Karagrey |
Thvadhyanepeeha Thulya Punara Sukaratha Chiththa Chanchalya Hetho:
Abhyasadhashu Shakyam Thadhapi Vashayithum Thvath Krupa Charuthabhyam ||
Nirvinna: Karma Margey Ghalu Vishamathamey Thvath Kadhadhou Cha Gadam
Jatha Shraddhopi Kamanayi Bhuvanapathey ! Naiva Shaknomi Hathum |
Thadh Bhooyo Nischayena Thvayi Nihithamana: Dhosha Buddhya Bajamsthan
Pushneeyam Bhakthimeva Thvayi Hrudhaya Gathey Mangshu Nagshyanthi Sanga: ||
Kaschith Klesharjjithartha – Kshaya – Vimalamathir – Nudhyamano Janoughai:
Pragevam Praha Vipro Na Ghalu Mama Jana: Kala Karma Graha Va |
Chetho Mey Dhukka Hethu: Thadhiha Gunaganam Bhavayath Sarvakari –
Thyukthva Shantho Gathsthvam Mama Cha Kuru Vibho ! Thadhrushim Chiththa Shanthim ||
Aila: Pragurvashim Prathyathi Vivashamana: Sevamanaschiram Tham
Gadam Nirvidhya Bhooyo Yuvathi Sugamidham Kshudhramevethi Gayan |
Thvadh Bhakthim Prapya Poorna: Sugatharam Acharath Thadhva Dhudhdhootha Sangam
Bhakthoththamsam Kriya Mam Pavana Purapathey ! Hantha Mey Rundhdhi Rogan ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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