Legend of Lord Krishna - Namakaranam & Jathakaphala Kathanam – Srimad Narayaneeyam !! Lyrics & Its Meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Vibho, You are the supreme nature of all ritual, Vasudeva decided to perform traditional ritual to you and Sage Garga who is profound in astrology was invited to your house.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Nanda was extremely happy and received the greatest among the Sage Garga with all honors.  Sage Garga was eager to perform the ritual to you was received by Nanda with a gentle smile.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga as a priest of Yadu clan performed the ritual in a state supreme bliss and modesty. Thus, Sage Garga performed the naming ceremony of you and your elder brother as well.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga was immersed in various thoughts like how did I perform the naming ceremony to this child? Oh! Vibho, who has possessed thousands and endless names, Sage Garga must have thought of the same and ultimately performed the ritual in a simple manner.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, who is the nature of absolute bliss, Sage Garga pronounced the name ‘Krishna’ to you, and narrated the significance of the same as the one who eradicates the sins of the entire world.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga addressed you with the various names like Vasudeva and pronounced Rama to your elder brother.  Sage Garga also described about the mystic powers of you to your father, without revealing the true nature of you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga prophesied the glories of you, ‘whoever adores your son would never mislead by illusion or sorrows and who goes against him would be destroyed without any uncertainty.’
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga spoke about the unending glories of you, continued ‘Your son will vanquish numerous demons; he will take his own people into his realm/Amalapadham, you will be fortunate to listen about his unblemished fame.’
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Garga did not reveal your real nature, explained ‘ You will overcome all obstacles with the help of him, have perpetual faith in him.’  In this way Sage Garga did not reveal your supreme nature as ‘Hari’ to your father.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, in this way Sage Garga made Nanda and cowherds extremely happy and left your home.  Oh! Srimaruthpuradhisha, who is the ocean of mercy, we earnestly request you to remove all our ailments.
Goodam Vasudevagira Karththum They Nishkriyasya Samskaran |
Hrudh Gathahora Thaththvo Garggamuni: Thvad Gruham Vibho ! Gathavan ||
Nandhodha Nandhithathma Vrunddhishtam Manayannamum Yaminam |
Mandhasmithardhra Moochey Thvasamskaran Vidhathu Muthsukadhee: ||
Yadhuvamshacharya Thvath Subhruthamidhamarya ! Karya Mithi Kathayan |
Garggo Nirggatha Pulaka: Chakrey Thava Sagrajasya Namani ||
Kathamasya Nama Kurvve Sahasranamno Hynantha Namno Va |
Ithi Noonam Garggamuni: Chakre Thava Nama Nama Rahasi Vibho ! ||
Krishi  Dhathu – Na Karabhyam Saththanandhathmatham Kilabhi Lapath |
Jagadhagha Karshithvam Va Kathya Dhrushi: Krishnanama They Vyathanoth ||
Anyamscha Namabhedhan Vyakruvvannagrajey Cha Ramadheen |
Athimanushabhanu Bhavam Nyagadhath Thvam Aprakashayan Pithre ||
Snihyathi Yasthava Puthre Muhyathi Sa Na Mayikai: Puna: Shokai: |
Dhruhyathi Yassa Thu Nashyeth Ithyavadhaththey Mahathva Mrushivarya: ||
Jeshyathi Bahuthara Dhaithyan Neshyathi Nija Bandhu Lokam Amalapadham |
Shroshyasi Suvimala Keerthi – Rasyethi Bhavad Vibhoothim Rishiroochey ||
Amunaiva Sarva Durggam Tharithastha Kruthastha Mathra Thishtadhvam |
Hari Revethya Nabhilapan – Ithyadhi Thvam Avarnnayath Sa Muni: ||
Garggedha Nirggathesmin Nanditha Nandhadhi Nandhya Manasthvam |
Madhgadha Mudhgatha Karuno Nirggamaya Sri Maruthpuradheesha ! ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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