Amruthaharanam & Asura Nigraham – Srimad Narayaneeyam !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, You have appeared as Dhanvanthari from the ocean with the pot of elixir of nectar, instantly the demons snatched the pot from your hands, eventually the deities turned vulnerable.  You have pacified the deities and disappeared from the sight, Oh! Deva, consequently a huge chaos caused among the demons that was prompted by you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, you have appeared as a beautiful young maiden who had pot like bosom caused slightly bend forward.  Instantly, all the demons put a sudden halt on their fight for the elixir of nectar and approached you with a greed and thirst watching on your pot like bosom.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, You have approached by the demons with a command to distribute the nectar.  You have questioned them with a passion that how could they trust and revealed them that you are a Kulada/woman with immoral activities; in this way you have made them to trust you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The demons were handed over the pot of nectar to you who appeared as Mohini before them.  You have asked them to bear with you, separated the deities and demons into two rows, you have gracefully moved amongst them and cleverly served the nectar.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The demons were patiently waiting for their turn with the thought that you are favorable to them; you have distributed the entire nectar among the deities who were always preferred by you.    Eventually, you have assumed your real form and beheaded the demon Rahu who consumed the nectar deceitfully.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, You have left the scene abruptly as the pot of elixir was snatched away from you.  A fierce battle rose among the deities and demons, in that war field the deities were became powerless before the illusionary powers of the demon Bali.  Instantly, you have appeared in the war field to protect them.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayuappa, You have killed the demon Kalanemi, Mali and others in that fierce battle, Lord Indra vanquished Bali, Jamba, Valan, Sapakan and others.  Namuchi who has the boon not to get killed by dry or wet weapon was killed by the weapon made out of foam.   Shortly, you have put an end to the battle at the advice of Maharashi Narada.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Shiva with his consort Goddess Sri Uma and with his assistants arrived at your abode, after listening about the glorious form you have assumed to entice the demons.  Lord Shiva was eager and revealed his desire to witness the enthralling form of you.  You have disappeared from their sight immediately.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Shiva witnessed an attractive young maiden in a garden, completely absorbed in her activities, her eyes were wandering all over.  In a moment her attire was misplaced due to her movement.  Lord Shiva, conqueror of Lord Kamadeva was overcome by an intense desire and embraced her.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayuappa,  Lord Shiva lured the beautiful young maiden who was running away from him, instantly he released the ‘Veerya’/Beeja, eventually attained the conscious of ‘Paramartha’ was honored by you.  Lord Shiva described the glories of you to Goddess Uma.  Oh! Vathanikethanatha, who has the everlasting glory I earnestly pray to protect us.
Udhgacchasthava Karadhamrutham Harasthu Dhaithyeshu Thana Sharanan Anuneeya Devan
Sadhya Sthirodhadhidha Deva ! Bhavath Prabhavath Udhyath Swayoodhya Kalaha Dhithija Bhabhoovu: ||
Shyamam Ruchapi Vayasapi Thanum Thadhanim Prapthosi Thunga Kucha Mandala – Bhanguram Thvam |
Peeyusha Kumbha Kalaham Parimuchya Sarve Thrushnakula: Prathiyayustha Dhurojakumbhey ||
Ka Thvam Mrugakshi! Vibhajasva Sudhami Mamithya Arooda – Raga Vivshanabhiyachathomoon
Vishwasyathey Mayi Kadham Kuladasmi Dhaithya: Ithyalapannapi Suvishvasithana Thanee : ||
Modhath Sudha Kalashameshu Dhadhasthu Sa Thvam Dhuccheshtitham Mama Sahadhvamithi Bruvana |
Pangthi Prabhedha – Viniveshitha – Devadhaithya Leelavilasa Gathibhi: Samadha: Sudham Tham ||
Asmasviyam Pranayineethya Sureshu Theshu Josham Sthitheshvadha Samapya Sudham Sureshu |
Thvam Bhaktha Loka Vashago Nijaroopamethya Swarbhanu Marddha Paripeetha Sudham Vyalavee: ||
Thavaththa: Sudha Harana Yogya Phalam Pareshu Dhathva Gathe Thvayi Surai: Ghalu They vyagruhnan |
Ghoredha Moorcchayathi Rane Bali Dhaithya Maya Vyamohithe Suragane Thvamiha Virasee: ||
Thavam Kalanemi Madha Malimughan Jaghandha: Shakro Jaghana Balijambhavalan Sapakan |
Shooshkardhra Dhushkara Vadhe Namuchau Cha Looney Phenena Naradagira Nyaruno Ranam Thvam ||
Yoshavapur – Dhanujamohana Mahitham They Shruthva Vilokana – Kuthoohalavan Mahesha: |
Bhoothai: Samam Girijaya Cha Gatha: Padham They Sthuthva Ambraveedh Bhimatham Thvamadho Thirodha: ||
Arama Seemani Cha Kandhuka Ghathaleela – Lolayamana Nayanam Kamaneem Manojyam
Thvamesha Veekshy Vigaladhvasanam Manobhoo – Vegadhanamgaripuranga ! Samali Linga ||
Bhooyopi Vidhruthavathi Mupadhavya Devo Veerya Pramoksha Vikasath Paramartha Bodha:
Thvanmanithasthava Mahathva Muvacha Devyai: Thaththa Dhrushasthvamava Vathaniketha Natha! ||
 Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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