24 Preceptors – Srimad Narayaneeyam / Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, With the grace of you I shall be cleansed from the clutches of worldly bondages in that way I will abandon the attachments towards my relatives, I shall consider the world and all that happenings as the expression of illusion.  I shall realize the perception of diversity/Nanathvam caused due to the false conception, good and bad, dos and don’ts with the help of sincere devotion to you and surpass the Vaishamya Buddhi/conscious of differences as well.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Human birth is very rare indeed, there are countless beings absorbed in gratifying hunger and thirst, humans are enriched with the discriminative mind and they will have friends and foes.  Whose mind is absorbed in you would be engaged in alleviating sorrows of all, concerned about his friends and foe as well.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Bhooman, with the grace of you I will understand the truth that there is nothing in existence, I will learn the perfect endurance form the Mother of Earth who does not move an inch even though exploited by its inhabitants.  Oh! Esha, The nature of air which has constant contact with everything but remains unblemished, likewise soul/Athman is all pervasive and remains unscathed, sky/Gagan as a teacher I will be able to understand the same.
Oh ! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, With the grace of you I shall remain clean, sweet and pure like water, I shall remain unblemished by consuming food of all types, just like the fire consumes whatever goes into it.  The process of waxing and waning took place in the moon just like the variations in the body and the soul remains unaffected.  I shall understand the eternal knowledge of oneness, just like the reflection of sun in the water.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I may possibly not like the pigeon who gave up life due to the intense love towards its offspring which was hunted, I may eat whatever available like a python and put up with hunger when nothing is available, I may remain serene and deep like an ocean, I may not fall for the lust for females like fire moths, let me remain as the knower of the essence of life like a honey bee, unlike perish in the chase of wealth.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I shall not remain in the captivity of women, like an elephant captured by a female, I should not accumulate wealth in abundance, possibly will taken away by others like honey gatherers, I should not be fascinated to unattractive music like a deer, I should not have too much liking for food just like a fish has weakness to its bait, I should sleep like a Pingala without any concern, Oh! Vibho, Protect me, I should not get killed like Kurara bird while guarding its possession of meat.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I shall live unaffected by the sense of wittiness and disgrace like a happy child, I shall live unaccompanied like a lonely bangle in the wrist of Young maiden which does not make any noise, in this way I will keep myself away from all the worldly matters. Oh! Vibho,  we earnestly pray that our mind should be absorbed in you, like an arrow maker who is not aware of the announcement of arrival of King, I shall live in the house made by others without the sense of attachment like a snake lives in a rat hole.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I have learnt that the Universe is created by you and it was engulfed by you, like a spider. Oh! Supreme Lord, meditation upon your glorious form provides the eternal knowledge that the human body is the storehouse of all impurities, causes various types of ailments like a beetle, and ultimately teaches the lesson of eternal wisdom and sense of detachment/renunciation.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, We earnestly pray to eradicate the increased sense of attachment to one’s own body, properties, wealth and families/Kalathram/wife. Oh! Pavanapuradhisha, we have turned helpless at the end, with no sense of devotion and dedication at your lotus feet and pathetically hauled by the Panchendhriyas/eyes, ears, skin, tongue etc.. Otherwise this body will be suitable only for the fire/Vahne or dog/Shuna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa,  Oh! Pankajaksha, Its difficult to remove attachment towards the physique, we earnestly pray to provide us the state of no ailments and firm devotion at your lotus feet. Oh Maruthesha, I have attained the body of a Brahmin after several lives, which is capable to provide liberation, Oh! Supreme Lord, we earnestly pray to protect us, not to haul us into gratification of sensual pleasures/Vishayarasam.
Bandhu Sneham Vijahyam Thava Hi Karunaya Thvayyupa Veshithathma
Sarvam Thyakthva Chareyam Sakalamapi Jagadhvikshya Maya Vilasam |
Nanathvath Bhranthi Janyath Sathi Ghalu Gunadhosha Avabodhe Vidhirva
Vyasedho Va Kadham Thou Thvayi Nihithamathey : Veetha Vaishamya Buddhey: ||
Kshuththrushna Lopamathrey Sathatha Kruthadhiyo Janthava: Santhyanantha:
Theybhyo Vijyana Vaththvath Purusha Iha Vara: Thajja Nirdhhurllabhaiva |
Thathrapyathma Athmana: Syath Suhrudhapi Cha Ripu: Yasthvayi Nasthyachetha:
Thapocchiththey Roopayam Smarathi Sa Hi Suhruth Swathmavairi Thathonya: ||
Thvath Karunye Pravruththe Ka Iva Nahi Guru: Lokavruththepi Bhooman !
Sarva Kranthapi Bhoomi: Nahi Chalathi Thatha: Sath Kshamam Shikshayeyam |
Gruhniyameesha ! Thaththad Vishaya – Parichaye – Pya Prasakthim Sameerath
Vyaptham Chathmano Mey Gagana Guruvashath Bhathu Nirllepatha Cha ||
Swaccha: Syam Pavanoham Madhura Udhakava - dhvahnivanma Sma Gruhnam
Sarvanninopi Dhosham Tharushu Thamiva Mam Sarva Bhootheshveyam |
Pushtir Nashti: Kalanam Shashina Iva Thano Nathmanostheethi Vidhyam
Thoya Dhivyastha – Marththanda Vadhapi Cha Thanushvekatham Thvath Prasadhath ||
Snehath Vyadhaththa Puthra Pranayamrutha – Kapothayitho Ma Sma Bhuvam
Praptham Prashnan Saheya Kshudhamapi Shayuvath Sindhuvath Syamagadha: |
Ma Paptham Yoshidhadhou Shikhini Shalabhavath Bhyangavath Sarabhagi
Bhooyasam Kinthu Thadhvath Dhanachayana Vashath Mahameesha ! Pranesham ||
Ma Baddhyasam Tharuna Gaja Iva Vashaya Narjjayeyam Dhanougham
Harththanyastham Hi Madhvihara Iva Mrugavath Ma Muham Gramya Githai: |
Nathya Sajjeya Bhojye Jasha Iva Balishey Pingala Vannirasha:
Supyam Bharththavya Yogath Kurara Iva Vibho ! Samishnyair Na Hanyai ||
Varththeya Thvakthyamana: Sugamathi Shishuvath Nisshayaschareyam
Kanyaya Yetha Shesho Valaya Iva Vibho ! Varjjithanyonya Ghosha: |
Thvacchitho Nava Buddhyai Paramishu Krudhiva Kshmabhru Dhayana Ghosham
Geheshvanya Praneetheshu Ahiriva Nivasa – Nyudhuror Mandhireshu ||
Thvayyeva Thvath Krutham Thvam Kshapayasi Jagadhi – Thyoornna Nabhath Pratheeyam
Thvacchintha Thvath Swaroopam Kurutha Ithi Dhrudam Shikshaye Peshakarath |
Vid Bhasmathma Cha Dheho Bhavathi Guruvaro Yo Vivekam Virakthim
Dhaththey Sanchithyamano Mama Thu Bahuruja – Peedithoyam Visheshath ||
Hi Hi ! Mey Dheha Moham Thyaja Pavana Puradhisha ! Yath Premahetho:
Gehey Viththey Kalathradhishu Cha Vivashitha: Thvath Padham Vismaranthi |
Soyam Vahne: Shuno Va Paramiha Paratha: Sambratham Chakshi Karnna –
Thvag Jihvadhya Vikarshanthya Vashamatha Itha: Kopi Na Thvathpadhabje ||
Dhurvvaro Dheha Moho Yadhi Punaradhuna Tharhi Nisshesha Rogan
Hruthva Bhakthim Dhradishtam Kuru Thava Padha Pangeruhe Pankajaksha ! |
Noonam Nana Bhavanthey Samadhi Gathamamum Mukthidham Vipradheham
Kshudhre Ha Hantha ! Ma Ma Kshipa Vishayarase Pahimam Maruthesha ! ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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