Yogabhyasam & Yogasiddhi – Srimad Narayaneeyam !! Lyrics & Its Meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Provide us with adequate health to worship you, with that we shall practice the Ashta Vidha Yogacharya/Ashtanga Yoga to make ourselves well equipped to attain your grace.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, we will follow strict disciplines and rules through chastity/Practice of Brahmacharya, self control, ablutions, morality etc…in that way we will attain the purity of mind and body.  We shall sincerely practice the yogic postures like Sukhasana and Padmasana etc., to meditate upon you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, practicing the Pranayama/ perfect control over the breath and by reciting the Pranavamanthra/OM continuously, will attain the control over sense organs and subjects, in this way we will prepare ourselves for the veneration of you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, we shall practice to concentrate our mind on your form with immense effort, though it will be hazy in the beginning, we shall continue the same again and again, and ultimately with perpetual dedication and devotion we will attain the practice of meditating upon your lotus feet.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, We shall be able to visualize your mesmerizing form evidently with continuous practice and without much effort.  Oh! Supreme Lord, we have taken refuge in you, we will carryon this practice of meditation upon you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, whoever meditates upon your ideal form would experience the Brahmam, sweetness and supreme bliss in their hearts.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Vishwanayaka, we shall continue the practice of realizing Brahmam to attain the state of unison with you, whenever slide down from the state of supreme bliss, we shall continue the practice of Dharana to meditate upon you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, In this way, continuous practice of realization of Brahmam and soak in the supreme bliss, we will remain one of the liberated devotees and attain supremacy, move freely from attachment, like the great Sages Sri Shuka, Maharishi Narada etc…
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Aja, whoever attains unison with you attains liberation and they may opt for immediate or gradual liberation, with the continuous practice of Yoga, elevate and regulate breathe through the six centers through the Sushmna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Whoever attains unison with the Brahmam, merges with you with their subtle and mortal body, whoever desires to reside in the higher spiritual worlds without attaining liberation, releases their subtle body through the head.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, whoever devoted to you was led by the deities Lord Agni, Lord Vasara/day and Valarksha Paksha/bright fortnight and Utharayana to the plane of Lord Surya, while enjoying the view of the spheres, transport them into the realm of Dhruvapadham.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, while residing in the Dhruvapadham, eventually moves into Maharloka, when the heat begins to emanate from the mouth of Adishesha and starts to torment, takes refuge in you and instantly transports to the Brahmaloka.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, your zealous devotee while residing in Brahmaloka or in your abode of Sri Vaikundha, attains liberation during the time of Prakruthapralaya/deluge or liberates himself at his will by piercing through the Brahmanda/cosmic world with the accumulated Yogic powers.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The cosmic worlds constitute elements like earth, water, fire, ether, cosmic, intelligence and primordial nature.  Oh! Vibho, he surpasses the above barriers by realizing his identity and enjoy the bliss, ultimately reaches at the state of no barriers, merges in the supreme Brahmam.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The devotee who crosses those entire brilliant paths would never face ruin, never return to the material world. Oh! Jagathpathey, Oh! Anilesha, personification of Sacchidathmaka, I earnestly pray to protect us, who is always immersed in singing and praising the glories of you.
Kalyatham Mama Kurushva Thavathim Kalyathey Bhavadhupasanam Yaya
Spashta Mashta Vidha – Yoga Charyaya Pushtayashu Thava Thushtimapnuyam ||
Bhramacharya – Dhrudathadhibhiryamai: Aplavadhi Niyamaischa Pavitha:
Kurmmahey Dhrudamami Sugasanam Pangajadhyamapi Va Bhavath Para: ||
Thara Mantharanu Chinthya Santhatham Pranavayu Mabhiyamya Nirmmala:
Indriyani Vishaya Dhadhapahru – Thyasmahey Bhavadhu Upasanon Mukha: ||
Aspudey Vapushi They Parayathnatho Dharayema Dhishanam Muhur Muhuhu:
Thena Bhakthi Rasam Antharardhratham Udhvahema Bhavadhangri – Chinthaka: ||
Vispudavayava Bhedha – Sundaram Thvadhvapu: Suchira – Sheelana Vashath
Ashramam Manasi Chinthayamahey Dhyana Yoga – Nirathasthvadhashraya: ||
Dhyayatham Sakala Moorthimeedhrishim Unmishan Madhuratha – Hruthathmanam
Sandhra Modha Rasa – Roopamantharam Brahmaroopa Mayi ! They Vabhasathey ||
Thathsa Masvadhana Roopinim Sthithim Thvathsamadhimayi Vishwanayaka !
Ashritha ! Punaratha: Parichyuthou Arabhemahi Cha Dharanadhikam ||
Iththta Mabhyasana – Nirbharollasath Thvathparathma Suga – Kalpithothsava:
Muktha Bhaktha Kula Moulitham Gatha: Sanchareyma Shuka Naradhadhivath ||
Thavathsamadhi Vijaye Thu Ya: Puna: Mankshu Moksha Rasika: Kramena Va
Yoga Vashya Manilam Shadashrayai: Unnayathyaja ! Sushumnaya Shanai: ||
Linga Dhehamapi Santhya Jannadho Leeyathey Thvayi Pare Niragraha:
Oorddhva Loka Kuthuki Thu Moodhatha: Sarddhameva Karanair Nireeyathey ||
Agni Vasara Valarksha Pakshagai: Uththarayana Jusha Cha Dhaivathai:
Prapitho Ravipadham Bhavath Paro – Modhavan Dhruva Padhantha Meeyathey ||
Asthithodha Maharalaye Yadha Shesha Vakthra – Dhahanoshmanardhyathey
Eyathey Bhavadhu Pashrayasthadha Vedasa: Padha Matha: Puraiva Va ||
Thathra Va Thava Padhedhava Vasan Prakrutha Pralaya Yethi Mukthatham
Swecchaya Ghalu Puratha Vimuchyathey Samvibhidhya Jagadanda Mojasa ||
Thasya Cha Kshithipayo Maho Nila – Dhyomahath Prakruthi – Sapthaka Vruthi:
Thaththa Dhathmakathaya Vishan Sugi Yathi They Padamana Vrutham Vibho! ||
Arcchiradhi – Gathimeedhrushim Vrajan Vichyuthim Na Bajathe Jagathpathey !
Sacchidhathmaka ! Bhavad Gunodhayan Uccharantha Manilesha ! Pahimam ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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