Legend of Nara Narayana & Dhaksha Yaga – Srimad Narayaneeyam & Srimad Bhagavatham !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Daksha Prajapathi, son of Lord Brahma got married to Prasoothi, daughter of Manu.  This couple had sixteen daughters, thirteen daughters were married to Lord Dharma, Swadha to Pithru, Swaha to Lord Agni and Sati was married to Lord Siva who is an aspect of you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Murthi, wife of Lord Dharma gave birth to two stunning male children Narayana, a personification of you and Nara.  All the deities rejoiced over the birth of the twins, sung praising the glories, divine instruments were played and showered flowers upon the glorious children.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, There was a demon Sahasrakavacha who had thousands of armor to protect him, to annihilate this demon one should undergo austerities for thousand years and should fight with him for thousand years to triumph over him.  Oh! Supreme Lord, who is personified as Narayana with Nara continued austerities and you have killed the demon Sahasrakavacha effortlessly.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, You with your brother Nara continued to live in Badrikashrama practicing and sermonizing the righteousness and path of liberation.  Lord Indra was jealous of your spiritual fervor acquired through penance and discipline.  Lord Indra sent celestial Apsaras in order to create impediments in your spiritual practice.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, The celestial Apsaras were accompanied by spring season and cool breeze tried all their efforts to distract your attention with their sideways glances inviting amorous sport.  Soon they were alarmed and realized that you are untouched by any of their movements.    At that moment you began to speak.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, “Oh ! Lord Kamadeva & Celestials do not get frightened.  You all are creation of my mind.”, then  you have revealed the several gorgeous attendants engaged in service of you.  The celestials assembled around were wonderstruck and praised the glories of you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Kamadeva and the celestial Apsaras who had arrived to conquer you were fascinated by the fragrances of your attendants, they were ashamed of themselves.  Ultimately, one of the Apsara Urvasi received the fragrance offered by you, in this way you have ruined the pride of the celestials.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Indra understood the victory of you through Urvasi, he was puzzled and praised your glories.  Oh! Varada, provider of boon, your personification as Nara Narayana was also one of the most serene and attractive, but it is surpassed by your incarnation as Lord Krishna.
Oh! Suprme Lord Guruvayurappa, Dakshaprajapathi was extremely empowered by Lord Brahma, therefore he turned too haughty with all those Rajogunas.  Eventually he had no respect for the deities and lost his mental peace. Daksha Prajapathi became an enemy to Lord Shiva who is another personification of you, performed a grand Yagna to reveal his enmity towards Lord Shiva and eventually humiliated his own daughter Sati.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, ultimately the grand Yagna was interrupted by Lord Shiva, in an extreme rage Daksha’s head was chopped off.  In a moment, all the deities were pacified you and Daksha was revived back to life.  Later, the Yagna was completed and restored peace.  Oh! Maruthpuresha, I earnestly pray to protect us.
Dhaksho Virinchithanayodha Manosthanujam Labdhva Prasoothi Miha Shodasha Chapa Kanya:
Dharmmey Thrayodhasha Dhadhou Pithrushu Swadham Cha Swaham Havirbuji Sathim Girishey Thvadhamshey ||
Moorthirhi Dharma Gruhani Sushuvey Bhavantham Narayanam Nara Sakham Mahithanu Bhavam
Yajjanmani Pramudhitha: Krutha Thoorya Ghosha: Puspothkaran Pravrushur Nunuvu: Surougha: ||
Dhaithyam Sahasra Kavacham Kavachai: Pareetham Sahasra – Vatsara – thapassamarabhi Lavyai:
Paryaya Nirmmitha Thapassamarou Bhavanthou Shishtaika – Kangadamumum Nruhatham Salilam ||
Anvacharannu Padhishannapi Moksha Dharmam Thvam Bhrathyaman Badarikashrama – Madhyavasi :
Shakrodha They Shama Thapobala – Nissahathma Divyangana Parivrutham Prajighaya Maram ||
Kamo Vasantha – Malayanila – Bandhushali Kantha – Kadaksha Vishikhair – Vikasadhvilasai:
Vidhyan Muhur Muhura Kamba Mudheekshya Cha Thvam Bheetha Sthayadha Jadage Mrudhuhasa Baja ||
Bheethyalamangaja ! Vasantha ! Surangana ! Vo Manmanasam – Thviha Jushadhva Mithi Bhruvana:
Thvam Vismayena Paritha: Sthuvatha Madhaisham Pradharshaya: Swaparicharaka – Katharakshi: ||
Sammohanaya Militha Madhanadhayasthey Thvaddhasika Parimalai: Kila Mohamapu:
Dhaththam Thvaya Cha Jagruhusthrapayaiva Sarva Swarvasi Garva Shamaneem Punarurvashim Tham ||
Dhrushtorvashim Thava Kadham Cha Nishamya Shakra: Paryakulo Jani Bhavan Mahimava Marshath
Yevam Prashantha – Ramaneeya Tharavatharath Thvaththodhiko Varada ! Krishna Thanusthameva ||
Dhakshasthu Dhathurathilalanaya Rajonddho Nathyadhrutha Sthvayi Cha Kashta Mashanthiraseeth |
Yena Vyarunddha Sa Bhavaththanumeva Sharvam Yajjey Cha Vaira Pishune Swasutham Vyamaneeth ||
Kruddhe Shamarddhitha Makha: Sa Thu Kruththa Sheersha: Deva Prasadhitha – Haradha Labdha Jeeva:
Thavath Pooritha – Krathuvara: Punarapa Shanthim Sa Thvam Prashanthikara ! Pahi Maruthpuresha !

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