Sri Krishna Leela - Legend of Kaliya Mardhanam - Kaliya undertakes shelter in River Kalindi & attack of fatal poison in Gokulam !! Lyrics & Its meaning

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa,       Long ago there was a Sage Saubhari who was passionate devotee of you underwent severe austerities for twelve years in the under waters of river Kalindi, eventually he became emotionally attached to the fishes and creatures sporting in the water.  In the meantime Sage Saubhari witnessed Garuda right in front of him.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Sage Saubhari was infuriated at the sight of Garuda; the celestial vehicle of you was hungrily eating a fish.  Sage Saubhari cursed Garuda that he would lose his life if he remains threat for the creatures living in the river Kalindi.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Kaliya, a venomous serpent who was extremely proud of the power of his poison, swallowed all those offerings of Garuda, the King of birds.   The enemy of serpents Garuda, a faithful devotee of your lotus feet, got agitated and thrashed Kaliya with its wings.  Kaliya took shelter in the deep waters of Kalindi/Yamuna and it turned out forbidden place for Garuda.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, consequently the waters of Yamuna became toxin and the plantations near the areas were destroyed, birds flew over the river dropped down dead due to the dreadful venom of Kaliya.  Oh! Supreme Lord, the terrible state of these creatures had instigated absolute compassion in you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, once it was blistering heat, you have arrived in the woodlands near the river Yamuna, without Balram.  Due to the extreme heat, the cowherds and cattle were gone in search of water to quench their thirst, eventually they happened to consume the toxic water from the river Yamuna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, all those cowherds and cattle lost their lives.  Oh! Lord Achyutha, you were overwhelmed with sheer compassion, your auspicious fleeting look on them was like nectar which revitalized them.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, the cowherds was brought back into life were experienced supreme bliss in their limbs and cried out, soon they realized that the strange bliss was your act, because they were already aware of your glorious deeds.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, the cattle were breathing life into them and they gathered before you affectionately.  They shed tears of joy, produced a gentle noise of gratitude and stood around you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Lord Mukunda, The cattle and the cowherds were experienced extreme bliss and felt that the strike of the poison was fantastic; eventually they praised you and worshipped you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, your fleeting looks are capable to revive the lifeless and eradicate all the illnesses.  Oh! Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Ocean of mercy, I earnestly pray to eradicate our illnesses.
Thvasevothka: Soubharinama Poorvam Kalindhyanthar – Dhwadhashabdham Thapasyan
Meenavrathey Snehavan Bhoga Loley Tharkshyam Sakshath Aikshathagrey Kathachith ||
Thvadhvaham Tham Sakshudham Thrakshyasoonum  Meenam Kanchith Jakshatham Lakshayan Sa:
Thapthaschiththey Shapthava Nathra Cheth Thvam Janthoon Bhoktha Jeevitham Chapi Moktha ||
Thasmin Kale Kaliya: Kshveladharppath Sarpparathey: Kalpitham Bhagamashnan
Thena Krodhath Thvath Padhamboja Bhaja Pakshakshiptha: Thaddhurapam Payogath ||
Ghorey Thasmin Soorajaneeravasey Theerey Vruksha: Vikshatha: Kshelavegath
Pakshivratha: Pethurabhrey Pathantha: Karunyardhram Thvanmanasthena Jatham ||
Kale Thasminnekadha Seerapanim Muktha Yathe Yamunam Kananantham
Thvayuddhama Greeshma Bhishmoshma – Thaptha:  Gogopala: Vyapiban Kshvelathoyam ||
Nashyajeevan Vichyuthan Kshmathale Than Vishwan Pashyan Achyutha ! Thvam Dhayardhra:
Prapyopantham Jeevayamaseeth Dhrak Peeyushambo Varshibhi: Sri Kadakshai: ||
Kim Kim Jatho Harshavarshathireka: Sarvangeshithyuththitha Gopa Sangha:
Dhrushtvagre Thvam Thvathkrutham Thadhvidhantha: Thvamalingan Dhrushtanana Prabhava: ||
Gavanschaivam Labdhajeeva: Kshanena Speethananda: Thvam Cha Dhrushtva Purasthath
Dhragavavru: Sarvatho Harsha Bashpam Vyamunjanthyo Mandha Mudhyanninadha: ||
Romanjoyam Sarvatho Na: Sharere Bhooyasyantha: Kanchithananda Moorcha,
Ascharyoyam Kshvelavego Mukundhethi Uktho Gopai: Nanditho Vandithobhu: ||
Yevam Bhakthan Muktha Jeevanapi Thvam Mugdhapangai: Astha Rogamsthanoshi:
Thadhugbhootha – Speethakarunya – Bhuma Rogath Paya Vayugehadhi Natha/Vasa ||
Jai Sriman Narayana  !!

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