Legend of Kapila - Kapilavatharam – Srimad Narayaneeyam/Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Swayambhuva Manu, son of Lord Brahma lived blissfully in that Manvanthara, continued austerities and worshiped on your lotus feet and recollecting your glories.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, In the meantime, Karddhama Prajapathi was born from the shadow of Lord Brahma, he sincerely followed the teachings of Lord Brahma, desired in the function of creation.  Oh! Supreme Lord with splendor, Karddhama Prajapathi worshipped you for ten thousand years.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Vibho, You have appeared before Karddhama Prajapathi in your mesmerizing form on your celestial vehicle Garuda, in your dark cloud like complexioned, carrying shimmering lotus flower on hand and stunningly beautiful smile on your face.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Karddhama Prajapathi eulogized your glories in a state of bliss.  You have prophesied that Devahoothi, daughter of Manu would be his wife.  The couple would have nine daughters and you will be born as their son Kapila.  Ultimately, Karddhama Prajapathi would attain salvation at your lotus feet.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa as per the divine instruction of Sage Narada which was prompted by you, consequently Manu with his wife Shatharupa with their virtuous daughter Devahoothi approached Karddhama Prajapathi who was waiting for their arrival.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Devahoothi was a gem amongst the chaste women was respectfully given in marriage to Karddhama Prajapathi by Manu.  Karddhama Prajapathi was highly pleased at the dedicated services of Devahoothi, he sincerely continued veneration of you with utmost faith.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, As a result of all those glories of your worship Karddhama Prajapathi assumed a mesmerizing form to please his devoted wife Devahoothi, further he got a celestial vehicle which has several female attendants and the couple blissfully sported in the garden of deities.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, In this way, Karddhama Prajapathi and his wife Devahoothi blissfully lived for hundred years.  These couple had nine beautiful daughters, Karddhama Prajapathi was prepared to take up the ascetic life and retire to woodland.  But, he had to follow the request of his wife Devahoothi who was eagerly waiting for the arrival of you as their son and he decided to continue to be home.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa,  as per the advice of Karddhama Prajapathi, Devahoothi immersed in the worship of you.  In due course of time, you were born as Kapila to this couple.  You have personified as Kapila in order to declare the eternal truth/Paramathma Thathvam to mankind.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Karddhama Prajapathi preceded to woodland with a sense of accomplishment to follow ascetic life immediately after you birth as Kapila.  Further, you have imparted the knowledge of eternal truth to your mother Devahoothi.  Oh! Hare, I earnestly pray to remove all our grief and sorrows caused by the illnesses.

Please follow the link below to read the Kapilopadesha:

Samanusmrutha – Thavakanghri Yugma: Sa Manu: Pankaja – Sambhavanga Janma
Nijamanthara  Mantharayaheenam Charitham They Kathayan Sukham Ninaya ||
Samaye Khalu Thathra Karddhamakhyo Dhruhinacchaya – Bhavasthadheeya Vacha
Dhrutha Sarga Raso Nisargga Ramyam Bhagavasthvam Ayutham Sama: Sishevey ||
Garudopari Kala Megha Kramam Vilasath Keli – Saroja – Pani Padmam
Hasithollasithananam Vibho ! Thvam Vapuravish Kurushey Sma Karddhamaya ||
Sthuvathe Pulakavruthaya Thasmai Manuputhrim Dhayitham Navapi Puthri:
Kapilasccha Sutham Swameva Paschath Swagathim Chapyanugruhya Nirggathobhu: ||
Sa Manu: Shatha Roopaya Mahishya Gunavathya Suthaya Cha Devahoothya
Bhavadheeritha – Naradopadhishta: Samagath Karddhama Magathi – Pratheeksham ||
Manunopahrutham Cha Devehoothim Tharuni Ratna Mavapya Karddhamosau
Bhavadharcchana – Nirvruthopi Thasyam Dhruda Shushrushanaya Dhadhou Prasadam ||
Sa Punasthadhupasana – Prabhavath Dhayitha – Kamakruthey Kruthey Vimaney
Vanithakula Sangulo Navathma Vyaharadh Deva Padheshu Devahoothya ||
Shatha Varashamadha Vyatheethya Soyam Nava Kanya: Samavapya Dhanyaroopa:
Vanayana Samudhyathopi Kantha – Hithakruth Thvajjanothsuko Nyavaseeth ||
Nija Bharthrugira Bhavannisheva Nirathayamadha Deva ! Devahoothyam
Kapilasthvamajayadha Jananam Pradhayishyan Paramathma – Thathvavidhyam ||
Vanameyushi Karddhamey Prasanney Matha Sarvaswa Swamupadhishan Janannyai
Kapilathmaka ! Vayumandhiresha !  Thvaritham Thvam Paripahi Mam Gadhoughath ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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