Excellence of Lord Guruvayurappa & Glories of Devotion - Srimad Narayaneeyam & Srimad Bhagavatham !! Lyrics & Its Meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, we meditate upon your magnificent form, with the marvelous crown excels the brilliance of Lord Surya, beautifully smeared sandal paste on your forehead, stunning eyes overflowing with compassion and a smile of extreme benevolence, perfectly shaped nose, lustrous cheeks in reflection of fish shaped ear stud, gleaming of precious Kousthubha garland around your neck, and various precious jewels, flower garlands and the mark of Srivastsam on your chest.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I shall take refuge on your lustrous lotus feet and meditate upon the glorious form which removes the miseries of your devotees, your spectacular form adorned with various ornaments like Keyuram/ornaments worn on the shoulder,  Angadham/armlet,  Kanganam/gem studded bangles/bracelets and Maharathna Anguliyam/rings made of various precious gems.  The four arms holding the divine weapons of conch, wheel, mace and lotus flower, grand yellow silk attire attached on the waist with a golden waist belt.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Lord Vishnu, your grandeur is greatest among the three worlds, it has the complete essence of charisma, your brilliance excels all those sparkling, sweetness of you excels all the sweetness, and your beauty excels all the beauties.   Oh! Vibho, Your magnificent form is greatest among the wonders in this Universe, is there anyone left without enticed by your charm?
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Achyutha Vibho, Your consort Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who is the embodiment of prosperity and auspiciousness, attained you in marriage; she is so much of in love with you and your magnificent form, Alas!  It’s painful that she is not inclined to be with her devotees, because of her extreme affection towards you; therefore she has acquired the reputation of fickle minded towards her devotees.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, I affirm that your consort Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi is extremely attached to your captivating form, therefore she is unsteady with her devotees. Oh! Lakshmipathey, I also assure that whoever meditates upon you, singing and praising the glories of you with utmost devotion and dedication, Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi attentively listen to the glories of her beloved and reside with them.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, whoever meditates upon the glorious form of you which is overflowing with the nectar like bliss and it’s the combination of supreme consciousness and joy that captivates the minds or listen to your glories that would enthuse the mind filled with ecstasy, excites each and every limb, bathe in the flood of cool tears produced due to the extreme delight.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, , Therefore the great sages  inscribed  that Bakthi Yoga is superior than the Karma Yoga and Gnana Yoga.   Oh! Ramavallabha you are the embodiment of attractiveness, easily captures the mind of your devotees.  Hence, everyone can attain you effortlessly through intense love and devotion.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, the performance of one’s duties and responsibilities without any selfish motive is called Karma Yoga that would provide fruitful results in distant future.  The performance of Gnana Yoga attaining knowledge of Brahmam through the sacred texts and Upanishads is too abstract and extremely difficult task to accomplish for the mind.  Oh! Vibho, Therefore the practice of Bhakthi Yoga requires intense love for you that is always the sweetest and most beneficial as well.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, some follows the path of Karma Yoga with various disciplines for a long time and attain purity of mind, which entitles them to practice either Gnana Yoga or Bhakthi Yoga.  Some may strive hard to practice Gnana Yoga without any feeling of compassion or love, ultimately take many lives to attain the goal.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Devotion to your lotus feet through listening to the glorious myths of you itself is nectar like bliss, in this way it gives supreme knowledge and enlightenment without much effort, its superior than any other Yoga and it provides instant result as well.  Oh! Vibho, Oh! Vathalayadheeshwara,   Oh! Vibho, I earnestly pray to provide us the true love/devotion which is capable to melt our hearts with intense passion towards your lotus feet.
Soorya Sparddhi Kireeda Moordhva Thilaka – Prodhbhasi Phalantharam
Karunyakula – Nethramardhra – Hasithollasam Sunasa Pudam |
Gandodhyan Makarabha Kundala Yugam Kandojwalath Kousthubham
Thavad Roopam Vanamalya Hara Padala – Srivatsa Deepram Baje ||
Keyurangadha Kanganoththama – Maharathna Anguliyangitha –
Srimad Bahu – Chathushka Sangatha – Gadha Shankheri – Pangeruham |
Kanjith Kanchana – Kanji Lanchitha Lasath Peethambara Alambinim
Alambhey Vimalambuja Dhyuthi  Padham Moorthim Thavarththicchidham ||
Yath Thrailokya Maheeyasopi Mahitham Sammohanam Mohanath
Kantham Kanthi – Nidhanathopi Madhuram Madhurya Dhuryadhapi |
Soundharyothara Thopi Sundara Tharam Thvadh Roopam Ashcharyathopi
Ascharyam Bhuvane Na Kasya Kuthukam Pushnathi Vishno ! Vibho ! ||
Thaththa Dhruk – Madhurathmakam Thava Vapu: Sambrapya Sambanmayi
Sa Devi Paramothsuka Chiratharam Nasthey Swa Bhaktheshvapi |
Thenasya Batha Kashtam Achyutha ! Vibho ! Thvad Roopam Manojjyaka
Prema Sthairya Mayadha Chapala Balath Chapalya Varththodha Bhooth ||
Lakshmi Sthavaka – Ramaneeyaka – Hruthaiveyam Pareshva Sthirethi
Asminn Nyadhapi Pramana Madhuna Vakshyami Lakshmipathey !
Ye Thvadhyana – Gunanu Keerthana – Rasa Saktha Hi Bhaktha Jana:
Theshvasha Vasathi Sthiraiva Dhayitha Prasthava Dhaththadhara ||
Yevam – Bhootha – Manojjya Thanavasudha – Nishyandha – Sandhohanam
Thvad Roopam Para Chidhra Sayanamayam Chethoharam Shrunvatham |
Sadhya : Prerayathe Mathim Madhayathe Romancha Yathyangakam
Vyasinchathyapi Sheetha Bhaspa Visarai: Ananda Moorcchodh Bhavai : ||
Yevam Bhoothathaya Hi Bhakthyabhi Hitho Yoga: Sa Yogadhvayath
Karma Gnana Mayath Bhrushoththamatharo Yogishwarair Geeyathey |
Soundharyai Karasathmake Thvayi Khalu Prema Prakarshathmika –
Bhakthir Ni;Shramameva Vishwa Purushai: Labhya Rama Vallabha: ||
Nishkamam Niyatha Swadharmma Charanam Yath Karma Yogabhidham
Thath Dhoorethya Phalam Yadhoupanishad – Gnanopa Labhyam Puna: |
Thath Thva Vyakthathaya Sudhurgga Matharam Chiththasya Thasmadh Vibho !
Thavath Premathmaka Bhakthireva Sathatham Swadheeyasi Shreyasi ||
Athyayasa Karani Karma Padalanyacharya Niryanmala
Bodhey Bhakthi Padhedhavapyu Chithatham Ayanthi Kim Thavatha |
Klishta Tharkkapadhe Param Thava Vapu: Brahmakhya Manye Puna:
Chththardhrathvam Mruthey Vichinthya Bahubhi: Sindhyanthi Janmantharai: ||
Thavath Bhakthisthu Katha Rasamrutha Jari Nirmmanjanena Swayam
Sidhyanthi Vimala Prabhodha Padhavim Alesha Thasthanvathi |
Sadhya: Siddhikari Jayasthyathi Vibho ! Saivasthu Mey Thvadh Padha
Prema Proudi – Rasardhratha Dhrutha Tharam Vathalayadhishwara ! ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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