Description of deluge/ Pralaya Varnanam - Srimad Narayaneeyam !! Lyrics & Its meanings

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, After the Prakritha Pralaya/ complete deluge, Brahma Kalpa took place, eventually Lord Brahma came into existence.  Lord Brahma received the knowledge of Veda from you, consequently initiated the function of creation like the previous kalpa.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, One thousand Chathuryugas makes a day for Lord Brahma, during that period of time Lord Brahma perform the function of creation, likewise one thousand Chathuryugas of night he immerse in Yoganidra called Naimithika Pralayam, at this time he merges in you with all his creations.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, with the grace of you Lord Brahma performs the creation at the beginning new Kalpa, like mortals begins their daily routines in the hours of morning.  Those who were born in the previous Brahmakalpa and the eternal souls wake up from their sleep.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Brahma has completed one Parardha,  Oh! Bhooman, I shall narrate about the sporting activities of you, which were taken place in the beginning of the next Parardha.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, at the final day of creation Lord Brahma who is desirous of Yoganidra, merges in your abdomen with the Universe and all his creations in subtle form.  At that moment, the entire Universe turns into a vast ocean.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, when the entire Universe turns into a vast ocean, you remain absorbed in Yognidra on the King of serpent/Phaniraji shey, in a state of supreme bliss.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, At the beginning of Pralaya you have engulfed all the energies and Jivas in you and entered into Yoganidra with a command to Time to awaken you at the end of the deluge.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Vishwanatha, in this way you have underwent thousand of Chathuryugas into Yoganidra, in due course of time, the Kalashakthi /Time awakened you from slumber.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Jalagarbhashayin, while you were reclining in the vast ocean, the Time/Kalashakthi has awakened you and realized the entire Universe has merged in you; eventually the subtle forms attain a fleeting look of you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, a divine lotus bud was instigated from your navel, which contains all those worlds merged in subtle forms in you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, the divine lotus bud elevated from your navel rose up above the water spreading marvelous brilliance all around and removed the darkness instantly.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, In the fully blossomed lotus appeared Lord Brahma as the Vedas personified, which wa supported by your Yogic powers.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Oh! Ananthabhooman, you have instigated Lord Brahma from Lotus flower in Padma Kalpa.  Oh! Lord Vishno, Oh! Vathalayanatha, we earnestly pray to eradicate our ailments.
Yevam Thavath Prakrutha Prakshayanthey Bhramey Kalpe Hyadhimey Labdha Janma |
Bhrama Bhooyasthvaththa Yevapya Vedan Shrutim Chakrey Poorva Kalpopamanam ||
Soyam Chathuryuga Sahasra Mithanyahani Thavanmithascha Rajanir Bahusho Ninaya |
Nidhrathyasou Thvayi Nileeya Samam Swashrushtai: Naimithika Pralaya Mahurathosya Rathrim ||
Asmadhrusham Punarahar Mukha Kruthya Thulyam Shrushtim Karothyanudhinam Sa Bhavath Prasadhath |
Prag Brahma Kalpa – Janusham Cha Parayusham Thu Suptha Prabhodhana Samasthi Thadhapi Shrushti: ||
Pancha Shabdha Madhuna Swayorddharoopam Yekam Pararddhamathi Vruthya Hi Varthatheysou |
Thathranthya Rathri Janithan Kathayami Bhooman ! Paschadhinavatharaney Cha Bhavad Vilasan ||
Dhinavasanedha Sarojayoni: Sushupthikama Sthvayi Sannililye |
Jaganthi Cha Thvajjadaram Sameeyu: Thadhedham Yekarnnava Masa Vishwam ||
Thavaiva Veshey Phaniraji Sheshey Jalaika Sheshey Bhuvaney Sma Sheshey |
Ananda – Sandhranu Bhava Swaroopa: Swayoga Nidra – Parimudhrithathma ||
Kalakhya Shakthim Pralayavasaney Prabhodhye Thyadhi Shatha Kiladhou |
Thvaya Prasuptham Parisuptha Shakthi Vrajena Thathrakhila Jeeva Dhamna ||
Chathuryuganam Cha Sahasramevam Thvayi Prasupthey Punaradhvitheeye |
Kalakhya Shakthi: Pradhama Prabhuddha Prabodhayath Thvam Kila Vishwanatha ! ||
Vibhudhya Cha Thvam Jala Garbha Shayin! Vilokya Lokanakhilan Praleenan |
Theshveva Sookshmathmathaya Nijantha: Sthitheshu Vishveshu ! Dhadhadha Dhrushtim ||
Thathasthvadhiya Dhayi ! Nabhi Randhrath Udhanjitham Kinchana Divya Padmam |
Nileena Nisshesha – Padharthamala – Samkshepa Roopam Mukulayamanam ||
Thadhethadhamboruha Kudmalam They Kalebharath Thoyapadhey Praroodam |
Bahirnireetham Paritha: Spuradhbhi: Swadhamabhir Dhvanthamalam Nyakrunthath ||
Samphulla Pathrey Nitharam Vichithrey Thasmin Bhava Dhvirya Dhruthey Sarojey |
Sa Padmajanma Vidhira Viraseeth Swayam Prabhuddhakhila Vedarashi: ||
Asmin Parathman ! Nanu Padhmakalpey Thvamiththa Muththapitha – Padmayoni: |
Anantha Bhooma Mama Rogarasim Nirunddhi Vathalayavasa ! Vishno ! ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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