Sri Krishna Leela - Govardhanayagam/Govardhanoddharanam – Srimad Narayaneeyam/Srimad Bhagavadam !! Lyrics & Its meaning

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, once the cowherds were collecting the necessary materials for a grand Yagna to appease Lord Indra.  Oh! Shourey, you wanted to trample the pride of Lord Indra, although you are aware of the purpose of preparations, politely enquired Nanda and other cowherds about the purpose of the Yagna.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Nanda described the need to perform Yagna every year to appease Lord Indra , in return Lord Indra will happily provide plentiful rain on Earth, for all the humans and living creatures depends on the rain as their livelihood, especially people like cowherds who entirely depends on grass and water for their domestic animals.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, you have declared after listening to Nanda that it was not the right thought to believe Lord Indra provides rain and actually it was due to the past actions of the living beings generates abundance of rain.   In this woodland, what kind of offerings they do to Indra?
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, you have affirmed that their opinion was true; cattle are the wealth of cowherds and described that the Mount Govardhana is the prime source of water and grass, therefore the offerings should be made to Mount Govardhana.  In this way, Oh! Supreme Lord, you have declared the need to worship the auspicious things and holy men on Earth, along with the deities.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, after listening to your sermon, the cowherds offered great reverence to holy men, prepared abundance of offerings for Mount Govardhana, they performed circumambulation of the mountain with high reverence and devotion.  Oh! Supreme Lord, you have become the soul of Mount Govardhana and consumed the entire offerings to please the cowherds,
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, spoke “Oh! Cowherds, was not that true? Mount Govadharna had consumed all your offerings by its own, therefore Lord Indra, the enemy of mountain is angry.  The Mount Govardhana is well capable to protect all of us. ” Thus, inhabitants of Gokula were extremely happy listening to Supreme Lord.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, the people of Vrajabhumi were all jubilant returned with you to their land.  Eventually, Lord Indra came to know about the Yagna was being stopped by you, he could not put up with the idea, his mind was surmounted by the dominance of Rajoguna.  He was infuriated, though he was aware of the fact that his prestigious position was ordained by you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Indra whose mind was completely overpowered by false pride and ego decided to win over you, in order to affirm the fact that even the supreme Lord Vishnu,  destroyer of demon Madhu in the form of human shows any disrespect towards the deities would be destroyed.  So he decided to destroy the clan of cowherds and their prosperities to win over you.
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, Lord Indra released heavy down pour with lightning and crash of thunder, moving on his celestial vehicle Airavatha accompanied by Lord Agni and Lord Vayu who were surreptitiously disdainful to him.  Oh! Lord Tribhuvanapathey, who is not afflicted by your illusion/Maya?
Oh! Supreme Lord Guruvayurappa, you have pacified the cowherds and spoke “Although Lord Indra is angry, we are fearless due to the grace of holy men & Mount Govardhana.”  In this way, you have convinced the truth to cowherds and stood patiently waiting for the arrival of Lord Indra.  Oh! Lord Guruvayurappa, slayer of demon Mura, I earnestly pray to protects us from ailments.
Kathachith Gopalan Vihithamakha – Sambhara – Vibhavan
Nirikshya Thvam Shourey ! Maghava Madha Mudhvamsithumana: |
Vijanannapethyan Vinaya Mrudhu Nandhadhi Pashupan
Apruccha : Ko Vayam Janaka ! Bhavathamudhyama Ithi ||
Babhashey Nandasthvam Sutha ! Nanu Vidheyo Makhavatha:
Magho Varshey Varshy Sugayathi Sa Varshena Prithvim |
Nrunam Varshayaththam Nikhilamupajeevyam Mahithale
Visheshadhasmakam Thrina Salilajeevya Hi Pashava: ||
Ithi Shruthva Vacham Pithurayi ! Bavanaha Sarasam
Dhigethanno Sathyam Maghavajanitha Vrushtirithi Yath |
Adhrushtam Jeevanam Srujathikhalu Vrishtim Samuchitham
Maharanye Vriksha: Kimiva Balimindraya Dhadhathey? ||
Idham Thavath Sathyam Yadhiha Pashavo Na: Kuladhanam
Thadha Jeevyayasou Balira Chalabrthrey Samuchitha: |
Surebhyopyuthkrishta: Nanu Dharani Deva: Kshithithale
Thathasthepyaradhya: Ithi Jagadhitha Thvam Nijajanan ||
Bhavadhvacham  Shruthva Bahumathiyuthasthepi Pashupa:
Dhvijendran Archantho Balimadhadhurucchai: Kshithibhruthey |
Vyadhu: Pradhakshinyam Subhrushamana Mannatharayutha:
Thvamadha: Shailathma Balimakhilam Abhirapuratha: ||
Avochaschaivam Than KimihaVithadham Mey Nigathitham
Girindhro Nanvesha: Swabalimupabhungthey Svavapusha |
Ayam Gothro Gothradhvishi Cha Kupithey Rakshithumalam
Samastha – Nithyuktha: Jahrushurakhila Gokulajusha: ||
Paripreetha Yatha: Ghalu Bhavadhupetha Vrajajusho
Vrajam Yavath Thavath Nijamakha Vibhangam  Nishamayan |
Bavantham Janan Apyadhika Rajasa Krantha Hrudhaya:
Na Sehey Devendra: Thvadhupara Chithathmonnathirapi ||
Manushyathvam Yatho Madhubhidhabi Deveshva Vinayam
Vidhaththey Chennashta Sthridhasha Sadhasam Kopi Mahima |
Thathashcha Dhvasishye Pasupahathakasya Shriya Mithi
Pravruththasthvam Jethum Sa Kila Maghava Dhurmmadha Nidhi: ||
Thvadhavasam Hanthum Prlaya Jaladhanambhara Bhuvi
Prahrinnvan Bibhrana: Kulisha Mayamabhrey – Bhagamana: |
Prathastheynyai: Anthar Dhahana Marudhadhyair – Vihasitho
Bhavan Mayanaiva Tribhuvanapathe ! Mohayathi Ka?
Surendra: Kruddhascheth Dvijakarunaya Shailakripayapi
Anathangosmakam Niyatha Ithi Vishvasya Pashupan|
Aho ! Kinnayatho Garibhi Dhithi Sanchinthya Nivasan
Maruthgehadheesha ! Pranutha Muravairin ! Mama Gadhan ||
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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