Shiva Ashtapadi !! Dwadashashtapadi : Ashtapadi – 12

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!
Shiva Gitimala was composed by Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi ( 62nd Seer of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peedam), it consists of 20 enthralling verses known as Ashtapadi praising the pleasurable moments of Lord Ekamreshwarar and Goddess Sri Kamakshi.  This beautiful composition portraits the desperation, devotion and dedication, of individual soul/Jeevathma, attain union with the Supreme soul/Paramathma in order to achieve eternal bliss.  Shiva Ashtapadi/Shiva Gitimala begins with the veneration of Lord Ganesha.  The entire verses illustrate the miserable state of separation of Goddess Parvathi from Lord Shiva.  Goddess Sri Parvati underwent severe penance on the river banks of Kampa in order to unite with the Lord Shiva.  The divine couple undergoes unbearable pain of separation; Lord Shiva came down to Earth and resides under a mango tree where Goddess Sri Parvati undertakes penance was observed by faithful companion of Goddess and was duly informed.  The state of remorsefulness, desertion, guilt and the messages exchanged through the companion of Godess Sri Parvati etc.. are beautifully depicted in the Ashtapadi.  Ultimately Lord Shiva appears before Goddess Sri Parvati and apologizes profusely, after an initial harshness between the couple and blissfully unites.

In this verse Sri Chandrashekhara Yathi describes the prang of separation of Goddess Sri Parvati,   and faithful companion of Goddess exchanges those intimate feelings of Goddess Sri Parvati to Lord Shiva. “ Oh ! Omnipresent Lord Shiva, your consort is recalling beautiful moments of sport with you, she absorbed in the thought of pleasurable moments with you.  She keeps reciting your name; she is extremely emaciated at the cupid arrows of Lord Manmatha.  She carries garlands of various fresh alluring flowers in thought of you.  She has completely lost interest in applying sandal paste brought from Mount Malaya on her enthralling body; instead she smears holy ash all over her body.  Goddess Sri Gauri leaving her long striking plait of her without any decoration in thought of pleasurable moments with you.  She does not like to wear the gem studded crown on her head, she wears lotus stalk as bracelet in her hand.  She anxiously watching on the bed of buds and her beautiful eyes are searching for you often.”  Goddess Sri Girija looked at her faithful companion timidly; eventually her warm breath displaced her attire covered on her raised bosoms. 

The above verses composed by Sri Chandrasekhara Yathi, passionate devotee of Lord Shiva protect us from all distress. 

Om Nama Shivaya
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Virachith
|| Shiva Ashtapadi ||
Dwadashashtapadi : Ashtapadi – 12
Kalayathi Kalayathi Manasi Charantham
Kucha Kalasasprushamayathi Bhavantham |
Pahi Vibho Shiva Pahi Vibho
Nivasathi Gauri Kelivaney Pahi Vibho ||
Japathi Japathi Thava Nama Subha Manthram
Prathi Mururudhitha Sumayu Dhanthram  Pahi ||
Upachitha Kusuma Sudha Bhavahanthi
Bhavadhanu Chinthana Ma Kalayanthi Pahi ||
Malayaja Rajasi Nirakrutha Raga
Vapushi Bhasitha Dhruthi Samyatha Yoga  Pahi ||
Parihruthaveni Jadakacha Bhara
Nija Pathi Ghataka Janashaya Dhara Pahi ||
Avidhrutha Mani Mukudadhilalama
Bisavalayadhi Vidharana Kama  Pahi ||
Muhuravalokitha Kisalaya Shayana
Bahirupa Sangatha Sulalitha Nayana Pahi ||
Ithi Shiva Bhajanagunena Vibhantham
Chandra Shikhamanina Shubha Githam || Pahi ||
Sa Vikshathey Sahachari Madhanena Lajja-
Bharena Notharavacho Vadhathi Pragalbha |
Vyadhunvathi Kshasithakoshnasabhirena
Thungasthanothara Padam Girija Viyuththa ||

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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