Gnanappana !! Lyrics & Its Meanings - Part -4

Jai Sriman Naryana !!

Poonthanam describes the appalling nature of human “A number of wealthy and wicked people without the knowledge of eternal truth that even their clothes they wore would not follow them at the time of death refused to offer charity or alms to pious.  It has become common to swindle the trusted one without any guilt or shame and stand for lies with an intention to accumulate wealth.  Only the intellectual realizes the fact that the ‘Brahmam’ is true.  The knowledge should be gained through the studies of scared scriptures and text, some people act like intellectuals without any knowledge just like the donkey carrying camphor without its fragrances.  Krishna ! Krishna ! The ultimate truth is ‘Brahmam’, without the consciousness of it people get carried away with excessive ravenousness.  My salutations to Lord Krishna ! Mukunda ! Janardana ! Govinda ! Narayana ! Hari ! Achyutha ! Anantha ! Madhava ! Sachidananda ! “


Poonthanam narrates Vairagyam/austerities “life span of humans are getting reduced little by little and desires as well, meanwhile the voraciousness to celebrations, feast, earn wealth etc.. never comes to an end, ultimately the pathetic soul depart from this world….Shiva ..Shiva.  It’s the time to get familiarized with the truth; we have taken several births in this sacred Bharatha Varsha/Ganda according to our size of Karma and spent our lives without any fruitful purpose.  We have born with the short span of life, we are hail and healthy and there is not much time left with us to remember the holy names of Lord in this Kaliyuga.  The chanting & listening to the glories of Supreme Lord in this Kali era would definitely bring all fortunes or ‘Purushartha’/Dharma (righteousness)/Artha (wealth/ Kama (desires) & Moksha (Salvation) and removes fear of death.   It is not sensible to spent our precious lives meaningless and get entwined with the Karma/bondages, be familiar with the consciousness of the Supreme Lord and attain the Abode of Lord Vishnu/ Sri Vaikundam.  My salutations to Lord Krishna ! Mukunda ! Janardana ! Govinda ! Narayana ! Hari ! Achyutha ! Anantha ! Madhava ! Sachidananda ! “


Further, Poonthanam narrates the authenticity of life “we were neither born together nor will die together, why we should unnecessarily compete and grudge each other?  Why we should run madly to mount up wealth while we have ‘Purushartha’ (Dharma,Artha,Kama,Moksha),  just like running behind a fire fly and overlook the bright sun.  Is it indispensable to have a progeny of your own while Little Krishna resides in our hearts? We have abundance of relations…..Shiva…Shiva… in the form of passionate devotees of Lord Vishnu.    It is pitiful to note that we all are entangled in illusion.   Our Earth is the place of abundance of wealth.   Lord Vishwanatha is the father of the Universe & the nature Earth is Universal Mother and we have great parents to take care of us and we have food as alms to quench our hunger.   My Salutations to Lord Krishna ! Mukunda ! Janardana ! Govinda ! Narayana ! Hari ! Achyutha ! Anantha ! Madhava ! Sachidananda ! .”

Please check the lyrics here:

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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