Shiva Ashtapadi !! Dwithiya Ashtapadi – 2 !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Shiva Gitimala was composed by Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi ( 62nd Seer of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peedam), it consists of 20 enthralling verses known as Ashtapadi praising the pleasurable moments of Lord Ekamreshwarar and Goddess Sri Kamakshi.  This beautiful composition portraits the desperation, devotion and dedication, of individual soul/Jeevathma, attain union with the Supreme soul/Paramathma in order to achieve eternal bliss.  Shiva Ashtapadi/Shiva Gitimala begins with the veneration of Lord Ganesha.  The entire verses illustrate the miserable state of separation of Goddess Parvathi from Lord Shiva.  Goddess Sri Parvati underwent severe penance on the river banks of Kampa in order to unite with the Lord Shiva.  The divine couple undergoes unbearable pain of separation; Lord Shiva came down to Earth and resides under a mango tree where Goddess Sri Parvati undertakes penance was observed by faithful companion of Goddess and was duly informed.  The state of remorsefulness, desertion, guilt and the messages exchanged through the companion of Godess Sri Parvati etc.. are beautifully depicted in the Ashtapadi.  Ultimately Lord Shiva appears before Goddess Sri Parvati and apologizes profusely, after an initial harshness between the couple and blissfully unites.

Om Nama Shivaya
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Virachith
|| Shiva Ashtapadi ||
Dwithiya Ashtapadi – 2
Kalihara Charitha Vibhushana Shruthi Bhashana
Karathala Vilasitha Shula Jaya Bhavathapahara ||

Oh! Lord Shiva, who annihilates the evil effects of Kali, whose speech represents Veda and who holds the Trident in His hand, victory to the Lord who is the remover of the sufferings prevailed in this Universe.
Dinamani Niyutha Vibhasura Vichithasura
Nalina Nayana Kritha Puja Jaya Bhavathapahara ||
Oh ! Lord Shiva, you shine like Aditya, you are the vanquisher of demons and you are worshipped by Lord Vishnu.  Victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Nirjitha Kusuma  Sharasana Purashasana
Nidila Thilaka Shiki Kila Jaya Bhavathapahara ||

Oh! Lord Shiva, You defeated Lord Manmatha while aiming the cupid with arrows of flowers; you have destroyed the Tripura with your third eye which releases blaze.  Victory to the Lord is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Padhayuga Vinitha Khandala Phanikundala
Tribhuvana Pavana Padha Jaya Bhavathapahara ||

Oh! Lord Shiva who wears serpents as ear-stud, your lotus feet are capable to purify the three worlds is worshipped by innumerable devotees.  Victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Andhaka Dhanava Dharana Bhavatharana
Smarathanubhasitha Vilepa Jaya Bhavathapahara ||

Oh! Lord Shiva, slayer of Andhakasura, you are compassionate enough to safeguard your worshippers while crossing the ocean of Samsara, You beautifully smear the ashes of Manmatha, victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Himakarasha Kalavathamsaka Phanihamsaka
Gagana Dhuni Dhrutha Sheela Jaya Bhavathapahara ||
Oh! Lord Shiva, you wear the crescent moon as crown and Ganga in your matted hair locks and snakes as jewels.  Victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Parama Thapo Dhana Bhavitha Surasevitha
Nikhila Bhuvana Jana Pala Jaya Bhavathapahara ||
Oh! Lord Shiva, you are worshipped by Sages and deities; you are the protector of all worlds.  Victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.

Kari Mukha Shara Bhava Nandana Krutha Vandana
Shrunu Shashidhara Yathi Githam Jaya Bhavathapahara ||
Oh! Lord Shiva, Your sons Ganesha/Karimukha and Subramanya/Sharabhava prostrate before you, listen to the verses of Shashidhara Yathi/Chandrasekhara Yati.  Victory to the Lord who is the remover of miseries prevailed in the Universe.
Thuhinagiri Kumari Thunga Vakshoja Kumbha-
Sputa Druda Parirambamashlishta Divyangaragam |
Udhitha Madhana Khedhasvedham Santharam Mam
Avathu Parasupanovyartha Gadanuragam ||

The passionate embrace of Goddess Sri Parvati left a mark of her pot like bosom on your chest along with the remarkable fragrances during the amorous sport and it gushes out like expression of intense love through the hands which holds the divine weapon Parasu/Axe.  May that love protect me.

Vasanthika Kusuma Komala Dharshaneeyai:
Angouranga Vihitha Jwara Paravashyath |
Kampa Thado Pavana Seemani Vibramanthi
Gourimidham Sarasamaha Sakhi Rahasyam ||
Goddess Sri Parvati was roaming through the garden located on the banks of river Kampa, she was tormented by the cupid arrows of Lord Manmatha, her limbs were supple like flowers in the spring season, and her close associate spoke to her the above words surreptitiously.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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