Ratha Sapthami on 6th February, 2014 !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Ratha Sapthami/Shukla Paksha Magh is the seventh day in the bright half of the month Magh marks the movement of the planet sun while crossing the celestial equator, day and night becomes equal length indicates the beginning of spring.  It symbolizes Lord Surya’s chariot drawn by seven horses’ moves towards the northern hemisphere.  Ratha Sapthami also marks as Surya Jayanthi, the birth of Lord Surya to Sage Kashyapa and his chaste wife Aditi. 


There is an interesting myth associated with the significance of worship of Lord Surya on the propitious day of Ratha Sapthami.  The King of Kamboj Yashovarma was a righteous ruler; he had no offspring for quite some time.  The couple were distressed at the thought of there was no heir to the throne.   King Yashovarma performed various fire sacrifices and pleased the deities.  In due course of time, the queen gave birth to a stunning male child but unfortunately the child was ill by birth.  King Yashovarma sought the advice of Sages and scholars to improve the health of the child.  In order to get rid of the past sins, the child has to venerate Lord Surya on the auspicious day of Ratha Sapthami, which would bring him perfect health.  Eventually, son of King Yashovarma performed the rituals of Ratha Sapthami and got rid of his illness.  Later, he was crowned as the King of Kamboj after his father and successfully ruled his Kingdom for several years.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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