Mahabharath !! The rivalries between Panadavas & Kauravas !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

The great epic Mahabharath was composed by Maharishi Veda Vyasa/Krishna Dwaipayana, son of Sage Parasara and Sathyavati, a woman from fishermen clan.  Mahabharath describes the legend of Bharatha Dynasty.     It was written in 18 Parva such as Adhi Parva, Sabha Parva, Vana Parva, Virada Parva, Udhyoga Parva, Bhishma Parva, Drona Parva, Karna Parva, Shalya Parva, Soupthika Parva, Stri Parva, Shanthi Parva, Anushasana Parva, Ashwamedha Parva, Ashramavasika Parva, Musala Parva, Mahaprasthanika Parva and Swargarohana Parva and each Parva has divided into many Upaparva and has chapters in detail.    Adhi Parva depicts the life of King Dushyantha and his wife Shakunthala and their son Sarvadhamanan, who was famously known as Bharatha, a righteous ruler of Bharatha Empior.


Lord Brahma created deities, Sages and Prajapathis.  It was the beginning of the growth of human race from the sixty daughters of Daksha Prajapathi.  Pururavass,  Yayathi, Puru,  Dushyantha,  Bharatha, Shanthanu were born in the family of Dithi, one of the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi. 


King Janamejaya, son of King Pareekshit conducted a grand Yagna to please serpent Gods.  There were a huge number of Rishis & Sages were present in the magnificent Yagna, Maharishi Veda Vyasa along with his disciple Rishi Vaishampayana and Sage Ugrasrava Sauti was also amongst them.   Rishi Vaishampayana narrated the stories of Kuru Dynasty to King Janamejaya at the time of Naga Yagna.  Later, this anecdote was described to the Sages and Rishis assembled in Naimisharanya by Sage Sauti, son of Sage Romaharshana/Lomaharshana, disciple of Maharishi Veda Vyasa.


Rishi Vaishampayana narrated the Sapindakaranam /Sraddha rituals of King Pandu.    The Sraddha rituals of King Pandu were performed by the Pandavas with the guidance of Bhishma Pithamaha and the enlightened members of the families.  A grand feast was organized and fed abundance of Brahimns and offered gems, precious stones, wealth as charity.  In this way, Pandavas were sanctified from the impurity caused by the death of their father.  The mourning for the departed soul continued for quite some time.  After the Shraddha ceremony, seeing the families and subjects of Hasthinapur sunk in the deep sorrow, Maharishi Veda Vyasa informed his mother Sathyavati that the days of joy and happiness has gone forever and the omen of misfortune has already begun.  The sins has increased day by day, the Kingdom of Hasthinapur will not survive too long with the sinners and wrong-doers.    Henceforth the good things will come to an end; the society will be filled with deception and malevolence.  He advised his mother not to witness the destruction of her own race at her old age and grieve over it, further advised her to accept Vanaprasthashrama and immerse in meditation through Yoga.


Sathyavati addressed to her daughter-in-laws about the dreadful consequences of the deeds of her grandsons and the annihilation of Bharatha dynasty and its subject, that was informed by her son Maharishi Veda Vyasa.  She exposed her decision to follow Vanaprasthashrama with the youngest daughter-in-law who was grief-stricken at the death of her dearest son Pandu.  Shortly, Sathyavati met Bhishma and received consent from him too.  Sathyavati with her two daughters-in-law accepted Vanaprasthashrama and proceeded to woodland.  In the forest, Sathyavati immersed in profound meditation and attained salvation.


As years passed by, the five children of King Pandu grew up in the palace of Hasthinapur with all those royal comforts and luxuries.  They proved their supremacy in strength and power over the sons of Drutharashtra whenever they met each other.  Bhima/Vrukodhar defeated the entire Kurus with his immense physical strength; often he exhibited his enormous strength on the Kauravas due to their arrogance and ignorance, which put them into chaos.   Bhima effortlessly handled the hundred mischievous Kauravas with his enormous prowess and strength.


The powerful Duryodhana, the eldest amongst the Kauravas conceived extreme hostility towards Bhima, who has colossal strength and power.  The wicked and outrageous Duryodhana prepared to commit a severe sin out of ignorance; he found there was no other ways to conquer the powerful Bhima other than destroy him.  His wicked mind engaged in the constructions of treacherous plans against the Pandavas, once the powerful Bhima was removed from his way; it was Yudhishtira and Arjuna can be defeat easily to obtain sole power of the crown as the King of Hasthinapur.  Duryodhana was planned to drown Bhima in the vast current of Ganga.  Duryodhana invited the Pandavas to a recreational palace at Pramankoti, situated on the banks the river Ganga, filled with multitudes of venomous snakes located far from the city of Hasthinapur,.  The recreational palace constructed was decorated in an elegant manner with all those richness; it has various sporting facilities, skilful cooks to prepare spectacular meal and various entertainment facilities.  There were huge numbers of assistants to carry out the orders of Princes, once the preparation was over it was duly informed to Duryodhana.


The wicked minded Duryodhana invited the Pandavas to recreational palace at Pramankoti a vast place exclusively for entertainment.  All of them were mounted on elephants and various vehicles and left the capital of Hasthinapur.  Shortly, Duryodhana arrived with his brothers and Pandavas to the recreational palace and tactfully dismissed the assistants.  Pandavas mesmerized at the exquisiteness of the recreational palace, the stunning architectural beauty of grand halls, paintings on the wall, artificial waterfalls, flowers of various fragrances etc.. The Pandavas and Kauravas sat down on the places allotted and took great pleasure in the sumptuous meal arranged for them.   In the meantime, Duryodhana who had sugary tongue and razor sharp abhorrence towards Bhima, was already made evil plan to serve food contained deadly poison to Bhima.   At last, Duryodhana succeeded in his plan, he found immense joy in feeding the food with the deadly venom to Bhima.  Immediately after the meals Pandavas were taken for water sport, the children found extreme joy in the sports.  It was the time of sunset, all the children got out of the water with intense fatigue and dressed up, but Bhima was felt terrible exhaustion and slept on the ground, slowly the venom started working on him, eventually Bhima lost conscious.  Duryodhana who was keenly watching upon the movement of Bhima, bound him with chords of shrub and threw him into Ganga.  Bhima sunk deep into the water and landed in Naga Loka, the dwelling place of venomous snake King Vasuki.  Bhima was bit by thousands of deadly snakes with their powerful fangs contains fatal poison.   Thus, the poison already consumed by Bhima was counteracted with the deadly snake bites all over the body except his chest that was too hard to penetrate.  Soon Bhima regained his consciousness and with all that powers, he forcefully trampled the snakes under his feet, the deadly snakes were horrified and flew with their lives, it was duly reported to their King Vasuki.  Vasuki and Aryaka, grandfather of Kunthi arrived on the spot and witnessed Bhima.  It was Aryaka realized Bhima and embraced him.  Vasuki learned about all the unfortunate incidents happened to Bhima and enthusiastically ordered Aryaka to present Bhima with precious jewels and gems.  Aryaka gracefully refused the treasures and desired to provide Bhima with nectar-vessels that would provide him the strength of thousand elephants after consuming the same.  King Vasuki gave his approval and the auspicious rites began.   Bhima quaffed off the contents of eight vessels at ease, the serpents of Nagaloka prepared a comfortable bed for him to relax.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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