Mahabharath !! Birth of Pancha Pandava !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


The great epic Mahabharath was composed by Maharishi Veda Vyasa/Krishna Dwaipayana, son of Sage Parasara and Sathyavati, a woman from fishermen clan.  Mahabharath describes the legend of Bharatha Dynasty.     It was written in 18 Parva such as Adhi Parva, Sabha Parva, Vana Parva, Virada Parva, Udhyoga Parva, Bhishma Parva, Drona Parva, Karna Parva, Shalya Parva, Soupthika Parva, Stri Parva, Shanthi Parva, Anushasana Parva, Ashwamedha Parva, Ashramavasika Parva, Musala Parva, Mahaprasthanika Parva and Swargarohana Parva and each Parva has divided into many Upaparva and has chapters in detail.    Adhi Parva depicts the life of King Dushyantha and his wife Shakunthala and their son Sarvadhamanan, who was famously known as Bharatha, a righteous ruler of Bharatha Empior.


Lord Brahma created deities, Sages and Prajapathis.  It was the beginning of the growth of human race from the sixty daughters of Daksha Prajapathi.  Pururavass,  Yayathi, Puru,  Dushyantha,  Bharatha, Shanthanu were born in the family of Dithi, one of the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi.



Pandu with his wives Kunthi and Madhri lived a blissful life in the woodland, he was anxious to see his wives’ grief without progeny.  Pandu advised Kunthi to have a child from a Brahmin or a Sage as Niyoga, Kunthi revealed her vow to remain loyal to her husband, therefore refused to follow the same.  Pandu narrates the story about the chastity of the mother of Swethakethu.


Sage Uddhalaka and his chaste wife Kushikathmaja had a virtuous son Swethakethu, the couple underwent severe penance for several years, Swethakethu engrossed in the service to his parents.  Once, an old Brahmin Vipravan visited Sage Uddhalaka, he found Swethakethu enthusiastically serving his parents.  The Brahmin enquired about the child, Sage Uddhalaka introduced Swethakethu as their devoted son.  Vipravan sorrowfully exposed his pathetic state, he remained an ascetic all his life, and according to Dharma Sastra a childless never attains salvation without performing rituals after death.  He earnestly requested Sage Uddhala to allow him to have a child in his chaste wife Kushikathmaja and right away took hold of her hand.  Swethakethu became furious at the unruly behavior of Vipravan, he grasped his mother’s hand screamed at Vipravan to leave his mother at once.  Vipravan responded that he would leave Kushikathmaja after obtaining a son for the performance of rituals to please his ancestors, also stated that it is not a sin for his mother to have a physical relationship with him, it is permissible in the Sastra for a childless Brahmin and deities can have offspring from a married woman.  Swethakethu in an anguish and pain announced that it is necessary for every woman should undergo the practice of abstaining from physical relationship on moral grounds, otherwise they would be treated as sinners. 


After listening to Pandu, Kunthi revealed the Devabhoothi Manthra that was received from Sage Durvassa as a boon to have virtuous progeny.  This pleasant information brought Pandu in a state of ecstasy; he was extremely unhappy about the fate of Hasthinapur without a legal heir to the throne.  Pandu overjoyed at the fortune Kunthi had brought to Kuru Dynasty.   Pandu prompted Kunthi to invoke Lord Dharmaraja to obtain a righteous child, one who follow the path of morality at all times and benevolent.  Thus, Kunthi sincerely chanted the hymn and pleased Lord Dharmaraja.  A child was born to this couple as desired with the blessings of Lord Dharmaraja that was Yudhishtira.  Yudhishitira was born as legal heir to the throne of Hasthinapur.  Shortly, at the instruction of her husband Kunthi invoked Lord Vayu and earnestly prayed for a child who has the supremacy and might of Lord Vayu.  Vrukodhar Bhima was born to the couple with marvelous vigor on his arms as a blessing of Lord Vayu.  Later, Kunthi invoked Lord Indra and prayed for a child; Lord Indra blessed the couple with a child Arjun, who has abundance of compassion and profound skill in Archery.  It was the decision of Kunthi that Madhri should not experience the agony due to the absence of progeny any longer.  Kunthi sincerely taught the hymn to Madhri, she earnestly prayed to Ashwini Kumaras to have offspring’s.  Madhri was blessed with two sons Nakul and Sahadeva, they were intuitive and had perfect knowledge in Vaidhya Sastra.  Pandu along with his wives and all five children lived a heavenly life in the woodland.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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