Life of Sage Parasara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Sage Parasara was born to Sage Shakthi, son of Sage Vashishta.    Sage Sakthi and his hundred brothers were killed by a demon Rudra.  Sage Vashishta and his chaste wife Arundhathi was aware of the verity that   one has to go through the happiness and sorrow in their life, the death of Sage Shakthi created severe anguish in the couple.  They grieved over the death of their children, worried about the lack of progeny to hold the values of the family.  Adhrushyanthi, wife of Sage Shakthi comforted her parents-in-law by saying that she is pregnant with her husband before his sad demise and promised them that the child born would be highly intellectual and will keep up the values of the family.  Surprisingly, Adhrushyanthi carried the child in her womb for twelve years.  Once, Sage Vashishta was passing Adhrushyanthi, he suddenly put a halt to his walk thinking that somebody was following him chanting Veda,  enquired his daughter-in-law who was that following him chanting Veda exactly like his son Sage Shakthi.  Adhrushyanthi replied that it was the unborn in her womb chanting the Vedas and she was also quite familiar with the voice of the child, she delightfully commented that it was the appropriate age for the child to perform Upanayanam/Brahmopadhesham and the child learning Vedas by himself from the womb.  Sage Vashishta was in a state of bliss thinking of his grand child and the child was in mother’s womb for twelve years and born as an adolescent.  Sage Vashishta named the child as Parasara, the child who is capable to win over his enemies with the power of austerities immediately after its birth.  Parasara treated Sage Vashishta as his father and addressed him in the same manner, but Adhrushyanthi was unhappy about it.  Later, Adhrushyanthi revealed the truth to her son, about his father Sage Shakthi along with his hundred brothers was devoured by a demon Rudra.  Parasara was exasperated at the tragic incident, decided to vanquish the demon Rudra and his clan.  Parasara conducted a huge Yaga, he created sacrificial fire with the power of his austerities.  The demons in the whole world were in a threat.  Sage Pulasthya intervened and requested Parasara to bring an end to this Yaga, it was not a righteous deed to annihilate a clan for the mistake of a demon and strongly criticized that it was immoral to kill the innocents.  Sage Pulastya narrated the incident of  the death of Sage Shakthi to  Parasara.


King Kalmashapadha went on a hunting expedition to woodland.  On his way back, while travelling through the narrow pathways Sage Shakthi appeared before him.  King Kalmashapadha was tired of hunger and thirst, Sage Shakthi stood before the King without leaving space and ordered him to move away.  King Kalmashapadha who was always treated with high reverence and honored by its people was shocked at the inappropriate attitude of Sage Shakthi.  King Kalmashapadha was exasperated; he forcefully spanked the Sage with the belt used to drive horse.  Sage Shakthi withered in pain, cursed the King to become a demon.  The demon Rudra devoured the Sage Shakthi and his hundred brothers; Sage Pulasthya stated that the pathetic incident happened was a destiny.   Parasara was deeply moved after listening to the elderly Sage Pulasthya, Sage Pulasthya advised Parasara that it was unreasonable to blame the demon for all the happenings.  Parasara changed his mind and put an end to the Yaga, he fallen at the feet of Sage Pulasthya, he blessed Parasara to work for the betterment of the Universe.  Sage Parasara was composed many Vedic Scriptures like Vishnu Puranam, the sacred text containing the quintessence of Veda and Parasara Smrithi.  Manu Smriti, Gautama Smriti, Shankha Smriti were pertinent to Satya Yuga, Thretha Yuga and Dwapara Yuga respectively.   Parasara Smrithi is relevant to Kaliyuga, it endorses all the philosophies to improve the life of people in this Yuga.  Parasara Smrithi delivers the knowledge about conduct and expiation in twelve chapters such as Conduct, Conduct suitable for a class, Conduct of a Brahman/Viprakarma, Hospitality, Alms & Donations, Conduct of Kshatriya, Conduct of Vaishya, Conduct of Shudras, Norms of Married life, Purification from the effects of birth and death, Expiation for the sins, Duties of a married woman, Duties of a husband, Purification from the mishap, Sins & expiation, Purification of water bodies, Expiation of sins committed unknowingly, Expiation for Go Hathya, Expiation for illicit relationship, Expiation for intake of stale food from Shudra, Nightmares & Expiation, Study of Veda by undeserved people, Prohibition of Brahmin’s association with Shudra, Norms of dining, Norms of earning wealth and  Sins which lacks expiation.


Sage Parasara travelled extensively through the sacred lands arrived on the river banks of Ganga, on that night Sage Parasara accepted the hospitality of King of fishermen clan.  The very next day Sathyavati, maiden daughter of King of fishermen clan was appointed to take Sage Parasara on a ferry to cross the river, while Sathyavati was rowing the boat, Sage Parasara enquired her about the strong fishy smell was coming from; Sathyavati honestly replied that it was her body secrete the strong smell of fish.  Sage Parasara named her Matsyagandha, later Sage Parasara felt pity on her and provided a boon that her body would release attractive fragrances that would reach far and wide.  The arresting scent emanated from the body of Sathyavati was enthralled Sage Parasara, he approached Sathyavati with an yearning and advised her that the child born from their relationship will be righteous and strive for the betterment of the Universe, also promised that Sathyavati  will remain virgin after the birth of the child.  The child born to the couple was Maharishi Veda Vyasa/Krishna Dwaipayana, the child immediately left for penance assuring his mother that he will be present before her whenever she desired.  Sathyavati returned to her home, later she was married to King Shanthanu of the Kingdom of Hasthinapur.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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