Srimad Devi Bhagavatham !! Excellence of Devi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Jai Ambey Ma !!

Srimad Devi Bhagavatham (I.IV) describes the excellence of Goddess Sri Adi Shakthi.   Maharishi Veda Vyasa, son of Satyavati while in his hermitage on the river banks of Saraswati, was amazed to see two Chatakas(sparrow) affectionately feeding their young one, just raised out of the egg with its greasy striking tiny body.  The couple was extremely devoted to their young one, tenderly rubbing its body with all love and kissing all over.  Maharishi Veda Vyased became anxious after witnessing the warmth of the couple and eventually various thoughts rose in his mind.  This couple would be lived for a short while; they did not get the chance to see the family of their little one, there is no method of performing shradda rituals or Gaya Shradda or any kind of rituals after the death of their parents to be followed, yet the pair of Sparrows shows so much of affection to their young one without any expectation, immersed in the nurturing its young one as the height of happiness.


According to Dharma Sastra and Manu and Rishis prophesies, there is no prospect for the sonless, the man who has virtuous offspring’s would experience the ecstasy, Veda declare that he would be freed from the sins committed and attain the heavenly abode.  The sonless becomes distressed at the time of death, mournfully thinks about the wealth accumulated and its desolate state, consequently the agitation caused would never provide him the abode of Lord.   Various thoughts crossed in Veda Vyasa’s mind and decided to leave to Sumeru Mountain for penance.  After reaching the serene atmosphere of Sumeru Mountain, Maharishi Veda Vyasa immersed in the thought of which God should be worshipped to attain the boon.  Maharishi Narada appeared before Vyasa, was received with utmost reverence with Arkhya and Asana.  Maharishi Narada benevolently asked the reason for the distress to Veda Vyasa was earnestly answered.  Veda Vyasa revealed his depressed state due to lack of progeny and the consequences of the same, further he requested Maharishi Narada to advice on which God should be pleased to have a virtuous progeny.  After listening to the pathetic story of Veda Vyasa son of Parasara, Maharishi Narada narrated an incident that was previously advised by Lord Narayana to Lord Brahma.  Lord Narayana narrates that he is subservient to Goddess Sri Adi Shakthi, who vanquished the demon Madhu and Kaitabha originated from the wax appeared in his ears.  Lord Narayana describes the well-known fact prescribes in the Veda about creative/Rajassik, preservative/Swatik and destructive/Tamasik force in the Trinities, without these female energies the Creation, Preservation and Destruction will turn out inert.   Thus, Lord Narayana constantly meditates upon the lotus feet of Goddess Adi Shakthi during His Yoganidra.   Lord Narayana assumes the various forms of incarnation as Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Sri Rama, Balarama, Sri Krishna, Hayagreevah the will of Adi Shakthi.   Thus, Maharishi Narada described the excellence of Goddess Sri Adi Shakthi to Maharishi Veda Vyas, which was heard from Lord Brahma.    Eventually, Maharishi Veda Vyasa underwent severe penance meditating upon Goddess Sri Adi Shakthi, provider of all boons.


Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of the First Skandha of Srimad Devi Bhagavatham Mahapuranam.
Jai Ambey Ma !!
Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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