63 Nayanmars !! Life of Thirunavukkarasar ( Appar) !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Mevurai Ivvelayil Nidiyachir Virattam Amarnadhapiran Arulal
Pavuralar Senthmizh Chol Valapathika Thodaipadiya Panmayinal
Navukkarasarendrula Kezhinumnin Nannamam Nayapura Manukka
Yendriyavarkkum Viyappura Manachuraiva Nindaiye Oruvaimai Ezhudhadhuvey

Thirunavukkarasar was born to Thiru Pukalanar and Mathiniyar as their second child in a village called Thiruvamoor in Thirumunaipady.  He was named ‘Marulneekiyar’ (one who removes all the ignorance) and his elder sister was Thilakavathiyar.  When Thilakavathiyar attained the age of twelve, she was betrothed to Kalaipahayar – a young military commander in the Pallava army.  Immediately after betrothel, Kalaipahayar was assigned with the duty of warfare and killed at the battlefield.  Afterward Thilakavathiyar remained unmarried and spent rest of her life as a widower.  The unbearable pain and grief impelled young Thilakavathiyar to lead a life of an ascetic.  In a while her father became unwell and passed away; her mother embraced Sati (commit suicide by jumping on funeral pyre) and followed her husband.  The entire catastrophic incidents in the life of young Thilakavathiyar and Marulneekiyar drove them into a miserable state. Thilakavathiyar lived a dejected life and lived for the interest of her younger brother.   She was a zealous devotee of Lord Shiva and engaged in the service of Lord and his devotees.  She immediately took the responsibility of a mother to Marulneekiyar.  Seeing the terrible conditions in the family, Marulneekiyar was utterly confused and decided to leave to Pataliputra and accepted Jainism as his religion.

Eventually, Marulneekiyar was got attracted to the philosophy of Janism and its practices of non-violence.  Soon he joined in the school of Janism and mastered over the principles of Jainism and its practices.  Later, he turned out a brilliant scholar and known as ‘Dharmasenan’ amongst them.

Thilakavathiyar was dejected to know about her brother’s approach and felt deeply distressed about his change in faith, consequently abandoning the age old tradition of Shaivism.  She left her native village and settled in Thiruvadihikai.   She was a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva, sincerely prayed to Lord Veerattaneshwara (Thiruvadhikai) for her brother and brings him back on the age old tradition of Shaiva Sidhhantha. 

Dharmasenar – Marulneekiyar developed an unceasing pain in his abdomen.  The Jain scholars tried all the remedies to curtail his pain.  But nothing did work for his excruciating pain in the abdomen; on the other hand it turned out bad into worse.  Marulneekiyar realized that his days were numbered, he thought of his affectionate sister.  In the next moment, he secretly left the school of Jain and was on his way to meet his sister. 

Marulneekiyar arrived at Thiruvadhikai, fell at the feet of his sister and wept bitterly.  Immediately, she realized that her prayers were answered.  She wholeheartedly welcomed his brother and comforted him with her sweet words.  She applied holy ashes on his forehead, she instructed him to ingest them and chant the holy hymns ‘Panchakshara Mantra’ of Lord.  Thilakavathiyar took him to the temple of Lord Virattaneshwarar, Marulneekiyar passionately sung praising the glory of Lord. He was lamented over his misdemeanor towards saints and the sacred scriptures of Lord.  He wept resentfully and surrendered to Lord with all hearts.  It was truly miraculous act that as he concluded the song Marulneekiyar’s pain vanished instantly leaving no trace at all and they could listen to a divine voice ‘Marulneekiyar will be known to the world as ‘Thirunavukkarasar’ (Thiru = Sri, Navu = Tongue, Arasar = King) and his glories will remain forever.’  He was truly a King of speech; he sung glorious verses of Lord and visited many holy places all through his life. He and his sister continued their self-less service to Lord and engaged in spreading the glories of Lord Shiva. Thus, Thirunavukkarasar (Later, Thiru Gnana Sambandhar fondly addressed Thirunavukkarasar as ‘Appar’ known to the world at large) became a fervent devotee of Lord Shiva and his faith in Shaivism restored in double fold.

The above incident created a huge chaos amongst the people of Jainism in Pataliputra.   Their inability to cure Dharmasenan’s illness and abandoning the religion created a fret among them.  They worried that people may loose faith in their religion and would be answerable for the reason behind Dharmasenar’s decision to leave Jainism to the public and the King as well.  They plotted against Dharmasenar and proclaimed him as a conspirator.  King Mahendrvarman of Pallava Dynasty ordered to produce Marulneekiyar in his court and the final verdicts were announced.  Marulneekiyar was shoved into a dungeon of furnace. Amazingly, he remained safe and sound and he was in deep meditation in the dungeon for few days.  Jains were not ready to accept their defeat; instead they pronounced that the principle teachings and prayers of Jainism saved him.  Marulneekiyar was poisoned to death, fortunately the poison turned into nectar with the grace of Lord.  King Mahendravaraman ordered mahouts to kill Marulneekiyar with his Royal elephant. But, the elephant obediently circumambulated Marulneekiyar and prostrated before him.  Soon another verdict followed to punish Marulneekiyar, he was tied into a huge rock and decided to immerse into the depth of the sea.  Surprisingly, the huge rock started to float on the sea and Marulneekiyar came into sight singing priaising the glories of Lord.  Finally, the floating stone took Thirunavukkarasar safely to the shoreline of Thiruppapuliyur (Cuddalore).  That was just the beginning Thirunavukkarasar continued his spiritual journey and visited sacred temples of Lord Shiva on his way back to Thiruvadhikai and sung priaising the glories of Lord. 

King Mahendravarman who was a firm believer of Jainism realized the superiority of Shaivism and happened to came across many miraculous events which affirmed the faith in Shaivism.  At last, King Mahendravarman was deepily hurt at his misdemeanor towards the great saint, he approached Thirunavukkarasar and fallen at his feet to forgive.  Thirunavukkarasar affectionately embraced the King and once again his faith in the shaivisam reinstated at the mercy of Appar. Immdiately the King ordered to demolish the schools of Jains and built a magnificent temple of Lord Shiva at Gunapraveecharam, Thiruvadhikai.  The majestic Rajagopuram of this temple bears a resemblance to the chariot of Lord Shiva utilized to behead the demon Tripurasura.

There was a numinous incident occurred to Thirunavukkarasar, he felt impure due to the long association he had with the Jains and their beliefs.  He earnestly prayed to Lord Shiva and got himself untainted with the symbol of Trident and Nandi on his shoulders.  Thirunavukkarasar visited the holy shrine in Chidambaram and sung praising the glories of Lord Nataraja.  During his stay at Chidambaram he met Thiru Gnana Sambandhar at Shiyali (ourskirts of Chidambaram) they flattered each other and set an example for association of two great saints.  They together visited the temple in Shirkazhi Brahmapurishwarar temple and Appar sung praising the Lord Thoniappar in this temple.  They visited the temple of Sapthapurishwarar/Sattanathar at Thirukolakka.  Later, Thirunavukkarasar continued his spiritual journey all alone and arrived at Thiruvaduthurai and sung priaising the Lord with intense austerity, he moved to Sattimutham there he could listen to the divine instruction of Lord instructing him visit Thirunallur Sri Kalyana Sundareshwarar temple.  He passionately sung praising the glory of Lord Kalyana Sundareshwarar in this temple. 

Thirunavukkarasar travelled extensively through the length and breadth of the sacred land to spread the glories of Lord Shiva.  While his visit to Thingallur he met with Saint Apputhi Adigalar a zealous devotee of Lord Shiva.   A miraculous incident brought Apputhi Adigalar’s son back into life.  Thirunavukkarasar had the dharshan of Lord Tyagaraja at Thiruvarur; he was received with utmost reverence by the people of Thruvarur.  He immersed in total bliss and sung praising the glory of Lord Tyagaraja in this temple.  He was extremely remorseful in his whole life for the decision he had made to propagate the Jainism and its principle.  He also praised the glories of Naminandi Adigal who was fervent devotee of Lord Tyagaraja, who was performed the miracle of lightening the lamps with water when he had no means to buy oil in this temple.  Thirunavukkarasar arrived at Thirupukalur and visited the temple of Lord Agnishwarar, there he met Thiru Gnana Sambandhar for the second time and they spent blissful moments at the company of each others. They together continued their spiritual journey and visited sacred temples of Lord Shiva singing and priaisng the glory of Lord at Thiruveelimalai and Thirumaraikkadu – Lord Vedaranyeshwar (Vedaranyam).  During their stay at Thirupukalur there were many saints and holy men were visited them and this place turned out a divine land of Shaivism.  Later, Thirunavukkarasar earnestly prayed to Thiru Gnana Sambandhar to visit the temple of Lord Tyagaraja at Thrivarur.

At the divine command of Lord, Appar continued his journey to Thiruvaimoor leaving behind Sambandhar.  Lord guided Appar throughout his journey and suddenly vanished in one of the temples situated.  In the meantime, Sambandhar came to know about Appar’s departure and decided to follow him.  Sambandhar arrived at the temple there he met Appar; he was meticulously following Lord and solemnly prayed to Lord to give dharshan to Sambandhar.  Lord was pleased at the devotion of His fervent devotee – Appar and gave dharshan to both of them.

Appar resumed his journey to Palayarai there he found the temple of Lord was plundered by Jains and established a place for their worship.  Appar was deeply distressed and underwent severe penance. One night Lord appeared in the dream of the King who was ruled that city and informed him to sanctify the temple and install a Linga for worship of Appar.  At the divine command of Lord, King arrived with his army and shoved the Jains from this place of worship.  He prostrated Appar with utmost reverence and followed the ordinance of Lord.  He consecrated a Linga under the supervision and guidance of Appar.  Appar felt extremely happy at this micraculous event.

During Appar’s visit to Thirupanjali, he was tired of hunger and thirst.  He had to bring a sudden halt to his spiritual journey, at this moment Lord Shiva disguised in the form of a Brahmin and served him with food; He followed Appar upto certain distance and vanished.  Appar realized the mercy of Lord and wept bitterly at the separation of Him.  He resumed his journey to Thiruvannamalai, Kanchipuram and Kalahasthi singing and priaising the glories of Lord.  At Kalahasthi he passionately sang the glories of Kannappa Nayanar who was a keen servant of Lord.  He visited Banaras/Varanasi and worshipped Lord Vishwanatha.  In the meantime, his desire to visit Kailash grew out of reach.  He expansively walked throughout this sacred land without considering day or night and fearlessly walked through the woodlands without any fright from dangers. Soon, Appar turned out fragile and struggled to move on with his flimsy body.  Lord desired to have Appar should live long singing and praising the glories of Him.  He appeared before him disguised in the form of a saint with matted hair locks, Rudrakshas, marks of Tripundra with Holy ashes all over the body.  He advised Appar to change his mind from unyielding desire to visit Kailash.  But Appar was too firm to pull out from his decision. Later, Lord followed Appar giving encouragements from time to time. At one instant Appar earnestly prayed to Lord and worried about his failing body.  Lord instructed him to take bath in a holy pond created.  Appar followed the divine commands of Lord with the Panchakshara Mantra on his lips.  To his amazement, Appar found himself at Thiruvayyar several miles away from where he had begun his journey to Kailash.  Appar zealously rushed into the sanctum sanctorum there he could envisage Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvathy with the deities surrounded.  Appar was danced in an ecstasy singing and prasing the glories of Lord.

Thirunavukkarasar (Appar) remained in Thiruperunthurai and engaged in the service of Lord Athmanatha Swamy.  During this time, Thiru Gnana Sambandhar made a visit to Thirunavukkarasar at Thiruperunthurai.  Appar joined the followers of Sambandhar to receive him, without Sambandhar’s knowledge he silently gave a hand to the people who were carrying his palanquin. When they arrived at Thiruperunthurai, Sambandhar blissfully searched for Appar and found him carrying Sambandhar’s palanquin.   Sambandhar fell at his feet; they embraced each other with lot of affections and shed tears of joy.

Appar made a visit to the Kingdom of Pandya Kings to scrutinize the growth of Shaivism in Madurai.  The Pandya King – Nedunmaran and his queen Mangayakarasi Ammayar along with their minister of assembly Kulachirai Nayanar received Appar with great honor and respect.  Appar stayed in Madurai for sometime and resumed his journey to Rameshwaram.

Appar arrived in Thirupugalur and continued his service (cleaning the temple floors into sparkling) to Lord Agnishwara.  In order to test his devotion, at the will of Lord the temple floor were crammed with the precious gems and ornaments.  All the glitters were worthless for Appar and none could deviate his devotion and self-less attitude of this true Sanyasin. Appar sincerely continued his service of cleaning the floors, picking the gems from the floor and deposited them far out of reach like dirt.   Lord continued to examine Appar’s devotion; on the other hand Appar’s devotion to Lord lingered rock-hard.  Finally, at the ripened age of 81 years Appar attained Samadhi and merged with the Lords of Lord.
In the Tamil month Chithirai – Sathayam is widely celebrated as Guru Puja day in most of the temples of Lord Shiva in Tamilnadu.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

 Photo courtsey:www.shaivam.org

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Thanks for the detailed life history of Appar
