Brahma Vaivarta Puranam - Naimisharanya Kshetram !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Brahma Vaivarta Puranam describes the nature and beauty of Naimisharanya Kshetram, located in the beautiful land of thick forest (94 kms from Lucknow, U.P.).  The climate in this land is known for pleasant all the time.  This was the place where Yagnas and Yagas were held during Kritha, Thretha and Dwapara Yugas. 

While Maharishis performs Yagna and sacrifices with the sages and Vedic scholars assembled, Sage Lomaharshana - disciple of Maharishi Veda Vyas was also present and shared his knowledge about the Puranas he had acquired from his master.  The sages who where assembled were clarified about their doubts from Sage Lomaharshana. Their scholarly discussion continues for hours and hours in the absence of Yagnas. 

Lomaharshana narrated the mystery of 'Brahmam'.  In the begining, there was only water everywhere, The 'Brahmam' - Lord Narayana ('Nara' means water and 'ayana' means 'Seat') was in Cosmic Slee - Yoganidra.  There appeared a Golden Egg and from that Golden Egg emerged out Lord Brahma - Swayambu. 

Later, the Saptharishis were originated from Lord Brahma and they were:  Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulaha, Pulastya, Kratu and Vashishta.  Lord Brahma also created Lord Rudra, Sanaka, Sanada, Sanathkumara and Santh Sujatha.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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