Sri Dhanvanthari Jayanthi on 24th October, 2011 !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


Om Tat Purushaya Vidhmahe

Amruta Kalasa Hasthaya Dhimahi

Tanno Dhanvantari Prachodhayat

Om Adi Vaidhyaya Vidhmahe

Arogya Anugrahaya Dhimahi

Tanno Dhanvantari Prachodhayat

Dhanvanthari is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who carries a Golden pot of divine nectar of mortality in his hands.  He was emerged out of while churning milky ocean by Devas and Asuras.

Srimad Bhagavatham describes the manifestation of Lord Dhanvantari.  Lord Indra – the chief of demigods was blissfully riding on his elephant.  Sage Durvasa happened to see Lord Indra.  Sage Durvasa offered him an extraordinary flower garland that had been blessed by Sri Mahalakshmi.  Lord Indra received the garland from Sage Durvasa without much awareness of its importance.  He dispassionately threw the garland on the elephant’s trunk, who tossed the garland on the floor accidentally.  Sage Durvasa mortified at the demeanor of Lord Indra.  He cursed Lord Indra at his supercilious act that they all should deprive of their prosperity and strength.

At this point of time, the demon King Mahabali attacked the demigods with his mighty warriors and defeated them.  The deities lost their Kingdom and powers.  They sought the help of Lord Brahma.  Lord Brahma suggested the dieites to approach Lord Vishnu – the supreme Lord.  All the deities moved to Lord Vishnu and explained the vital predicament.  Lord Vishnu instructed them to seek alliance with the demons to churn the milky ocean for the nectar of immortality.  Moreover, Lord Vishnu assured them that He would make sure that the divine nectar would avail only to the deities to reinstate their powers and strength to win over the demons.

The deities and demons decided to churn the milky ocean, using Mandara Mountain as the rod and Serpent Vasuki as cord.  While churning was in progress, Lord Vishu took the form of a Tortoise – Kurma in order to fix Mandara Mountain from its tilting.  The first thing came out while churning the ocean was Halahala Poison, which was consumed by Lord Maheshwara.  Goddess Parvati took hold of His neck so that the poison would not reach his stomach and the poison remained in His throat.

While churning the milky ocean many divine objects being emerged. They were Kamadhenu, Ucchaisravas, Airavata, Kaustubhamani, Kalpavriksha, Sri Mahalakshmi and last but not the least Lord Dhanvantari.  His striking appearance with the Amrutha Kalasha (golden pot of divine nectar of immortality) attracted everyone.  He was young and well built, bluish in color, he had broad chest and reddish eyes.  He gracefully emerged out of the ocean; he was clad in bright yellow attire with the precious jewels adorned on his body and shinging earings of pearl, He was holding Conch, Leeches, Herbs, dice and a golden pot of Ambrosia.

Sri Dhanvantari Jayanti is celebrated to commemorate the incartnation of Lord Vishnu as Dhanvantari while churning the milky ocean.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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