Srimad Devi Bhagavatham !! Description on Mani Dvipa !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jai Ambey Ma !!

Srimad Devi Bhagavatham, twelfth Skandham - Chapter  Ten  describes on Mani Dvîpa the place where Devi resides.

Sudha Sindhor Madhye Sura Vidapivadi Parivruthey
Manidvipey Neepopa Vanavathi Chinthamani Gruhey
Sivakarey Manjey Paramasiva Paryanga Nilayam
Bajanthi Thwam Dhanya: Kathichana Chidhananda Lahareem

Maharishi Veda Vyasa describes to King Janamejaya about Manidvipa, where Devi resides.  According to Srutis, illustrated in the Subala Upanishad the Sarvaloka also known as Manidvipa, is superior to Brahmaloka.  Manidvipa made of Her own will exists in higher regions, superior to Kailas and Vaikundha.  Manidvipa is beyond comparison stands as an umbrella to curtail the sufferings and pains of living being in the world.  It is surrounded by Sudha Samudra – a vast ocean, has many yojanas of width and depth.  Sudha Samudra is a heavenly place for water animals, contains various precious gems and it is surrounded by beautiful trees.  There is a huge wall from corner to corner in order to block the entry to this place.  There are large numbers of warriors’ positioned to guard at every entry point.  Whenever any deity pays visit to Devi, their chariots and accompanying vehicles are stopped at the entry point.  Therefore, this place is always echoed with the Chariot bells and neighing of horses.  There are several enclosure walls  precede to principal entrance to Manidvipa, each and every enclosure walls stands majestically with  well groomed  flowery plants and trees of various fruits like Panasa, Vakula, Lodhra, Karnikâra, S’ins’apa, Deodâra, Kânchanâra,Mango, Sumeru, Likucha, Hingula, Elâ, Labanga, Kat fruit tree, Pâtala, Muchukunda, Tâla,Tamâla, Sâla, Kankola, Nâgabhdra, Punnâga, Pîlu, Sâlvaka, Karpûra, As’vakarna,Hastikarna, Tâlaparna, Pomegranate, Ganikâ, Bandhujîva, Jamvîra, Kurandaka, Châmpeya,Bandhujîva, Kanakavriksa, Kâlâguru ( coiled with cobras), Sandal Tree, Date Tree, Yûthikâ, Tâlaparnî, Sugarcane, Ksîra-tree, Khadira, Bhallâtaka, Ruchaka, Kutaja, Bel tree, Tulasî, Mallikâ etc..Etc… can be seen all around. The beautifully constructed pond, stream and Tanks, presence of Pigeons, Parrots, Mayanâ, Flamingoes, Swans and various species of birds, cool breeze carrying the fragrance of the various flowers, Kalpavriksha bearing golden leaves and its fruits like gems, the enthralling smell of flowers etc.  The King of All Seasons - Spring resides in this vast garden with his charming wives Madhu S’rî and Mâdhava S’rî along with the Gandharvas, Celestial Dancers and singers.

There is a garden of Santânaka tree, the fragrance of its flowers looks like gold extends to ten yojanas and the fruits are exceptionally sweet. In this garden resides the Summer Season with his two wives S’ukra S’rî and S’uchi S’rî.

In the centre situated the garden of Hari -Sandal Trees. Here, resides the Rainy Season with lightning as his auburn eyes and clouds are his armour, with thunderous voice and the rainbow as his arrow, he rains ceaselessly. He has twelve wives and they are Nabhah S’rî, Nabhahsya S’rî,  Svarasya,  Rasyasâlinî, Ambâ, Dulâ, Niratni, Abhramantî,  Megha Yantikâ,  Varsayantî, Chivunikâ, and Vâridhârâ.

There is situated the Garden of Mandâra trees. This garden is full of various creepers, flowers and leaves. The autumn season lives here with his two wives Isalaksmî and Ûrjalaksmî.   Siddhas – the saintly persons also dwells here with their wives.

There is situated the garden of Pârijâta and Kadamba trees are filled with bunches of flowers. The fragrance of these Pârijâtas extended up to ten Yojanas . The Hemanta Ritu (Dewy) season resides here with his two wives Tapah S’rî and Tapasyâ S’rî.

 Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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